Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 438⁄129): Which skills are needed to become a data scientist? > I’ve been getting a ton of questions on which skills, so I wrote an in-depth article on it. ❤️ > Article: https://t.co/NVZ9boJ9Sf > #rstats #datascience https://t.co/tARWIUlpDD ↪
Saroj parajuli (@Parajulisaroj16; 331⁄108): This book provides worked-out solutions to the exercises given in Advanced R and reflects our efforts to understand and acquire its content.🔗 Learn for free: https://t.co/t5RmyYPgKz #DataScience #RStats #programming #book #Coding #dataviz #DataAnalytics #DataScientists https://t.co/LJgRshmRPN ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 290⁄91): 📦 Shiny es un paquete R que crea aplicaciones web interactivas directamente desde #RStats 👉 Comparto algunas apps útiles para hacer que los conceptos y las teorías estadísticas sean más accesibles
> 🔗 https://t.co/RYE2J7takg #datascience #analytics #DataAnalytics #dataviz https://t.co/zUxGZeM31a ↪
Jesús Lagos (@Vdot_Spain; 274⁄57): Si quieres aprender a programar con #Rstats, hacer visualizaciones como las que veis en RRSS o en informes, cuadros de mando con shiny, conectar con bases de datos externas, aprender métricas avanzadas, etc. En 2023 vuelve “Curso de R para analistas de Fútbol” Te cuento 🧵 https://t.co/S3EH9e9QQp ↪
Data Science Tutorials (@DataSciencetut; 222⁄67): How to combine Multiple Plots in R How to combine Multiple Plots in R, recently https://t.co/p7cOrNUTez #statistics #datascience #rstats #programming ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 219⁄76): 📚 Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data, 5th edition 💡 Con aplicaciones interactivas online para ilustrar y aprender estadísticas 🖥 Con código #RStats y datos 👤 Agresti, Franklin, Klingenberg > 🔗 https://t.co/VH9elZI7x6 #book #datascience #stats #dataviz https://t.co/c4EKX9efWy ↪
Data Science Tutorials (@DataSciencetut; 191⁄48): Add Significance Level and Stars to Plot in R https://t.co/tSxdzviqwY #statistics #datascience #rstats #rstudio #programming ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@MickaelCanouil@fosstodon.org) (@MickaelCanouil; 27⁄2): Finally, I updated my #BlogDown #Hugo website to #QuartoPub It’s not 100 % completed but close enough to what I wanted. Tweaks will come in due time for “talks” listing page. Check it out! 😉 https://t.co/lJI6Euxbr4 ↪
Laura Naslund (@laura_naslund; 5⁄1): I had a blast making this website. Blogdown + a @wowchemy template = ✨magic✨. Please check it out and use the forms at bottom of the page to submit publications, jobs, news, and opportunities for us to share! https://t.co/8YrzLHmDj2 ↪
LIBD rstats club (@LIBDrstats; 1⁄2): We are thinking of switching our blog to #quarto following the lead by @Bioconductor & @kozo2 as it’s quite easy to contribute to https://t.co/pA1xsWIlUe that renders nicely into https://t.co/7qNzdIFYkp > Compare vs https://t.co/r1eOEt4uMb (although we still ❤️ #blogdown) #rstats ↪
josiah@mapstodon.space (@JosiahParry; 1⁄0): @nicoleradziwill @grrrck I made only 1 site I really truly liked with blogdown and I never did anything with it :( lmk how it goes! ↪
Charlotte @charliejhadley@tech.lgbt (@charliejhadley; 566⁄108): Image description: book cover for “Do not use averages with LIKERT scale data, with examples using #rstats” authored by Dwight Barry > https://t.co/IYzaPSIuxN https://t.co/USR5a1peBO ↪
Dr. Verónica (@Verukita1; 35⁄12): 📒 A complete FREE guide to the R Graph Gallery website. This information is taken directly from R graph gallery with careful detail in reproducing plots and completing ideas. 🔗https://t.co/EB3RkHqt7B #RStats #rstudio #postdoc #Bioinformatics #neuroscience #phdchat #PhD #posit https://t.co/Y0keAFVw2E ↪
Jana Klaus (@janakl4us; 16⁄3): Just a reminder that this book on the basic concepts of language production, curated by @vipiai, exists, and unlike premium Twitter accounts, it’s free and useful 🙃 > https://t.co/yc9JcXvtBY ↪
flotsam (@researchremora; 7⁄0): @Mookmonster30 @kearneymw This book by @HolbrookTom came up in the POLMETH listserv and looks like a good textbook for beginners: https://t.co/ZESUdXn1aO > @matt_blackwell also shares his superb course resources: https://t.co/X9Y2YxgDTQ ↪
