Realized I never made a South America elevation tile map #rayshader #rstats



cstats1 (@cstats1; 1382190): Realized I never made a South America elevation tile map > #rayshader #rstats

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 574153): There are at least 24 web frameworks in python. > But 99% of data scientists are overlooking what soon could be the most important one. > #datascience #shiny #rstats #python

Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 30774): 🌎 ¡Acabo de encontrar una serie de mapas increíbles realizados con #RStats! Desde mapas interactivos hasta diseños 3D, hay algo para todos los amantes de los datos espaciales 👇 ¡8 cuentas a las que definitivamente vale la pena darle un vistazo!🧵 #dataviz #maps #geospatial #gis

terence fosstodon (@researchremora; 29351): Had a good number of requests for Colombia, so here it is! I hope I got the labels right. Put off labelling the map because I wasn’t sure I could do it. 😅 As always, do let me know if I made a mistake. > #rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale

terence fosstodon (@researchremora; 28231): Tonight’s population density map is Iran. > #rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale

Albert Rapp (@rappa753; 26922): I’m thinking about moving from RStudio to VSCode. > #rstats folks: What are good resources to make the transition as smooth as possible? Any obstacles I should be aware of?

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 24139): My new favorite R package for uncovering distributions. > And I made a free tutorial to help you get up to speed. > #rstats >

柳本和春 (Kazuharu Yanagimoto) (@kazuyanagimotoJ; 22933): PhD学生たちの勉強会で使った資料をおいておきます (英語ですが.) Rを使って論文書く人向けの実践的なテクニック集です. 将来的に共著者に自分の分析環境を説明する用に作った意味もあります. #RStats #quarto


Xiaotao Shen (@xiaotaoshen1990; 20): @TrumanLab Mine is here. Use the R package blogdown for free.

Gjalt-Jorn “” Peters (@matherion; 12): This thread explains the {quartodon} R 📦 (see > The #rstats quartodon 📦 allows you to post a Mastodon thread from a plain text file (e.g., a blog post from a Quarto, {blogdown}, or {distill} website,…

John Goldin (@johngoldin; 10): @Stat_Ron @thomas_mock @quarto_pub I am very happy I invested the time to switch my blogdown blog to quarto. The quarto blog is MUCH easier to maintain.

Kevin Bolger (@Kevin_Bolger; 10): @fullstackalien @astrodotbuild Im a big fan of simple, tried and tested solutions. The blog is a 90s problem that wordpress has had on lock for a long time. Another solution could be something like blogdown which uses the RMarkdown engine. I think quarto may have replaced it recently. Steeper learning slope.


Yan Holtz (@R_Graph_Gallery; 80): @RosanaFerrero Hi Rosana! Thanks a lot for sharing my work🙏. > However, it would be awesome to cite the real website, not to the URL of somebody who stole my content in a bookdown webpage… ☹️🥴😢 >

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 72): @bolkerb @IsabellaGhement @samclifford If anyone’s interested in a DIC vs WAIC breakdown for brms, I’ve already done one here:

Bioinformatics Creed 🔥 (@BioinfoCreed; 60): (4). R Gallery Book: > A complete guide for data visualisation types and codes in R

Dr. Cat Hicks (@grimalkina; 51): Ok, if I had a manuscript I thought would be generally interesting to folks and I wanted to stand up a free & open copy of it, what’s the best way folks do this? Bookdown?

Bioinformatics Creed 🔥 (@BioinfoCreed; 40): (9). Efficient R programming: > Provides many resources for visualisation, data science and package development in R

Chris “Institutions Have Consequences” Zorn (@prisonrodeo; 30): @erikacule There are a lot. A few I like: (general / searches) (programming) and of course:

Pär Leijonhufvud (@ParLeijonhufvud; 22): Under hösten ledda jag en seminarieserie/kurs om R. I samband med det skrev jag sammanfattningar av det material som gicks igenom, dessa är nu samlade på ett ställe, och kommer att uppdateras fortlöpande. #rmarkdown #bookdown #rstats #rstudio

