This is the most INSANE R package I’ve tried in years… #rstats



Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 393/56): This is the most INSANE R package I’ve tried in years…



R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 12/3): How to set up a working HTTPS encryption with Netlify, blogdown, and {} #rstats #DataScience

R-Ladies Guayaquil (@RLadiesGye; 9/4): 🤩 Hoy inicia #RWeek

@josschavezf1 nos explicará una parte del potencial que tiene #RStats_ES para generar materiales para la docencia e investigación con #Xaringan #blogdown #bookdown 📚👩🏽‍🏫👩🏻‍💻

I ❤️ R

Registros en:

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 7/4): Great #blogdown content in this blog by @bieri_bernhard

And a beautiful #HugoApero website 👏 I love the dark theme! 🌙


Gabriel Andrade-Ponce (@Gatorco_AP; 2/0): @MariLudopata @kcp0621 Con blogdown se pueden hacer locuras, pero para blogs más sencillos yo recomiendo distill o el mismo Quarto

Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 1/3): 🐙Do you like the “gh-pages” branch where you can follow the changes in your deployed website on @github ?
🦊Do you miss a similar functionnality in @gitlab ?
👉 I built a trick to make it possible:
It can interest #rstats {pkgdown} / {blogdown} users

A. Jordan Nafa (@adamjnafa; 1/0): @devon_cantwell It does petty much everything but it was relatively easy to get set up because it’s built on a modified version of the wowchemy academic template and blogdown. Super easy to use if you know R and Markdown. Source code is here

Noah Greifer (@noah_greifer; 1/0): @_psyguy @quarto_pub But also this is a blogdown site. I followed several blogdown guides scattered across the web (probably why it was so hard). But now that it’s set up, I do understand it better.

Houston H. ❤️🇺🇦 Haynes (@h3techdev; 0/2): Hey @MangelMaxime I really dig Nacara and have ruminated on extending it to import Hugo templates. I have a lot of experience with it as an outgrowth of working in the #Rstats ecosystem (via blogdown/pandoc). Has it been given any consideration?


Vitoria Piai (@vipiai; 36/14): I took longer than I had hoped but here it is: A free book (chapter) on “Speaking” w contributions by Rinus Verdonschot @janakl4us @sriescornou @BrielleStarkPhD @Josephine_WD Annie Ohlerth

IU Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Dept (@iusphs; 24/1): Assistant Professor @BrielleStarkPhD authored a chapter on aphasia & language errors in this free ebook “speaking.” This is an intro text about speaking, written by a variety of experts, with a psychological, linguistic, and neuroscientific point of view:

Dr. Brielle C. Stark (she/her) (@BrielleStarkPhD; 8/1): Had great fun writing this chapter and thanks to @Josephine_WD for additional info & tweaking!

Matthew B Jané (@MattJan4; 6/2): @PsychdOnScience @flourn0 Here’s an online textbook on applying meta analysis methodology in R

There is also a newer systematic review and meta analysis/systematic review software called HubMeta that’s super easy to use and has some great features

Vitoria Piai (@vipiai; 6/0): Version controlled project on github released via (FOR FREE!!! Better than any textbook you would recommend to your students, right? 😆) It is far from complete and critically one whole section is still missing! Interested in contributing? Get in touch.

tipsder (@tipsder; 5/3): ¡Análisis de datos con #R!
Libro web con una introducción al análisis de datos haciendo uso de R.

Akira Terui (@m_laevis; 4/1): Rのdistillパッケージを駆使してラボのページを一新した。Rの解説などはbookdownで再構築する予定。Githubでホストしているので広告なし、サーバー代なし。

Raphael Nishimura (@rnishimura; 3/0): @TonyCastrox @lorenagbarberia @gen_heleno Só acessar o link. Ele está num formato de bookdown, não sei se tem como fazer um download do livro, acho que só pelo browser mesmo.

Exploratory Data Alex (@alexkyllo; 3/0): @tcarpenter216 @machsci I also think that much of the best material on longitudinal methods is locked away in expensive graduate level textbooks. Here’s a counterexample thanks to @SolomonKurz, I would love to see more content like this and have it cross-pollinate the ML lit:

Tom Mock ❤️ #QuartoPub (@thomas_mock; 2/0): @sedgeboy @tladeras Quarto (and RMarkdown) support bash.

{bash} for the chunk - can be mixed with R chunks as well.

All knitr chunk engines:

Like awk, bash, zsh, etc

Michael McCarthy (@mccarthymg; 2/0): @GKountourides @SolomonKurz Looks fine! One small change I would make is to avoid title case in file/directory names—it makes writing file paths less error prone

You might also consider using child documents ( to split up sections of the paper, and then structure files like this:

Random Variable (@distribution_fu; 1/3): As a Statistics Research Student, If anybody ask me where you will go to read 📖, My one an only answer will be bookdown, A lot of book on various topics, free and clearly explained concepts…. Here is the link


Lauren ‘LB’ Canary 🏳️‍🌈 (@CanaryLauren; 1/0): @cath_lavallee @FralinBiomed @VT_CS @virginia_tech I love the this pirate themed R tutorial:

Anja Proske (@AnjaProske; 1/0): @Michael_Dillman @LokatisSophie @campusnatur_fu @FU_Berlin The full study including the methods is available for free till Oct 21st via A website by @MathiasHarrer helped me a lot with the analysis:; PM me if you have any questions regarding my data collection in the field. Best of luck!

João Ricardo Costa Filho (@costafilhojoao; 1/0): #Extra 2

É possível utilizar o R sem ter que instalar os programas listados anteriormente, acessando Adicionalmente, existem alguns livros disponibilizados gratuitamente que
podem ajudá-los em novos voos utilizando o R: [9/9]

Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): Does anyone know how to change the default save location for plot images in #bookdown? They’re saving in my images directory and making it a mess. I want to organise them by chapter, or at least all in images/figures.