Jack Davison (@JDavison; 5⁄0): @nrennie35 Great blog post Nicola! btw - you can access the AURN through R using a dedicated package (https://t.co/o6HQJx3rV9) which will save you much of your data cleaning steps if you use UK AQ network data in the future [↪](https://twitter.com/JDavison/status/1592124057927159810)
JF Sanchez-Herrero (@JFSanchezBioinf; 4⁄0): Very useful resource! > Computational Genomics with R https://t.co/5vQo1ulfLM #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
Joyce Robbins @jtr13@fosstodon.org (@jtrnyc; 2⁄1): With #bookdown + #GitHubActions + #GitHubPages should packages in DESCRIPTION be listed as Imports or Suggests? #rstats 🤔 ↪
Sciolus Sagaxus Viringo (@SciolusSagaxus; 2⁄0): @Sphynxhibition1 Gonna see if I can do some R programming with the Bookdown package to make a site. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1⁄2): Change ‘References’ in _bookdown.yml #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/nVxs1QPr3F ↪
Extas (@Extas02; 1⁄0): 在学习命令行之前您得先用命令行安装好 bookdown 和 LaTeX 来渲染 PDF( https://t.co/f7S4MMAXqy ↪
Guido Corradi (@GuidoBCor; 1⁄0): @AlfonsoIPico está basado en uno que vi en este enlace https://t.co/aiGp3ZrcRH pero que no funciona cuando no todos los items tienen la misma categoria y me engorilé jaja muchas gracias Alfonso ↪
KRSK (@koro485; 64⁄4): 疫学研究向けのR programmingの授業作るとしたら、purrrとpivot_longer(wider)あたりはしこたまやらせるかなぁ。使うこと多いので。あとはbroom::tidyとかknitr, gtsummaryあたりのreproducibleな表作成スキル。 ↪
david knorr (@davidknorr; 8⁄0): @arthurturrell At the start of every script: > library(pacman) p_load(janitor, tidyverse, knitr) > p_load() loads packages separated by comma and will install the package if it’s not already installed! ↪
Ilja | Илья | @fubits@mastodon.online (@fubits; 3⁄0): Now re: @quarto_pub it’s almost the same approach (one could also source the script in the document-level front matter!). We just need the special knitr chunk
::: {#id}
(which is<div id="id">
) and we can mount here the same way we did in the Observable doc. Crazy times. https://t.co/yAaHuINpfg ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 1⁄2): CRAN updates: asbio BTSR ClimProjDiags ctbi globalKinhom knitr occTest qualtRics RSocrata #rstats ↪
Grzegorz Sapijaszko (@gsapijaszko; 1⁄0): @HakimAbdi Don’t agree. It’s not so hard to put at the end of your code something like: packages <- c(“terra”, “lidR”, “lidRplugins”) knitr::write_bib(packages, file = “../../packages.bib”) > and add the results to your bibliography file. ↪
Tom Mock ❤️ @posit_pbc (@thomas_mock; 1⁄0): @HalyHalymary More discussion at: https://t.co/HF6n0SE66C > It’s a CSS issue - the out.extra is just passing CSS options, so you’re at the mercy of what CSS can do. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Switching from Source -> Visual -> Source breaks images inserted using
by changing the code #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/WOvmWdclLP ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1⁄1): Install TinyTex for RStudio for all users on Windows #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/j2Ju82QT6P ↪
Jékely Lab qoto.org/@jekely (@JekelyLab; 10⁄0): About a year ago I started using R Markdown and Xaringan to prepare presentation and I love it. Efficient, elegant, saves disk space and allows you you to easily prepare slides with a very consistent layout and style. More info and a template here: https://t.co/PTKo2lnKCo ↪
LIBD rstats club (@LIBDrstats; 3⁄1): We got some Naruto @Naruto_Anime_EN fans in the audience: #xaringan by @xieyihui got a strong reaction! > (It’s an #rstats 📦 for making slides 🛝) > Check these slides from 2016 about it: > https://t.co/qJy3P15NCw ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1⁄1): xaringan and learnr #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/7qbbugLCoV ↪
mathieu rajerison (@datagistips; 1⁄0): @TheuliereMael top ça ! Je peux utiliser xaringan aussi pour ça ? ↪
a⃕k⃕i⃕o⃕i⃕m⃕a⃕m⃕u⃕r⃕a⃕ (@ginryou715; 1⁄0): Rmdのxaringan、htmlがきれいに作れるんだけど、反面インターフェイスが使いづらい。まさに一長一短である。 ↪