Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 650/171): 📚¿Qué necesitas para comenzar a escribir código y trabajar con datos?
👉Este libro te enseña técnicas modernas y reproducibles, y no necesitas formación técnica
👉Desarrollado por la Universidad de Washington
🔗 https://t.co/nOMmMdl8iN
#data #dataviz #rstats #datascience #stats https://t.co/NI00MG0dej ↪
datanautes (@datanautes; 470/102): Efficient R programming refers to increasing the efficiency of tasks with R. This encompasses both computational efficiency and programmer productivity. Check out this awesome #bookdown to learn more - it’s free! https://t.co/LhEDRbcAle
#rstats #rmarkdown #quartopub #rstudio https://t.co/rt1EIYufcj ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 288/58): 🧠Seas científico, analista, consultor o cualquier otra persona que tenga que preparar docs o informes técnicos, debes saber realizar visualizaciones de datos convincentes
🙌Y este libro (gratuito) en #RStats es tu guía definitiva
🔗 https://t.co/mbI2tNpldp
#dataviz #ebook #data https://t.co/fWL0kEReap ↪
Saroj parajuli (@Parajulisaroj16; 239/73): This article discusses the use of the top R packages for data visualization. 🔗https://t.co/o9yXFIKRit #datascience #R #programming #RStats #DataVisualization #DataScientists ↪
Raihan (@myusufraihan; 224/56): INDONESIA 3 (2.19 xG) - 2 (1.91 xG) CURACAO MATCH REPORT
Meskipun beda 73 peringkat, Indonesia (156*) bisa buktiin kalo mereka dpt bersaing dan menang melawan tim selevel Curacao (83*). Good win boys!
*Peringkat FIFA rankings sblm pertandingan dimulai
#rstats #ggplot2 https://t.co/Mfba4HQDXC ↪
Joachim Schork (@JoachimSchork; 181/41): How to add significance levels to a ggplot2 plot using the ggsignif package in the R programming language: https://t.co/v7aqAYCOJ9
#coding #tidyverse #rstudioglobal #DataVisualization #RStats #ggplot2 #Rpackage #statisticsclass #DataViz ↪
Tom Mock ❤️ #QuartoPub (@thomas_mock; 11/0): @sedgeboy @economicurtis @rstudio The amazing @djnavarro has you covered with Rmd -> Quarto Blog: https://t.co/AT9PIrpctR
I also converted my multi-year old distill to a Quarto blog.
However, a Hugo-based website like blogdown is a different beast than Quarto, see Yihui’s overview at: https://t.co/yBmYQJSvpo ↪
Norimitsu Nishida (@NorimitsuNishi1; 10/0): Blogdownからquartoへの以降、おおむね終了しました。勉強になりました!
https://t.co/PQc2KVfjEk ↪
Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 9/0): @thomas_mock @sedgeboy @economicurtis @rstudio Yeah I’d agree with Yihui on that. Converting a distill blog to quarto makes sense because the two are so similar, and you’re getting a lot of new features for little effort. For me, Hugo involves different trade offs so I havent migrated my blogdown and hugodown sites ↪
Norimitsu Nishida (@NorimitsuNishi1; 4/1): quarto vs blogdown(hugo)の所感。
移行できたので、当面はquartoで運用してみます😁 ↪
Sir Panda (Zad Rafi) (@dailyzad; 4/0): The FOMO from not moving to quarto from Hugo/Blogdown is real ↪
We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 3/2): @cosima_meyer 2/2 To build my website I used {distill}, which at the beginning I was very satisfied but now I can see the limitation compared to {hugo} and {blogdown} #rstats.
What do you use to create your professional website? ↪
Skeptic (@SkepticalAnkur; 2/0): @WeAreRLadies @thomas_mock @minebocek I’m planning on building my website with Quarto for comparison to blogdown and Hugo. Will share what I learn. ↪
Anne-Kathrin Kleine (@AnKaKleine; 2/0): Yey, website-relaunch! :)
#r #blogdown ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 1/1): CRAN updates: blogdown #rstats ↪
Ariel Mundo (@amundortiz; 1/0): @cfiesler Here’s my site, which I built using blogdown and @apreshill’s Apéro theme. You can customize the theme with a little coding!
