Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 1173⁄348): 👀No te pierdas este curso online y abierto, ¡es brutal 🙌 “Data Visualization in R” 👤 Claus O.Wilke 🔗 https://t.co/EhNlPnIFxc Basado en su increíble libro: https://t.co/DrfQoC9Eyg #dataviz #datavisualization #datascience #RStats #programming #analytics #BI #powerBI #Python https://t.co/MH6DS1lUb2 ↪
Saroj parajuli (@Parajulisaroj16; 900⁄223): This book will be useful to everyone who has struggled with displaying data in an informative and attractive way. 🎁📖🔗 Learn for free: https://t.co/i6mW7cCDpL #DataScience #RStats #programming #ggplot2 #Coding #book #DataVisualization #DataAnalytics https://t.co/kwvPsZlCdX ↪
🍁🍂 🐘 @andrew@fediscience.org 🐘 🍂🍁 (@andrewheiss; 369⁄60): My notes + brms #rstats translation of Bayes Rules! continues with the densest & most important chapter of the whole book—multilevel models with varying intercepts and slopes. The book covers every detail of these models, including the mystical ρ term! https://t.co/Im36qmu6HI https://t.co/DlmMcniNlx ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 365⁄86): 🤦🏻♀️Muchos usan RStudio durante años sin conocer esta herramienta👀 🎯Complementos: extensiones para ejecutar funciones avanzadas de #RStats sin código 👉Haz clic en el botón Addins del menú de RStudio, y el código correspondiente se ejecuta sin que tengas que escribir el código ↪
Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 360⁄62): I love the R ecosystem. It’s amazing for real world data science. > But it took me 5 years to learn. > So I put a 40-min webinar together that consolidates my 10 secrets from trial & error. > Learn more about what worked for me in my free webinar. https://t.co/ucnTvaZOVQ > #rstats https://t.co/xPs4k136vP ↪
Tyler Morgan-Wall @tylermorganwall@fosstodon.org (@tylermorganwall; 342⁄40): There are new features… and then there are 🤯🤯🤯NEW FEATURES🤯🤯🤯! > Let’s just say the next update to #rayshader is gonna be a good one🙂 (everything below is generated entirely from data: 3D buildings, terrain, and 15,000+ trees). > #RStats #rayrender #dataviz https://t.co/VAqrA4L11g ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 307⁄95): 📣🤩Nueva versión en línea (gratuito) del libro de R in Action, 2nd 👉Con liveBook para acceder al libros en el navegador, dónde y cuándo quieras 🔗 https://t.co/gmLbxAimNX #datascience #book #free #cienciadedatos #RStats #analytics #DataAnalytics #analisisdedatos #programming https://t.co/xSpOsuJmPo ↪
R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 217⁄39): R ggmap – How to Visualize Spatial Data in R {https://t.co/k1eTsx72gm} #rstats #DataScience ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 189⁄50): 🤩 Cheatsheets con los elementos Theme más utilizados en ggplot2 👉Los Themes permiten un control preciso sobre los elementos de tu gráfico que no son datos 👉Puedes modificar el título, leyenda, margen, fondo, ejes y mucho más! > #datascience #dataviz #RStats #DataVisualization https://t.co/HIrCF3AAmM ↪
Jon Harmon (he/him) (@JonTheGeek; 172⁄29): I never worked at Twitter, but I still managed to get laid off today! It’s very amicable and I’m ready to move on, but it’s a BIG change. I started at a company that became a company that got bought by my current employer >20 years ago. If you need #RStats dev, keep me in mind! ↪
Jose Luis Cañadas (@joscani; 8⁄0): He de decir que me está pareciendo más sencillo tener el blog con quarto que con blogdown . https://t.co/RiG0tyuixN https://t.co/gQDMK5u9tL ↪
Nicholas Wu (@NicholasWuNZ; 2⁄0): @Patrice_Science @AcademicChatter If you are going the less tech savvy way, try weebly, Wix, Squarespace. I’ve tried all of them and they are simple to create. Otherwise R’s blogdown or one of the Wowchemy templates do the trick. ↪
Ariel Mundo (@amundortiz; 1⁄0): @researchremora I vote for the website thing, with blogdown or Quarto it shouldn’t be too complicated… Are you in Mastodon already? ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: blogdown #rstats ↪
A7@データサイエンティスト目指してる大学生 (@A7_data; 35⁄3): 【無料の優良教材たち 4】 ・オライリーR for Data Science https://t.co/E1rAv55WJV ・The Art of Data Science https://t.co/8Twj7t2OZo ・A Beginner’s Guide to Clean Data https://t.co/ryVA0dN6Ah ・IMS (Introduction to Modern Statistics) https://t.co/QPdypATpce ↪