Sato Shuntaro|佐藤俊太朗 (@Shuntarooo3; 22): @MITTI12101 @hommedefer3 あと、ランダムサンプリングとランダム割り付けは区別して使う方がいいと思います。たぶんMITTIさんが言いたいのはランダム割り付けです。

Dr. Cat Hicks (@grimalkina; 21): @bmwiernik Thank you for catching me up!! I procrastinated so hard on doing anything with bookdown that now I can just learn something more streamlined 😌 my fave outcome

Brenton Wiernik 🏳️‍🌈 (@bmwiernik; 20): @grimalkina Quarto is the successor to bookdown that streamlines a bunch of the steps

marynia (@MaryniaKolak; 20): @adamcifu I found this being tweeted a few months ago, seemed helpful:

Daniel Sjoberg (@statistishdan; 10): @dgkeyes I don’t think they are the same, but not 100% sure. > I converted an internal bookdown site to a Quarto book site recently. It needed minimal changes to make the conversion…just incase you really want those fenced echo chunks.

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 10): @statistishdan Interesting! I hadn’t heard of this. I’m writing with bookdown so have to use RMarkdown, not Quarto. Are verbatim chunks the RMarkdown equivalent?

Richard Poynder (@RickyPo; 10): bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

Open Access Tracking Project (@oatp; 10): bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown | 2023-01-09 | Yihui Xie

erre español (@ErreEspanol; 10): Rearchers: How to Save Time using Literate Programming #rmarkdown #bookdown

yg (@vdweqn; 10): @stelo_kim 안녕하세요, 저는 이것으로 세팅했어요, R 에는 익숙하지 않지만 예제 보니 괜찮더라고요


Sam Parmar (@parmsam; 95): New #rweekly issue just released. #rstats 🔗 🌟 Highlights: 1⃣ An Upcoming Clean Progress Bar in knitr @xieyihui 2⃣ litr: Write an R Package Entirely with an R Markdown Document @xieyihui 3⃣ .-././–/—/.-./…/. @mattdray [↪](

Ahmadou Dicko (@dickoah; 70): @MichaelDorman84 You can use knitr::purl to extract your R chunks and export to a script.

Barry Rowlingson🐺 (@geospacedman; 60): @MichaelDorman84 I think .qmd and .Rmd are similar enough that knitr::purl will work - works for a simple example anyway. If you need a command line then use littler or R CMD ...

The R-Podcast (Eric) (@theRcast; 55): Episode 106 of @rweekly_org Highlights podcast is (literally) available now! > ⚙️ {knitr} progress update @xieyihui 📝 {litr} literate programming dev (Jacob Bien) 👓 Morse code in #rstats with {remorse} @mattdray > h/t @mikeketchbrook @parmsam 🙏

kosGITti (@kosugitti; 32): Quartoでggplot書くときの文字化けを避けるには,knitrオプションを #| dev: “ragg_png” とすれば良いことがわかりました。

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 20): @dickoah @MichaelDorman84 Knitr::purl works for R chunks to extract in an R script. Other language chunk not viable in an R script will ignored.

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 10): @geospacedman @MichaelDorman84 You can just just use knitr own purl function. You need to use dev version of knitr though because supports for in chunk yaml option has just been added. Like with Rmd, it will extract R code into an R script, keeping options in comment.

Bruno Rodrigues ( (@brodriguesco; 10): @ajordannafa ah yes many thanks! I knew I was missing something obvious, in this case > - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2 with: packages: any::knitr any::rmarkdown any::downlit any::xml2 > Cheers!


Matheus Sales (@msales_xaringan; 10): @nilmoretto BOLSONARO E TORRES NA CADEIA #BolsonaroPreso

Arindam Basu (@arinbasu; 10): @UsmanAfzali @thomas_mock @quarto_pub See this

Arindam Basu (@arinbasu; 10): @UsmanAfzali @thomas_mock @quarto_pub You do not need to use quarto for revealjs based slides. Besides, other options are available. I am not sure if we can use xaringan with quarto, I really like xaringan.

Matheus Sales (@msales_xaringan; 10): BOLSONARO É CULPADO

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 316): Some news about #knitr for #rstats #rmarkdown : Next version will have a revisited progress bar! Learn more at and give it a spin already with dev version!