The knitr opt fig.path is “figure/”, so that’s not it.

Kevin (@estadisticarl; 1/0): Attempting to use bookdown R package for lecture notes next semester. Kaya ko kayang i-sustain? HAHAHA

Eamon C (@EamonCaddigan; 0/2): I’m reading about using other languages with RMarkdown (I’m finding the Python and SQL integration especially handy), and came across a cute Easter Egg in the Cookbook. #rstats


Isabella Velásquez (@ivelasq3; 147/34): Don’t want to manually convert R Markdown docs to Quarto?

knitr 1.40 has a new function convert_chunk_header() to convert from .Rmd to .qmd. Or, stay with .Rmd & use the new chunk option syntax.

Embrace the hashpipe #|!

More on #rstats open source:

R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 36/12): Learn to use R in LaTeX to create dynamic documents with Overleaf and Knitr. by @citedrive #rstats #texlatex #overleaf

Matt Crump (@MattCrumpLab; 11/0): @melvanbussel I had this issue and used fenced divs to include gifs for html, then made png copies of each gif, and included another set of divs to include the png for pdf

::: {.content-visible when-format=“html”}

Lluís Revilla Sancho (@Lluis_Revilla; 4/1): I have great analyzing and presenting skills:

j (@SimpleTeo; 1/0): @Tjdriii It’s the new version of R Markdown by the RStudio guys (the goal is to be language agnostic but tbh that’s a lie).

Seems to have an option to automatically create websites like you would with a SSG, but a bit more full featured because rmd –knitr–> html is already so nice.

Christopher Nindyo (@ChristoNindyo; 1/0): My dumb idea : Screenshot the graph, edit with ms.paint. Save the file in R Project. Then show in r with knitr include graphics. At least it works for me. Haha.


Exploratory Data Alex (@alexkyllo; 3/0): @adamjnafa tinytex::reinstall_tinytex()

Aaron Gullickson (@AaronGullickson; 2/0): @andy___jones Use tinytex instead.

Ewan Donnachie (@ERDonnachie; 1/0): @andy___jones @rstats_tweets MikTeX has proved a nightmare in a complex corporate setting. I’d like to switch to tinytex, but only MikTeX supports Arial font via the uarial package (which I unfortunately need).

Dr. Robert M Flight (@rmflight; 1/0): @andy___jones You do need a latex compiler, unfortunately.

There is the {tinytex} R package that allows easier installs of latex that might be helpful instead of trying to manage it yourself.


Meghan Harris (@meghansharris; 91/10): We are once again, NOT going to talk about how long it took to hack these. Converting this to Quarto from Xaringan was harder than I thought; but also my brain isn’t working too well these days so it’s probably me 🤷🏾‍♀️😅

Charlotte (@charliejhadley; 23/3): I’m pleased to announce that I’ve switched from {xaringan} to {quarto} for all new content.

Turns out Quarto’s live previewing feature is BILLION times faster than xaringan’s.

Plus! I’d not really understood the power of quarto fragments!

Meghan Harris (@meghansharris; 13/3): Thanks to:
@statsgen ( Blog on transitioning from xarnigan to quarto

@spcanelon ( Ex. SCSS code

@PipingHotData for pointing me in the right direction with resources

@StackOverflow for everything else 😅

Now I’m going to bed

Gustavo Gonzalez (@DronesRed; 12/1): Minha ideia era começar meu set no banho e tosa dançando assim atras do xaringan e só depois eu entrava

Manuel Toral (@jmtoralc; 6/0): @raulpacheco Canva es el de mostrar chavos, yo uso una implementaron de RMD llamada Xaringan, pero Quarto + JS están llegando fuerte.

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 6/0): @meghansharris Meghan these are beautiful! 🤩
And i feel you— the xaringan-quarto conversion is not trivial 😐

Thomas Pollet (@tvpollet; 5/0): Had a great time at the body psychology research meeting organised by @dr_liz_evans. Here are the slides from my talk on sample characteristics. (made with Xaringan by @xieyihui and xaringanExtra by @grrrck)

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 3/0): @LucyStats @minebocek Ha I’m still using xaringan for slides 😬

ailíraM (@mmfbee; 3/0): oia, faz uns slides da hora ein! será que os dias do xaringan estão contados?

Chris Goodman (@cbgoodman; 2/0): The absolute best solution I have found for exporting a xaringan HTML presentation to PDF.

Note: you have to install decktape separately. See the references section.

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): How to use image in my computer as a background image in xaringan #tidyverse #rstats

Charlotte (@charliejhadley; 1/0): @mattansb Ah, this would be a plug-in everyone else would hate because it would immediately re-write all # as ## because I’m only using them as a hangover from {xaringan}

There’s a Quarto revealjs specific meaning to # that I don’t want

Charlotte (@charliejhadley; 1/0): @jgeller_phd @bmwiernik See if you can jump into it with these two files

But it did take me an hour to convert my 20 slide {xaringan} slides to {quarto} because of differences in format (and customising CSS)

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 1/0): @juliesquid @allison_horst Thanks so much Julie! If you have any suggestions for improvement, I’m very happy to receive them 😃
What do you think of the tabs?
In v1.0 I went a little tab-wild bc I had just learned how to add them to xaringan, and this time around I wondered if it’s too much 🤷🏽‍♀️

“Ben” Byunghwan Son (@Byunghwan_Son; 0/2): I cannot be the only person whose OLD #xaringan slides were ruined because of the #fontawesome updates. #RStats