https://t.co/5ZXX6VO77z ↪
Tyler Smith (@sedgeboy; 1/0): @thomas_mock @economicurtis @rstudio I have a #blogdown site that I’m really happy with. It seems like I should be thinking about switching to #quartopub (maybe?), but all the docs I’ve seen so far seem to be aimed at starting fresh. Anything for those of use that are already in the Rmd system? ↪
rtheodoro (@rxtheodoro; 1/0): Inclusive, alguém sabe adicionar barra de buscar com o blogdown?! https://t.co/Fn5mIsJOxH ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 545/114): Efficient R programming refers to increasing the efficiency of tasks with R. This encompasses both computational efficiency and programmer productivity. Check out this awesome #bookdown to learn more - it’s free! https://t.co/5efg3YcQBn
#rstats #rmarkdown #quartopub #rstudio https://t.co/dcnPjJF1vV ↪
Ozancan Özdemir (@OzancanOzdemir; 148/32): 📌R folks! I created a book by combining my introductory level ggplot2 codes.
📌 If you are a beginner in R or interested in ggplot2, check this out!
https://t.co/FEJCQxL4J9 https://t.co/snlbb6c6Tz ↪
khal (@Khal_Quant; 6/0): Ce document est une perle.
https://t.co/MqVgiTDMbr ↪
Ben Harrap (@BHarrap; 5/2): This morning I am truly grateful for bookdown’s relative table/figure citation feature
I’ve had to add a new figure to the start of my results but I don’t need to manually update any of the in-text references to existing figures
Bless you @xieyihui
#rstats ↪
Isabella R. Ghement (@IsabellaGhement; 3/0): @RobLanfear @ryancbriggs There are other nice online books out there, such as this one:
https://t.co/4AhjTkSQq7 ↪
Christopher Grainger (@cigrainger; 3/0): @bellerosejoey @1macias1 @MiguelCoba_ @asciidoctor @gumroad I still want to find the time to do something like Bookdown for Elixir. ↪
Yanina Bellini Saibene (@yabellini; 3/0): @pedrodiplacido @RosanaFerrero Es el libro en formato bookdown. Es una web. El link está en mí respuesta anterior.
La versión en inglés también es una web hecha con bookdown. ↪
Dan Quintana (@dsquintana; 2/1): @flourn0 Doing Meta-Analysis with R https://t.co/irgWIg9Vwm ↪
siero (@siero5335; 2/0): 👀: “Statistical methods for Environmental Mixtures”, https://t.co/AlhGDakVZc ↪
Zartashia afzal (@zartashia_afzal; 2/0): 5 beginner-friendly resources to learn R
1⃣ https://t.co/9W82ajGuMJ
2⃣ https://t.co/WCS1xqnGHB
3⃣ https://t.co/29Z9JyNgf3
4⃣ https://t.co/ENH9Wv8eDU….
5⃣ https://t.co/6gHuv89ylV
Credits: https://t.co/Xi8ynkf4Ox
#pakdatasci #RStats #DataVisualization #Data #data #codanics ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Add today’s date to bookdown pdf_book output file name #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/dPSWaHv9Dx ↪
Итан (@SerialEthan; 1/1): #CurrentRead
Measuring what Matters: Introduction to Rasch Analysis in R https://t.co/W5KR4I4NvY #rmarkdown #bookdown #rstats ↪
Taka Masaki (@tmasakicu; 1/1): @jp_consultant 文書作成できますが、もし共著者がいたときに、その共著者がRmdを使えないと意味がないので、注意が必要です。ちなみにRmdでpublication qualityの文書を書くならbookdown packageがお勧めです。
https://t.co/PnLfAMkcve ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/0): Using bookdown and outputting pdf. #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Y8D6omNtPt ↪
Will Mantilla (@drmantillaw; 1/0): @farmacotips Word? Ya existe Rmardow packages Bookdown en R. ↪
Graham Coop (@Graham_Coop; 1/0): @petrelharp @WrightingApril I’ve wondered about converting to markdown or bookdown in the past. However, my latex is fairly heavy with random packages I’ve used for kludges in the past, and I worry about breaking everything. ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@MickaelCanouil; 1/0): @McAulayMicro Cross-references was available in {rmarkdown} via {bookdown}.