Brenton Wiernik 🏳️🌈 (@bmwiernik; 26⁄3): @Emmanuelmiiro25 @adamjnafa https://t.co/HnvNwHpbHu ↪
Jaehyun Song (@Tintstyle; 22⁄4): bookdownからquartoへ > https://t.co/bYep75E9iL ↪
Burak AYDIN (@Burak4YD1N; 20⁄3): R Programming for Psychometrics https://t.co/Sp3WnL9VcV ↪
We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 14⁄3): @TeslaDuBois BTW it’s CTRL + ALT + I to insert an R code chunk in .Rmd or .qmd! > And here are some more keyboard shortcuts for working in R Markdown from the R Markdown Cookbook by @xieyihui, @chrisderv, and @EmilyRiederer > https://t.co/OKRexZjiRC ↪
R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 12⁄5): bookdown + exams + webex {https://t.co/kaFFo9J1nT} #rstats #DataScience ↪
Leslie Amlwch Roberson (@leslieamlwch; 9⁄5): Great online resource for #RStats from Stéphanie M. van den Berg; goes back to the basics but very applicable to more complex models. Esp. ch7 on contrasts, until now I found few resources on how this is coded in R but important for comparing groups https://t.co/0aAw0WGjI7 ↪
Katherine Schaumberg 🏳️🌈 (@SchaumbergK; 8⁄0): (🧵1/). I wrote my first paper ENTIRELY in RMarkdown with open code available on GitHub … https://t.co/qSyK2syfcn . Since no one asked, here are my thoughts: ↪
Maryam Ali Khan (@MaryamAli_Khan; 6⁄2): @Jo_DC @bioxphi @xphilosopher @briandavidearp @JimACEverett I found Andy Field’s Discovering Statistics using R really useful and easy to understand! It has a version for SPSS too. Also, this is a handy resource too: https://t.co/OUsz1sDo7V ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 6⁄1): @VincentAB @andrewheiss Good old Fig 13.1 (https://t.co/udSbtXP91S) https://t.co/jCiqvr8aYN ↪
Stan (@mcmc_stan; 6⁄1): Second up we’ve got Rafael Cabral, > “Robust non-Gaussian models and how to fit them in Stan” > Check out the bookdown, vignette, and paper: https://t.co/bXO7ItFzJp > #stanconnect_spacetime ↪
tipsder (@tipsder; 4⁄3): Sí, más de 1300 documentos/libros en formato libre para la gestión de datos, el aprendizaje de #R y otros usos. ¿Dónde? Los invito a conocer y explorar el siguiente espacio web. https://t.co/8AVwCjBzYK Gracias a cientos de autores #RStats #DataScience #dataviz #RStatsES #data https://t.co/tDDYikQboc ↪
Oliver Maclaren (@omaclaren; 4⁄0): @Corey_Yanofsky @camjpatrick @bmwiernik @PhDemetri +1 for engineering. Also this book discusses some history in context of emulation/surrogate modelling of computer simulation models https://t.co/HIyjRd34k2 ↪
Mwavu (@kennedymwavu; 3⁄2): Rmarkdown is not just for R? I knew it could run python chunks but all these others? Just mindblowing! https://t.co/Vqd257ugOB #RStats ↪
Michael (@mikedecr; 3⁄0): - in a qmd file, wanted type LaTeX in a fenced
{latex} block instead of as text - hmm iirc I found a way to do that that in my dissertation - indeed but the trick
{block, include = knitr:::pandoc_to() == “latex”} didn’t work in qmd - but this works https://t.co/DogMvL7Mhc ↪
Juha Itkonen (@JuhaItkonen; 3⁄0): @Mau_And @KanniainenVesa Sen tein bookdownilla, jolla voi kätevästi kääntää käsikirjoituksen mm. nettikirjaksi tai taitetuksi pdf-julkaisuksi. https://t.co/z6LnCdYKrt Esimerkiksi tämä bookdownin-opaskirja on tehty bookdownilla: https://t.co/4Kjire4vOy ↪
Yoshihiko Kunisato/国里愛彦 (@KunisatoY; 2⁄1): bookdownで作った資料に小テストをつける方法らしい。 > bookdown + exams + webex https://t.co/ivCBGo8I08 via @Rbloggers ↪
Virgilio Gómez-Rubio (@precariobecario; 2⁄0): @AnaBayes Y para los últimos libros he usado mucho R markdown y bookdown, que lo hacen todo la mar de sencillo. ↪
ekri (@ekrii3; 1⁄1): @SinclairEuan not sure how applicable, but perhaps > https://t.co/FbqpPDL41O ↪
越共快樂洞 (@tonywaterfalls; 1⁄0): @yihong0618 有个叫bookdown滴也不错( ↪
Yoshihiko Kunisato/国里愛彦 (@KunisatoY; 1⁄0): bookdownもRmarkdownからQuartoへ移行していきそうだなあ。これからは,Quartoを使おう。jpaRmdの対応からだなあ。 > https://t.co/aYfbcU4GBX ↪
Claudio Bogado Pompa (@claudio_b_p; 1⁄0): @Dany11476197 @esteficc @Pinkpan93574966 https://t.co/OknC1H5ShY ↪
João Gabriel Flores da Rocha (@floresdarocha; 1⁄0): @lucasfa_ @henriquefb6 https://t.co/ffEWOHK8Z4 ↪
