Continuing my review of this timely text … Chapter 2 on probability distributions is particularly thorough with mathematical foundations along with R code. #rstats #datascience



Daniel D. Gutierrez (@AMULETAnalytics; 2656414): Continuing my review of this timely text … Chapter 2 on probability distributions is particularly thorough with mathematical foundations along with R code. #rstats #datascience

Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 1102303): 🔥¿Quieres crear gráficos impactantes fácilmente? 🤩Elige tu estilo como un profesional ✅ ggplot2 ✅ bbplot ✅ ggthemes ✅ ggtech #dataviz #RStats #datascience #Datavisualization

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 45174): Modeling in R is extremely powerful for business analytics… > But many beginners get stuck. > Here’s my simple 3-step process to make a linear regression model in R. 🧵 > #datascience #business #R #rstats

datanautes (@datanautes; 37393): Efficient R programming refers to increasing the efficiency of tasks with R. This encompasses both computational efficiency and programmer productivity. Check out this awesome #bookdown to learn more - it’s free! > #rstats #rmarkdown #quartopub #rstudio

R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 30894): Top 7 Packages for Making Beautiful Tables in R by @Dev_Subhash21 in @TDataScience #RStats

Nyall Dawson (@nyalldawson; 21261): Current progress: embedded #RStats in #QGIS now has beautiful syntax highlighting, and can convert QGIS layers to data frames and numeric vectors 🤩 Massive thanks to @mdsumner and @cahik13 for their contributions and insights!

Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 20644): 🙌Libro online gratuito sobre Fundamentos de la visualización de datos 👉Una guía para hacer visualizaciones que reflejen con precisión los datos, cuenten una historia y se vean profesionales 🔗 #dataviz #data #datascience #RStats #Datavisualization

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 19139): Your boss needs your reports. But they take forever to create. > Did you know you can automate PDF’s with R? > You can. And I made a short tutorial on it to help you get started. ❤️ > Article: > #rstats #rmarkdown #datascience

Daily R Cheatsheets (@daily_r_sheets; 17449): Today’s #rstats cheatsheet: overviewR Download: See more: Contribute your own:


tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 12): R blogdown is not showing the figure #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Why is blogdown putting a mamba command through normalizePath? #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to create and correctly assign projects to filter tool in Hugo using blogdown? #tidyverse #rstats


R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 763180): “Geocomputation with R, a book on geographic data analysis, visualization and modeling.” – by @robinlovelace #rstast #bookdown #rmarkdown #geocomputation

The Innovation | Informatics (@Innov_Inf; 2218): Efficient R programming refers to increasing the efficiency of tasks with R. This encompasses both computational efficiency and programmer productivity. Check out this awesome #bookdown to learn more - it’s free! > #rstats #rmarkdown #quartopub #rstudio

Yuting Liu (@yutingliu13207; 102): Recently written ebook for processing and visulization of single cell multiomics data including scRNA and scATAC. Hope this book is helpful for the beginner in data analyses. Please feel free to contact me if you meet any questions about this tutorial.

Shah Nawaz (@shah_f1; 60): I prefer Zotero because it can be nicely linked to bookdown for my thesis writing. Unfortunately highly paid End note does not have that option. @endnote

Max Kuhn (@topepos; 60): @MitchFeldmann @rstatstweet #LiveFreeOrDichotomize > Preach @LucyStats! > My thoughts on the matter: “Discretize Predictors as a Last Resort”: > Kenny and Montanari (2013) is a really good example (doi 10.1007/s10822-012-9631-5)

João Frederico (@BernerFrederico; 42): Hey #rstats community, let’s see if twitter can help :) > I’m writing a markdown document with a github_document output, and I’d like to put links in a figure caption. I’ve tried md, knittr and C syntax, none works. > The only way to do it is apparently in bookdown output :(

Muhaimen 🇵🇰 R = 📊📈 (@MuhaimenAyyub; 30): Doing Meta-analysis in R: A Hands-on Guide > > This book is an accessible introduction to how meta-analyses can be conducted in R.

Ayanthi G. (@HoneyBadger88; 30): @WeAreRLadies Highly recommend any @robinlovelace materials, especially this book: >

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 22): Is it possible to add custom links to the sidebar in an HTML book made with bookdown in R Markdown? #tidyverse #rstats

Rose McKeon (@_rosemckeon; 20): @WoodEcology @AcademicChatter Word makes me want to smash my head against my desk whenever I have to do more than just write in it. Hope you’ve sorted it! I’m trying out bookdown format with RMarkdown which is doing a decent job. It does need some LaTex, and initial patience getting the template right though.

Bernhard Pastötter (@pastotter; 20): @helenahhartmann For meta-analysis, I recommend by @MathiasHarrer and others. It’s great. It’s free.

