terence fosstodon (@researchremora; 809/109): I’ve gotten a number of requests for México. I’ve refrained from sharing because there seems to be an error in the data that I’m unable to fix. See the spike in what I think is Monterrey—is that right? It’s present in both datasets I tried.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale https://t.co/PEHwLVTIAp ↪
terence fosstodon (@researchremora; 690/81): One more for the evening: a population density map of the Czech Republic, which was sitting in my drafts for a while. Am trying to be more organised about sharing; should have thought about it from the beginning. 😋
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale https://t.co/uaXaN1PppS ↪
Milos Popovic (@milos_agathon; 448/112): My new map shows the % of employed in manufacturing, using Eurostat’s latest data. 🏭👨🏭👩🏭
#manufacturing #industry #Europe #RStats #DataScience #dataviz #maps #geospatial https://t.co/tbE02SEsc3 ↪
terence fosstodon (@researchremora; 377/44): Trying to stay geographically organised with a population density map of Bangladesh.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale https://t.co/fi3D21Ajbc ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 363/81): How To R: Visualizing Distributions by Nick Martin https://t.co/ayAlTxCj3w #rstats #dataviz ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 327/87): 📚 Bioestadística para la investigación biomédica. GRATUITO y con #RStats
comparaciones de tratamientos
análisis del efecto del tratamiento diferencial
análisis de biomarcadores
investigación de diagnóstico médico
métodos para la investigación reproducible
https://t.co/OqUd6LyIpQ https://t.co/cLArdYb2lW ↪
Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 317/66): Stop doing exploratory data analysis the slow way.
Do this instead.
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/nvWyuN7fay ↪
terence fosstodon (@researchremora; 279/17): A population density map of Estonia for the evening.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale https://t.co/z41FGhGZOE ↪
Robin Lovelace @robinlovelace@fosstodon.org (@robinlovelace; 228/36): 🏗️Geocomputation with R update🏗️
Instructions for running the code in @github Codespaces just added. The addition was made and pushed from within Codespaces 🎉 Check it out and give it a spin here: https://t.co/1TGgYB8mKr #geocompx #RStats #vscode https://t.co/ielEB7XXsL ↪
Spencer Schien (@MrPecners; 212/12): And now for my next trick, I move the Thames south of the Seine. 🪄
#rstats + #rayshader code: https://t.co/jHJg3rP1vz https://t.co/I1fLXV6Sko ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 205/55): 🙌 ¿Cómo crear gráficos interactivos en #RStats?
😉 Una guía sencilla y paso a paso para que tus gráficos “cobren vida”
📦 plotly streamgraph leaflet dygraph highcharter
🔗 https://t.co/L0enB8eXWD
#dataviz #Analytics #DataVisualization #ML #ai #BigData #datamining #DataScience https://t.co/rb17IARXYB ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 195/26): Check out the online version of @hadleywickham ’s book ‘Mastering Shiny’ | O’Reilly Media. https://t.co/PhR6uUO8t7 #RStats #dataviz #datavisualization #datascience #datamining #bigdata #ML #IA #BI https://t.co/GJFeNQ8WoC ↪
Big Book of R (300+ free R programming books) (@BigBookofR; 5/1): Create, Publish, and Analyze Personal Websites Using R and RStudio by Danny Morris
#RStats ↪
ahhhhfs (@abskoop; 805/268): Telegram电子书机器人-BookDown
收录240 万本非小说类书籍,
8000 万本科学杂志文章、
200 万本漫画文件、
220 万本小说书籍
和 40 万本杂志
👉 https://t.co/yQKgRU36bH https://t.co/AdPDMDL6ag ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 262/60): ‘Geocomputation with R, a book on geographic data analysis, visualization and modeling.’ by @robinlovelace https://t.co/cTOUDMxNtY #rstast #bookdown #rmarkdown #geocomputation https://t.co/J0zyM6xwHs ↪
Todos Eléctricos (@TodosElectricos; 10/0): OK, la formula se llama colas con múltiples servidores y se puede encontrarlo aqui. Requiere mas tiempo de estudio de lo que ahora mismo puedo meter en esto:
https://t.co/XG0jSmbHKe https://t.co/LrwG7OreUD ↪
Ronald (@ronaldher97; 6/1): Interpretable Machine Learning https://t.co/Y2nw5ermk6
#rmarkdown #bookdown #Rstats #MachineLearning https://t.co/ziF5qVMsX4 ↪
Eric Green (@ericpgreen; 5/0): I might be butchering these examples, but researching how to simulate observational datasets based on DAGs brought me to some great resources:
💻: https://t.co/Eg0M36WDCf (@andrewheiss)
💻: https://t.co/lMtY346jMy (@SolomonKurz based on @rlmcelreath) ↪
Maxence Larrieu 🐘 (@ml4rrieu; 3/2): https://t.co/dXZOyCnfj3, an open-source R package that facilitates writing books and long-form articles/reports with R Markdown, is so impressive
https://t.co/2DZtofZLV8 https://t.co/ogffuxRvV6 ↪
تحليل إحصائي Statistical Analysis (@statistic_ce; 3/1): 📚|كتب متوفرة بشكل مجاني عن #الإحصاء
نسخ مجانية لمجموعة كبيرة من كتب الاحصاء و #علم_البيانات ولغة R متاحة لقراءتها أونلاين
جميع هذه الكتب كتبت باستخدام حزمة bookdown في لغة R والتي تسهل عملية كتابة الكتب والمقالات
#البحث_العلمي #الدراسات_العليا https://t.co/kBpcNeasz1 ↪
Alberson Miranda (@AlbersonMiranda; 3/0): @fernandakellyrs @curso_r @BeaMilz Para quem já trabalhava com rmarkdown, não. Não há praticamente nenhuma mudança. Centraliza algumas coisas (coisas que estavam disponíveis só no bookdown, por exemplo, como referências cruzadas). O ganho mesmo é pra quem vem de outras linguagens e ganharam o rmarkdown ↪
Charlotte @charliejhadley@tech.lgbt (@charliejhadley; 2/2): @rappa753 Perceptual task accuracy observations by Cleveland & McGill in 1984 (and replicated continuously) show we’re most accurate at position then length.
