One of my biggest mistakes when I began learning data science - I believed everything I heard. Don’t do this. 🧵 #datascience #rstats #python



Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 662/141): One of my biggest mistakes when I began learning data science - I believed everything I heard.

Don’t do this. 🧵

#datascience #rstats #python

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 377/70): Stop using distribution plots…

Do this instead.

Learn more:


Albert Rapp (@rappa753; 329/47): A lot of people create reports with tables in Word and PowerPoint.

{flextable} let’s you do all the number crunching in #rstats and then export it to Word and PowerPoint.

Work in R.
Communicate in MS Office.
That way, everyone can use your work.


Nan Xiao 肖楠 (@nanxstats; 4/2): Just shared a simple #rstats solution for identifying broken links in #bookdown, #blogdown, and #Quarto projects using {urlchecker}. Say goodbye to manual URL checking headaches.

Jenny Sloane (@jfsloane; 1/0): @TrumanLab - created using R Blogdown. Feel free to check out and share this #R4beginners website I’m currently working on with tutorials on how to build websites in R with both blogdown and distill

Tom Jenkins (@Tom__Jenkins; 1/0): @TrumanLab I’ve also transitioned out of academia, but my website is still semi-active. Created it using R Blogdown package and Hugo.


Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 251/66): 📚 ¡Haz más con menos! Libro GRATUITO
💥 La programación eficiente en #RStats es la clave para aumentar tu productividad y lograr más en menos tiempo
👉 ¡No te pierdas estos consejos, advertencias y trucos!
#book #DataScience #stats #programming #code

Ronald (@ronaldher97; 104/29): Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R

Text Analytics with R: Classification

This tutorial introduces text analyses in R using a variety of R packages and tidy tools.

#Rstats #tidyverse #DataAnalytics

Alexa Fredston (@AFredston; 9/4): hey #rstats, I wrote the supplement to a paper in bookdown to knit to pdf. it auto-numbers the figures and titles, which is great, but…

what’s the easiest way to force it to label all figures and tables “Supplemental Figure/Table X” rather than the default “Figure/Table X”?

مَريم| تحليل 🧠 (@mrym_analyst; 9/2): 🚨نسخ مجانية لمجموعة كبيرة من كتب الاحصاء وعلم البيانات ولغة R …. متاحة لقراءتها أونلاين

Cameron Patrick (@camjpatrick; 9/0): @deanmarchiori Solomon Kurz has various bookdown/blogs where he translates popular texts or examples into brms. Some of them have more detail than others but overall I really recommend them as a resource.

Dominik Liebl (@domliebl; 7/2): That’s a nice collection #econtwitter:
10 Fundamental Theorems for Econometrics

Ronald (@ronaldher97; 6/5): Mixed-methods research: Analysing qualitative data in R

This chapter looks at one possibility of conducting mixed-methods research in R.

#Rstats #research #bookdown

Federico Riva (@riva_ecology; 6/0): @deanmarchiori Steve Midway’s book has been a quick, useful intro for me. Holcombe (@ceptional; 4/0): for free for two weeks. The version I published with bookdown ( will be available for free at least until I die, or become too ashamed of the book. #attention #perception
#openaccess (2/2)

Guido Corradi (@GuidoBCor; 4/0): @magelssen_chr Maybe you will find interesting this Book

Rata Science (@RataScience; 3/2): Computational Social Science: Theory & Application de @p_c_bauer

Dr. Baba (@babayoshihikoCH; 3/1): RStudio #bookdown で日本語、ようやくできた。tinytex で色々インストールしまくり、rmdja::pdf_book_ja で成功。今までも単一Rmd、bibなしならできたが、bookdown が難しい。

Patrick English (@PME_Politics; 2/1): @dan_tomlinson_ Can highly recommend this as a great starting point: and then also the lectures and github resources from @chrishanretty for some great examples, code, and walk throughs.

Brenton Wiernik 🏳️‍🌈 (@bmwiernik; 2/0): @IscanogluZulal @michelnivard Quarto is the successor to RMarkdown that incorporates streamlined versions of features from various extensions (eg, bookdown), so you should start with Quarto nowadays

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 1/2): CRAN updates: bookdown DT #rstats

Nono Gueye (@GueyeNono; 1/0): @MarketPowerYT If this is true, then a lot of people in the R community will go to heaven. No need to go through your University library.

Michael Koontz, PhD 🦔 (@_mikoontz; 1/0): @AFredston You can use the {captionr} package to do this: or for a bookdown-specific example

Bryce Mecum (@brycem; 1/0): @AFredston I’m hoping I’m wrong and that there’s an easier way but I think you might be into Lua filters territory. See and this SO answer:

Prof. Rohhit Vishal Kumaar (@RohitVishalKum2; 1/0): Need to revisit


Kareem Carr | Data Scientist (@kareem_carr; 45/2): @DialecticBio Have you tried knitr and especially quatro? I don’t think they are that different from Jupyterlab if you customize your Rstudio interface. I know what you mean about Rstudio though. Default setup is cumbersome without a big monitor.

R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 18/9): Learn to use R in LaTeX to create dynamic documents with Overleaf and Knitr. by @citedrive #rstats #quartopub #rmarkdown

Mikael André Albrecht (@Albrecht_Mikael; 2/0): @PieroZannini Something like this:

  1. ggplot2
  2. dplyr
  3. knitr
  4. lme4
  5. psych

Honorable mentions: ggbeeswarm, cowplot, and RColorBrewer.

garrick aden-buie (@grrrck; 1/0): @jgeller_phd @naseemdh @quarto_pub What versions of quarto, {knitr} and {evaluate} are you using? I just tried with the latest of each (1.2.313, 1.41, 0.19) and all three of these versions worked for me:

しなしろ (@shena4746; 1/0): Rからシェルにコマンドを送れることを思い出したので、READMEのコードチャンクをRmd経由で実行させるべく、knitr環境のdockerを書いた


Aditya Arie Wijaya (@Adtarie; 1/0): @MikaelDewabrata Ggplot2 parah sih, yg bikin gw selalu mupeng liat R tu ya; ggplot2-tidiversenya (pipe), dan (dulu) rmarkdown, xaringan etc. Skrg udah ada quarto, agak mendingan, tapi ttp aja rich autocomplete cuma ada di Rstudio haha.