Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 815/90): This used to be me when I was first learning linear regression. 😂
But here’s what’s changed for me. 🧵
#datascience #rstats #stats https://t.co/vxSvwCymQO ↪
Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 326/58): Greetings landlubbers! A new chapter on arrow be coming to R4DS: https://t.co/Rj7xRkMUqi. Join us on the ocean of big data and set sail towards better performance and efficiency. We be giving a hearty thanks to Danielle Navarro for writing most of this chatper. Arrr! #rstats ↪
Saroj parajuli (@Parajulisaroj16; 289/80): This book is a hands-on book showing how to use the R language, write and save R scripts, build and import data files, and write your custom statistical functions.
🔗 Download a pdf: https://t.co/aujeQW3tS4 #DataScience #RStats #DataAnalytics #Coding #book #programming #Data https://t.co/USye3vEFWA ↪
R CODER (@RCoderWeb; 250/67): The last days I’ve been writing and uploading tutorials to R CHARTS and I ’ve finished the ggplot2 customization tutorials section.
Do you miss any #ggplot2 or #rstats tutorial on the site?
🔗https://t.co/aVKn4QMbvk https://t.co/hhjhs4M3s2 ↪
Liam Revell (@phytools_liam; 207/33): A few months ago, I showed on my #Rstats #phytools blog how to graph pie charts at the tips of the tree in which the size of the pie is proportional to the sample size of each species – and I still think it looks pretty cool! https://t.co/UV9gEnCoiB https://t.co/DXI3JwukIu ↪
Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 199/53): If you want to learn #R, learn the packages in this #cheatsheet.
These are my 80/20 tools.
#rstats #datascience
https://t.co/6MoNXrqMmu https://t.co/TfQUVyUHob ↪
Timothée Keyes (@timothykeyes; 23/2): okay i got a lot of responses to this telling me to look into tech/pharma/industry roles, so i threw together this brief one-pager {blogdown} resume for my department’s employer exhibition in a few weeks. is it missing anything? (aka would you hire me?!?)
https://t.co/s65eiQKHGc https://t.co/pqBRfNoZ3w ↪
curso-r (@curso_r; 14/2): Nossa dica de tutorial de hoje é ‘[R] Making of de um blog do zero com blogdown’. Neste vídeo que está disponível no canal da Curso-R, o William mostra ao vivaço a criação de um blog Hugo com o pacote {blogdown} e posts em Rmarkdown. https://t.co/QmgF1EU1wr ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 17/3): Come and join our LinkedIn user group today!
#rstats #rmarkdown #quartopub #bookdown https://t.co/f3aXq06WNV ↪
Gio Circo (@GioCirco; 9/0): Unshackled from the confines of the academy, I now spend my free time…
…using Bayesian statistics to analyze win rate probabilities from the video game Age of Empires 2.
https://t.co/4BPFnSAZsZ ↪
Lab. de Tecnología Biomédica y Física Electrónica (@LabBiomedica; 6/0): “Las interpretaciones respectivas de los símbolos 0 y 1 en el sistema de lógica son Nada y Universo”
George Boole
+info: https://t.co/eZqRaqFhYD
Algebra de Boole
https://t.co/GMLLXk0Fp0 https://t.co/tKIPqZJSlp ↪
Kieran Marray (@MarrayKieran; 6/0): @generic_void I like bookdown https://t.co/aoFVmScfpN - is Markdown so easy to create simple websites with notes in tex and they host it totally for free (e.g some R notes I made https://t.co/Bpd6e4ZcBf) ↪
Ronald (@ronaldher97; 2/2): Este libro https://t.co/1pxLUet5fH trata sobre modelización estadística trata de mostrar una versión aplicada para el tratamiento de los modelos estadísticos más básicos abordando los temas de la imagen adjunta:
#Rstats #bookdown #Statistics https://t.co/P2MagJiGo3 ↪
@biacademics (@biacademics; 1/1): ¿📊Quieres saber sobre el mundo de la ciencia de Datos o necesitas profundizar en este tema?
Este libro gratuito es ideal para ti 👇👇
https://t.co/RG5DygR46X#librosgratuitos #BigData #dataanalytics #DataScience https://t.co/ZZyKMXbCrD ↪
Tomokazu NOMURA (@NomuraTomokazu; 1/0): 卒論指導用にbookdownでいろいろ書いてgithub pagesにアップしてるんだけど,突然Rで作ったグラフが表示されなくなった。ローカルでは問題ないんだけど,デプロイするとダメだ。お手上げ。よりによってこの時期にこんなことになる? ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): @niszet0 @eitsupi Pandocの記法の拡張に過ぎないので、図は#fig-で始まるIDで番号付けし、参照は@ fig-で始まるCiteでやればいいって話ですね。
https://t.co/8Uj5aLuQ93 https://t.co/T3w77mTCIO ↪
emre toros (@emretoros; 1/0): @gulayturkmen @AliOilhan @melikekokkizil :) https://t.co/JIkpEDd7CB ↪
AnalyticSource (@AnalyticSource; 1/0): Write #HTML, #PDF, #ePub, and Kindle books with R #Markdown https://t.co/ZSfMonCyhX #bookdown ↪
Albert Rapp | @rappa753@fosstodon.org (@rappa753; 16/4): Yet another cool idea from @nrennie35. Had fun exploring the functions from my blog posts.
Find Nicola’s excellent code template/explanatory blog post at https://t.co/ICnmTwUxYS
Helper: purl() from {knitr} to extract code from .qmd-files
Code: https://t.co/AD40edq2iw
#rstats https://t.co/l0hZnnDtPQ ↪
JJ Merelo (@jjmerelo; 1/0): @fernand0 Puedes usar RMarkdown, y generar las tablas con knitr. Una maravilla. ↪
Haruhiko Okumura (@h_okumura; 22/10): 昨日の @nonki1974 先生のご講演 https://t.co/guz4iMjd0I で教えていただいた TinyTeX、BasicTeX よりも小さくて R からもインストールできる。今後はどれを推奨すべきか ↪
Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 4/2): On the 6th day of #AdventOfQuarto I wrote a xaringan inspired revealjs theme. Use by runing:
quarto use template EmilHvitfeldt/quarto-letterbox
https://t.co/0BhK3Mthpf https://t.co/uuwhnvbkjd ↪
Statistik Dresden (@StatistikInDD; 2/1): @tanya_shapiro Finally did what I preach: converted workshop materials from Powerpoint to #rstats. Xaringan in my case, but seems like another switch is on the cards, to #quarto … ↪