Lollipops let the reader focus on position first - we’re drawn to the value. Bars are great for count https://t.co/GuLaAIvWRP https://t.co/w8D8OIjnPA ↪
King (@VSharing2020; 2/0): BookDown,一个免费的telegram电报电子书机器人,直接发送电子书的名字,即可返回电子书的下载链接,目前机器人收录240 万本非小说类书籍,8000 万本科学杂志文章、200 万本漫画文件、220 万本小说书籍和 40 万本杂志.机器人地址:https://t.co/D2ccUlSDrL ↪
Vince Fulco (“It” / “It’s”) (@bighiretools; 1/1): What are startups using for producing simple guide books? Partial to .md and have used rmarkdown/bookdown–>pdf (latex and setup is painful), now looking at aws + puppeteer + html + pug–>pdf. Looking for cheap, self-hosted, beautiful docs. #startup #bootstrap #self-publishing ↪
James Cranley (@JamesCranley; 1/0): @RuxandraTeslo scATAC package ArchR has really well written documentation which might be of interest https://t.co/pKbuiuFgfM ↪
MIMANSHA CHAUHAN | काल्पनिक (@BeingKalpanik; 1/0): BOOKDOWN
With this bot, you can download any book you need, all you have to do is type the title of the book and it will download it as a PDF. ↪
Diego Gallegos Cares (@flipflapx; 1/0): Guardando para no perder el acceso https://t.co/QJlfXoiSX3 #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 56/8): Learn to use R in LaTeX to create dynamic documents with Overleaf and Knitr. by @citedrive https://t.co/8pO83lilVH #rstats #overleaf #texlatex #knitr #rmarkdown #quartopub ↪
Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 31/6): Some news about #knitr for #rstats #rmarkdown : Next version will have a revisited progress bar!
Learn more at https://t.co/5uj04tNqVl and give it a spin already with dev version! ↪
Hamel Husain (@HamelHusain; 8/1): Knuth discusses his literate programming lang WEB & WEAVE, which takes a single file and generates both source code (Pascal) and documentation (TeX) from it
This may sound familiar if you’ve used R’s Sweave https://t.co/VFzrtnYp8M and is what Jupyter Notebooks do too ✨ https://t.co/gJf7CoxSa1 ↪
posit::glimpse() (@posit_glimpse; 5/0): An upcoming clean progress bar in #knitr!
Going to a single-line progress bar when knitting a document, which will only show the progress and the chunk label by default. https://t.co/SrToGkiJIR ↪
Henrik Bengtsson (@henrikbengtsson; 4/1): @chrisderv The new customizable knitr progress handler (R option https://t.co/lUEJ6n8zlT) is neat. It opens the door to use any combination of progressr handlers while knitting, e.g. beepr, cli, progress, txtprogressbar, rstudio, notifier, rpushbullet, shiny, …
https://t.co/jyFlYVDbvZ ↪
Nate (@en_diz; 3/0): @NSilbiger Quarto is not as good as latex knitr.
But its more scaleable to dopey middle managers cause of the word visual editor.
Quarto still good tho.
Maybe in time it can clean up the rough edges in formatting and long tables. Kable alone needs some help. ↪
Vincent Arel-Bundock (@VincentAB; 1/0): @rjschoner Is that an Rmarkdown or Quarto document? If so,
might be inserting the chunk label in there automatically. ↪
Nate Breznau (@BreznauNate; 1/0): @rappa753 I run ragg using R notebook then add a command after https://t.co/cN4lixiHjt() but in the same code chunk using knitr’s display-graphics function to show result in-line by calling the file ↪
Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 57/8): Slide elements not being fixed in relation to backgrounds is something I never liked about #quarto revealjs slides. So I made a template where that no longer a problem!
Inspired by xaringan, this theme should now work just like any other quarto slides
https://t.co/h8TfwGNoF5 https://t.co/U1tOcKItKl ↪
Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 19/2): Do you miss using
class: inverse
in xaringan? I wrote another #quartopub template 🎉😅quarto use template EmilHvitfeldt/quarto-revealjs-inverse
https://t.co/xDmLO38E9s https://t.co/ktrvzXZiPq ↪
Andrew Leach (@andrew_leach; 11/0): TFW you figure out how to embed an @OurWorldInData animated map into a class presentation deck! The power of using HTML Xaringan slides is unreal. https://t.co/xCKRUZEndg ↪
toni_salvado_nayach@mastodont.cat (@GedOmbra; 8/0): @RosanaFerrero Claramente Posit apuesta por Quarto pero con RMarkdown (+htmlwidgets i crosstalk) vi reactividades xaringan i flexdashboard q todavia no he visto en Quarto. Me refero a cosas como estas diapos a partir de la 18 y, especialmente, la 28 https://t.co/6WnsTgexfX ↪
Tiago Ventura (@_Tiagoventura; 4/0): @fernandakellyrs @curso_r @BeaMilz Eu achei melhor para relatórios pela integração mais completa com Python. Para apresentação, não consegui transferir tão facilmente de xaringan para quarto. E nao vi ganhos tão óbvios. ↪
Matheus Sales (@msales_xaringan; 2/1): @DielNascimento4 HELENO NA CADEIA ↪