3DOMFBK (@3DOMFBK; 20): Interpretable Machine Learning #rmarkdown #bookdown

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 11): How do I remove the border around this image in Bookdown? #tidyverse #rstats

rimshah sabir (@SabirRimshah; 10): ✴️Book: Easy to understand book on Meta-analysis with R. >

HiroshiYonekura | MD (@komekurahiroshi; 10): ・適切なサンプルサイズの計算方法を用いた場合、それを報告する ・そうでない場合は、サンプルサイズを決定した思考プロセスを提示する ・post hocなサンプルサイズの正当化、あるいはパワー計算は推奨されない >

Vasco Brazão 🏳️‍🌈 (@vascobrazao; 10): @IsabellaGhement @ucfagls @StatsGary @SolomonKurz @rlmcelreath link:

Sinan Tankut Gülhan (@SinanTankutGlhn; 10): @yasinkutuk Yasin hocam, Zotero’nun native eklentisi de var LaTeX için sanki. Bir bakayım, iyi bir LaTeX client aslında benim işimi çözer galiba. Açıkçası, R’ı biraz oradan da sömüreyim diye bookdown’a filan baktım da, o bizim eski html kafasında hâlâ.

Yasin Kütük, PhD (@yasinkutuk; 10): @mhsatman Epeyce var Hocam, şurada listelenen tüm dillerde çıktı alabiliyorsunuz:

good suffering (@zoekomrade; 10): I vote we transfer all fan wikis into bookdown/quarto books with git version control


tj nightmahr 🧟‍♂️ (@tjmahr; 8813): nice, you can set knitr defaults in the main yaml configuration header

R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 4712): Learn to use R in LaTeX to create dynamic documents with Overleaf and Knitr. via @citedrive > #rstats #texlatex #overleaf #rmarkdown #quartopub #knitr #citedrive

CiteDrive (@citedrive; 216): Learn to use R in LaTeX to create dynamic documents with Overleaf and Knitr. > #rstats #texlatex #overleaf #rmarkdown #quartopub #knitr

Watal M. Iwasaki (@heavywatal; 123): FAQ「どうやって発表スライド作ってるの?」に対して「Rmd |> knitr |> Hugo |> reveal.js だよ。でももし当時Quartoがあったらわざわざこんなことしてなかったさ」と答えるLTを申し込んだ。

Ricardo Rey (@RicardoRey_95; 114): ¿Alguna vez habéis creado un documento con rmarkdown lleno de chunks con código y habéis querido pasar solo el código a un script de R automáticamente? > Hola, knitr::purl()

datanautes (@datanautes; 107): Learn to use R in LaTeX to create dynamic documents with Overleaf and Knitr. via @citedrive

#rstats #texlatex #overleaf #rmarkdown #quartopub #knitr #citedrive

Ian T. Adams (@ian_t_adams; 105): #rstats tip - you can use knitr::spin() to quickly take an old analysis in a .R script and turn it into a shiny new .Rmd script. Works perfectly!

Sergio Felperin (@SergioFelperin; 30): @veorq @pdenapo you can do it easily in RStudio’s notebooks (with knitr).

Jess Chandler (@jessachandler; 22): years of knitr experience and I’ve been changing fig.width, fig.height, and dpi on chunks all day because of the variation in the data passed to my child document 🧶 #rstats

Pedro (@PedroPark9; 22): Is so rewarding seeing your contributions in a big project that you love ❤ #knitr #rstats

Jeroen Janssens (@jeroenhjanssens; 20): @tladeras So that appears to be the same as with knitr. I ended up creating my own knitr engine for my book:

Fred Oswald (@FredOswald; 20): @DrKAFletcher this might help!

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = …) not working in Rmarkdown setup chunk #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to find the width of a knitR pdf so I can center text #tidyverse #rstats


tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 12): tinytex: can not output pdf #tidyverse #rstats


Charlotte (@charliejhadley; 61): A script that converts {xaringan} slides to Quarto format: revealjs slides.

Zoë Turner (@Letxuga007; 42): I have lots of work to do today but now that I know the @NHSrCommunity {xaringan} intro to #RStats slides are not blocked by NHS VPNS through Netlify, just GitHub, I’m setting that up this morning. Why? Because the NHS needs analysts who can use the tools to do analysis 13

Chris Prosser (@caprosser; 10): @chrishanretty Seems nice so far (only using it for presentations), does some things better than Xaringan (e.g. different width columns), some things different (e.g. Level 12 headings create new slides), some things worse/I haven’t figured it out yet (e.g. default plot size in columns).

Liz Hare PhD 😷 in NYC (@DogGeneticsLLC; 0/3): 👋 hey #rstats /xaringan folks, does anyone have an example of including an entire code chunk on a slide. it’s a tricky situation with delimiters when you want to show The first line. 1/

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Left brace on matrix in Xaringan #tidyverse #rstats