Now with #QuartoPub, it’s all in one tool 😏 ↪
Gavin Masterson, PhD 📊🐍🐸🇿🇦🇸🇪 (@gavinprm; 1/0): @TrishHerps4Life Here’s a good place to start.
During testing you can usecache = TRUE
but if you leave the option in the document you won’t get updated data from GBIF in later knits.https://t.co/lCgFRvpWcK ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@MickaelCanouil; 1/0): @bellerosejoey @cigrainger @1macias1 @MiguelCoba_ @asciidoctor @gumroad @quarto_pub Not sure …
What you can find, especially if your focus is on {knitr}, is how to write your own {knitr} engine, e.g., https://t.co/1KZJ5JEFF5 ↪
Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 1/0): 👉#QuartoPub doc deps can be parsed with att_from_qmds() & att_from_rmds().
#rstats ↪
Gökmen Altay (@gokmen_19; 0/1): @DonquijoteRosi Bu kod örüntüsü Tam olarak benim kitabımda bulunan linkte göreceğin 5.2 Gerçek 19 sistemi Delilidir ve Edipile olan tartışmadan anlattığım ilk delil.
Daha önce terbiyesizlik yaptığı için engellediğim bu şahıs aynı kodu o 2 ayeti kerime olmadan denemiş +
https://t.co/guLKCOY3MD ↪
Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 31/9): Proof of concept for a knitr extension, maybe:
Display a list of ggplot2 plots as a single plot with buttons to switch between them.#rstats
Full code: https://t.co/Yu7wu9cy3h https://t.co/8kdPAiBwPW ↪
Tom Mock ❤️ #QuartoPub (@thomas_mock; 3/0): @PhDemetri This would turn it into a vector of lines:
knitr_str <- head(mtcars) |>
knitr::kable() |>
capture.output()You can then go back to print with something like:
cat(paste0(knitr_str, collapse = “\n”)) ↪
Simon Rolph (@simon_rolph; 2/0): All done in #Rstats using a combination of R markdown, knitr and blastula. Quite a few technical challenges which I will have to document somewhere… (hint: it didn’t scale as well as I thought it would!) ↪
Zhian N Kamvar (@ZKamvar; 1/0): Now that quarto has been released we can begin testing its implementation in steps:
- replace markdown engine knitr -> quarto
- replace HTML engine pandoc -> quarto
- replace HTML templates mustache -> quarto
- implement standalone template and yaml for quarto fans
7/15 ↪
evidence_matters (@MattersEvidence; 1/0): @ERDonnachie Unfortunately, knitr on Windows still does not support full Unicode when knitting to PDF or Word 😕 ↪
tj mahr 🍍🍕 (@tjmahr; 1/0): @PhDemetri head(mtcars) |>
knitr::kable() |>
format() |>
paste0(collapse = “\n”) ↪
Tiny T-Rex (@OGTinyTRex; 1/0): Time to climb Snowdon #WALES #hiking #tinytex https://t.co/1bzfdbXTwa ↪
evidence_matters (@MattersEvidence; 1/0): @ERDonnachie Pretty sure that it is consitently in UTF-8. Have you tried to knit a PDF with ❤️ and 🚬? Working for me in HTML, but not in PDF (tinytex) or Word. ↪
Ashlyn Johnson (@ashgjoh; 4/5): Gave my first TA session of the semester and I used it as an opportunity to play with xaringan and a fun dataset about dogs! #Rstats #tidyverse #TidyTuesday https://t.co/QcKPeyiox0 ↪
Juanito Maravilla ۞ (@uanmaravilla; 1/1): @albertorrejval Tu que prefiere el Xaringan o una barca a pedale? ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): How can I properly list items in xaringan slide without misaligned dots? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/a1bIjZYzqh ↪
Fergus Chadwick (@FergusJChadwick; 1/0): @LisaDeBruine @dan_p_simpson Gorgeous slides! I really like the auto-animate and code features (although I don’t have any code in my presentation). My presentation in it still isn’t as pretty as my old ones in xaringan but spending today tweaking it, so will see how far I get! ↪
Ashlyn Johnson (@ashgjoh; 1/0): I know I need to start learning quarto slides but I feel like I just got decent with xaringan. Life comes at ya fast!!! ↪
Zaeen de Souza (@zaeendesouza; 1/0): @SurAgnij i didn’t write this ppt code, but if you want my special
xaringan hackslet me know hehe ↪