Katherine Schaumberg 🏳️🌈 (@SchaumbergK; 1⁄0): (5 ). Unless your whole writing team is fluent in RMarkdown and Git, know that it will likely be a two step process. I prepared the draft with all analysis in bookdown for pub on GitHub, then compiled (using papaja) and transitioned to Word for collaborative edits ↪
Josh Duncan (@joshualeond; 1⁄0): @PhDemetri SOTA has to be Gaussian process + bayes opt but see Gramacy’s book. He writes about RSM and moving forward with GPs: https://t.co/WiqXPqkqyW ↪
Kiara (@kiaraachen; 1⁄0): @Carina_Corolla Mir hat das Tutorial hier geholfen für die Grundlagen: https://t.co/R2v46AF7vg (Macht sogar Spaß!) Und ansonsten arbeite ich gern mit dem tidyverse und ggplot2 für die Datenvisualisierung, hier schlage ich immer noch vieles nach: https://t.co/Tbj0pJ0NyA ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Does anyone have a fix for a cut off embed shiny app in Bookdown? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/tUeuRbTke5 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Edit numbering scheme in a bookdown header #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/DRo0HzEyMD ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): PHP Fatal error with Bookdown on Ubuntu 22.04 #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/FScIVeiYUQ ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Is there a way to change the numbering of a five level header in R bookdown? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/InwLmdy7Zk ↪
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (@minebocek; 21⁄1): @cararthompson @quarto_pub This is not a Quarto solution necessarily, but whenever I’m fishing for something broken in a long document like this, I add a code chunk with
and move it further down in the document at each render, until I find the bug ↪
えいつぴ (@eitsupi; 5⁄2): @kosugitti @KunisatoY そしてknitrがPythonを実行するにはreticulate、Juliaを実行するにはJuliaCallというRパッケージが必要です。(knitrのドキュメントに書いてあります) 逆に言えばこれらを入れるだけで動きます。例はこちら。 https://t.co/DNX6o85lHB ↪
えいつぴ (@eitsupi; 5⁄1): @kosugitti @KunisatoY Quarto内で任意の言語を動かすのは特殊なQuarto組み込み機能を除いてJupyterエンジンとKnitrエンジンが担っているのですが、Jupyterは1ファイル1カーネルの原則があるため1ファイル内に多言語を共存させるのはknitrエンジンを選択する必要があります。要するにRMarkdownと同じです。 ↪
えいつぴ (@eitsupi; 3⁄2): @bob3bob3 @kosugitti @KunisatoY knitrなのは同じなので記法も同じですよ。私がそのGitHubに挙げた例はコードブロックを跨いでPythonとJuliaがそれぞれxを保持していることを示しているだけでPythonとJuliaの間は跨いでいないです。 これがJupyterのマジックコマンドだとコードブロックを跨げないので同一言語でもxを保持しません。 ↪
Bridge from here to somewhere else (@MattCrumpLab; 3⁄0): Is there an R function that prints R lists in html in a nice format, so the contents/general structure of the list can be viewed quickly on a website? Kind of like knitr::kable but for a list? ↪
kritarth jha (@kritarthjha; 1⁄0): @KhoaVuUmn Petition to make this the official image for the “knitr” package https://t.co/8vprwhsdUq ↪
Akhil Rao (@ThatAkhilRao; 3⁄0): The hard part of writing my exam is done: RStudio and tinytex are friends again. Just gotta write some questions now. How hard can it be? ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Problem with Cyrillic characters when knitting .rmd files to pdf with tinytex #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/ZhkHZFkK3c ↪
michaelflynn@mastodon.social (@flynnpolsci; 12⁄0): It took a little tinkering but I got my quarto slides to match my xaringan theme. An example of my title slide. https://t.co/JVVclwMjuS ↪
🍁🍂 🐘 @andrew@fediscience.org 🐘 🍂🍁 (@andrewheiss; 2⁄0): @flynnpolsci My approach rn is to not make anymore xaringan slides. All new slide decks are Quarto-only. But I’m not going back and converting old xaringan ones for now ↪
michaelflynn@mastodon.social (@flynnpolsci; 2⁄0): @andrewheiss I think at some point I’m going to pull the trigger and migrate from Xaringan to Quarto. I like the idea of having more consistent syntax and flexibility. Little things like this add up. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Setting css class with variable in Xaringan with remark.js #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/5DmH1dWaV4 ↪
Yoshihiko Kunisato/国里愛彦 (@KunisatoY; 0/1): 自分のxaringanの設定がなんで動いているか分からなくなってきたので,そろそろプレゼンもQuartoにするかなあ。 ↪