For my course "R for Bio Data Science" at @DTU_HealthTech, I collect #dataviz how-not-tos and this one is going in the archive! 💻📊📈📉 #dataScience in #Rstats



Leon Eyrich Jessen (@jessenleon; 69372): For my course “R for Bio Data Science” at @DTU_HealthTech, I collect #dataviz how-not-tos and this one is going in the archive! 💻📊📈📉 #dataScience in #Rstats

Kat Hoffman (@kathoffman; 692120): new #rstats blog post! a walkthrough on making forest plots and adding effect size annotations using #ggplot2 > 🔗 #dataviz #AcademicTwitter

Elena Llaudet (@ellaudet; 51062): Want to learn R? > DSS is a new textbook for complete beginners. Using non-technical language and assuming no prior knowledge of statistics or coding, DSS provides a step-by-step guide to analyzing real-world data from published social scientific studies. #RStats #AcademicTwitter

Neil Currie (@neilgcurrie; 50680): If you want to write robust code, unit testing is a must. A thread on how to write unit tests in R. > #rstats #coding #datascience

Saroj parajuli (@Parajulisaroj16; 395109): Written by one of the leading experts on the topic, An Introduction to Analysis of Financial Data with R explores basic concepts of visualization of financial data. Download a pdf: #DataScience #RStats #finance #DataAnalytics #Coding #dataviz #programmer

flotsam (@researchremora; 32140): Okay, here goes nothing—a population density map of England. It is after all #rayshader triple Thursday. I have an urge to label everything but who knows, I might already have made mistakes. > #rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 29532): Can you get a 6-figure job with R in 2023? > Yes. > Here’s why. 🧵 > #rstats #datascience

Liam Revell (@phytools_liam; 29341): Take a look at this beautiful #Rstats #phytools figure showing dinosaur climate niche evolution that I just discovered in @CurrentBiology! > Check out the full article by @emmadnn et al. here 👉

Dr. Amanda Kay Montoya (@AmandaKMontoya; 28562): Updated preprint now available! Ever wonder about the differences between statistical and causal #MediationAnalysis? This chapter walks through each and how you can combine practices from both in psychological research! #causalinference #rstats #psychology

Milos Popovic (@milos_agathon; 27266): My new map shows CO2 emissions per capita in Europe in 2021 > #CO2 #greenhouse #environment #RStats #DataScience #dataviz #maps

Dan | (@FilmicAesthetic; 26142): 2022 was a huge year for my #datascience journey. > A year ago, I was okay with #rstats, had no experience with #ggplot2, #github or #powerbi, and had never shared my work publicly. > This thread documents what I’ve learned and created this year 👇 >

flotsam (@researchremora; 23038): Power’s out so raymachine gets a much-needed break. Fortunately (or not), I’ve a store of population density maps so here’s one of Italy. > #rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale

Albert Rapp (@rappa753; 21233): ‘Tis the season to be sharing R treats: > The curly-curly operator is a great way to use a data set’s column names in your own functions. #rstats

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 21047): There are more than 10,685,000 people learning to work with data. > Yet most data science jobs now have over 1000+ applicants. > And only 5 actually make it to an interview. > Use these 4 skills to stand out (free to steal & use to advance your career). > #datascience #rstats

flotsam (@researchremora; 20631): This morning’s population density map is Sweden. > #rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale

Isabella Velásquez (@ivelasq3; 18924): 🎉 New post: Setting up macOS as an #RStats data science rig in 2023 > Let’s fall together into a pit of success™ (when configuring macOS)! 🍎 With tools you love, like #Homebrew #Git #OhMyZsh #QuartoPub 💻 Guest appearance: #ChatGPT! 🤖 > Blog post:

Stats and R (@statsandr; 18345): 📝 New post: “What is survival analysis?” See why, when and how to use the main concepts of this rather unknown branch of statistics (with examples by hand and in R) #rstats #rstatstweet #DataScience

Dr. Dominic Royé (@dr_xeo; 17034): How likely is white Christmas in Europe? 🎄☃️❄️ I estimated the climatic chance of #snow cover on Christmas Eve in the World based on ERA5-Land with snow depth greater than 1 cm. #dataviz #rstats


Guillermo de Anda-Jáuregui (@gdeandajauregui; 5117): @jacasiegel I like this book for beginners, takes you from zero to hero in good time Also, pirates rule.

fenixaries está infectada 🧟‍♀️ (@imfromeldorado; 4320): 🔍 Revelação de capa: > #bookDOWN > Obs: mockup ilustrativo! A quantidade de páginas da imagem não condiz com o tamanho real do livro.

Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces, PhD (@lluaces; 388): Potential new years resolution 👀 @SolomonKurz

fenixaries está infectada 🧟‍♀️ (@imfromeldorado; 3321): 🧟Thread ficbook BREAKDOWN: > 🎸 Formulários, informações, interações, feedbacks… > #bookDOWN

fenixaries está infectada 🧟‍♀️ (@imfromeldorado; 176): 📋 Formulário de Interesse (aberto até 30/12/22). > Shipp: SeXing/ChanKai. Gêneros: ficção científica, terror, drama. > 🧟 Apocalipse Zumbi 🧟 > #bookDOWN

Thea Knowles (@theaknowles; 130): @echodroff @TimoRoettger @carignan_c @matt_with_ears @ctdicanio @StefanoCoretta @jvcasill I’ll +1 to the phonetics on speed tutorial @echodroff linked. > @ctdicanio, @brocaburgher & I led a short series of scripting tutorials in spring 2021 with slides, practice materials, and videos which might be of use and are archived here:

Golub Capital Social Impact Lab (@GSBsiLab; 127): Want to try ML but not sure where to start? From computing ATE to learning optimal policies, we’ve got a methods primer with all the R-code you need! #MachineLearning

fenixaries está infectada 🧟‍♀️ (@imfromeldorado; 107): ⚠️ ATENÇÃO! ⚠️ > Esta autora desatenta esqueceu de checar as tags desocupadas antes (tinha colocado #bookDOWN pq a sonoridade combina com BREAKDOWN), mas vi que já tem alguns tweets no search, então estou mudando para #BREAKDOWNficbook > 🧟

Cengiz Erisen (@CengizErisen; 51): R’la yeni tanışıyorsanız, şu kitabı gözden geçirin

♟♟ (@Donald38Daniel; 41): I get questions about options trading all the time > You need to understand how derivatives work > Options trading is complicated and takes years of experience and observation before one becomes proficient >

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 30): @AbitanteGeorge @OlinoTom Cheers! > But, unless you’re statistically precocious, I’m not so sure this book is the best one to use to dive into Bayes for the first time. Consider this one instead:

fenixaries está infectada 🧟‍♀️ (@imfromeldorado; 30): O Arockalypse já fez as suas primeiras vítimas… > #bookDOWN

Dr Fi Crawford 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 (@welsh_fi; 11): @jacasiegel I’m a big fan of this free online book:

Meshack O. Morang’a (@MeshackMoranga; 10): Chapter 3 Example datasets | An Introduction to Machine Learning with R #rmarkdown #bookdown

Liran Tal (@liran_tal; 10): Threading a few options: > (1) Bookdown looks very well put: although might need some extra setup work. Potentially the project’s example could be a good starting point (

Leitor Ansioso ESTÁ COMEMORANDO O NATAL 🎅🏾🎄 (@leitoransioso; 10): CoHo pfvr faça acontecer ❤️❤️😍👏🏾 > Vcs acham q lembra o Atlas? #book #BookLover #bookDOWN #Booking

Jie Zhang (@luckyjay666; 10): Good summary of online experiments > Causal Inference and Its Applications in Online Industry #rmarkdown #bookdown

Bijesh Mishra, Ph.D. (@BijuBjs; 10): Introduction to R for Data Science: A LISA 2020 Guidebook #rmarkdown #bookdown

Ronald (@ronaldher97; 0/1): Que es es lubridate? Una librería muy intuitiva para manipular fechas, y hallar patrones valiosos en tus datos. En este libro hay una buena guía de como se usa: > #rmarkdown #bookdown #DataScience #Tidyverse #DataAnalytics #Statistics #RStats


❄️⛄️ Andrew Heiss (🐘 (@andrewheiss; 397): Regular reminder that @tjmahr’s trick of storing model results as tab-completable lists (by feeding data frames to split()) is ingenious and will forever change how you use inline chunks with #rstats markdown / #quartopub

Isabella Velásquez (@ivelasq3; 80): @JoeDNoonan Check out convert_chunk_header() from knitr 1.40: >

Mickaël CANOUIL ( (@MickaelCanouil; 20): @JoeDNoonan @ivelasq3 To add on this: 1/n - inline/multiline/yaml-style are all working in Quarto as they do in RMarkdown, but Quarto main syntax is yaml-style - some knitr options became more general (knitr::opt_chunk) and will require manual edits

Alina Kurjan (@alina_kurjan; 11): @RobearPierre > You need to look for tutorials on Rmd (r markdown) files and how to use knitr with this. Normally R Studio offers to install all the packages you need for this when you open a new Rmd file. Plenty of stuff on YouTube as well as online :)

Sysop79 (@Sysop79; 11): @masspeclytical @rstats_tweets To be honest with you, what I’m usually waiting for is knitr::render() on my rmarkdown files! I do a lot of Bayesian-based regression analysis so MCMC.


Alfonso Chang (@AlfonsoChangM; 11): With Quarto v1.2, my Quarto Beamer files don’t compile & show an error message for not finding “xelatex” engine. If you regularly use “MikTex” distribution, and don’t wanna use “Tinytex”, just you have to put this in your preamble: “latex-tinytex: false” #RStats #Quarto #MikTex

Albert Kuo (@albert_kuo; 12): #RStats PSA: haven’t tested this out myself yet, but message = FALSE should now completely suppress messages in R code chunks (no more using suppressPackageStartupMessages!) > Source: