Milos Popovic (@milos_agathon; 1204/232): Happy to share my new map of tree cover in Europe!
#europe #forest #nature #RStats #DataScience #dataviz #maps #geospatial https://t.co/YXuMU2A1mG ↪
Albert Rapp (@rappa753; 796/132): You can step up your data visualization game with {ggiraph} & {patchwork}.
Two premier tools for creating interactive, connected plots with click events and tool-tips. (And they’re super easy to use too.)
Code: https://t.co/MwbHYjdVN1
#rstats #dataviz https://t.co/qup1n3mTro ↪
Karina Bartolomé (@karbartolome; 277/65): Regresiones logísticas, efectos marginales y más cosas en R, un ayudamemoria para mi misma que tal vez le sirva a alguien
#RStats #RstatsES #EconTwitterhttps://t.co/kuaajcUUQy ↪
Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 227/55): The old 10+ person data science team is out.
The new 1-person business scientist is in.
This is how to prepare. 🧵
#datascience #rstats #python https://t.co/KvGnIRqYUv ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 215/45): Data Visualization Packages for R to Consider in 2023 by @citedrive https://t.co/KhhE0iejmw #rstats #dataviz #ggplot2 #rstudio #posit https://t.co/YbxVes1CK6 ↪
SevillaR (@_SevillaR; 211/52): ¡Una introducción al modelado bayesiano jerárquico con R, JAGS y STAN!
Esta técnica te permite incluir incertidumbres y sesgos en tus datos, haciéndolos más realistas y preciso
🔗 https://t.co/kS64YYeWt3
#dataviz #RStats #Analytics #DataScience #ML #spatial #programming #stats https://t.co/PJciu3O5V3 ↪
Ming “Tommy” Tang (@tangming2005; 3/3): if you are using blogdown with hugo and frustrated that your site does not build with a different hugo version. take a read of this post https://t.co/s7eVXPTWBg #rstats ↪
tipsder (@tipsder; 260/84): [📕 Libro] R para Principiantes.
Libro, en formato web y en castellano, para todos aquellos interesados en iniciar o complementar el aprendizaje de #R.
¡Muy recomentado!
Gracias al autor por este aporte.
#RStatsES https://t.co/U61ER5Rh4o ↪
SethGitter (@SethGitter; 13/1): @EconoTodd https://t.co/KBTo4nciJX ↪
Florencia Alguero (@floralguero; 5/1): @estebanscu https://t.co/Y9oC4cXRBU
A mí me sirvió mucho, es básico y en español. Quizás te es útil. ↪
Aaro Salosensaari (@aqsalose; 3/1): Fascinating what you can find by searching for statistics related keywords. This evening I found https://t.co/tfrRUnNiBZ “DSCI 335: Inferential Reasoning in Data Analysis” . Apparently still being written, but very readable up to Ch 8 ↪
Yannick Kälber (@YannickKae; 3/0): @SquishChaos @kareem_carr Here: https://t.co/W2qSsi2QeS
Well structured with many exercises to practice.
And you might find some good additional code here: https://t.co/8k4aC0DUP8
For example, limit theorems can be perfectly understood by numerical simulations. ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@MickaelCanouil@fosstodon.org) (@MickaelCanouil; 1/1): @shah_f1 @rstats_tweets 3. Reuse the chunk, e.g., using YAML style
#| ref.label: chunk-doing-stuff
```And you can reuse as many times as you want the code inside the chunk without having to actually copy/paste chunk’s content.
See https://t.co/V4h6Y65izM ↪
Matthew B Jané (@MatthewBJane; 1/0): @MarkAnnuncio Here’s a tutorial. If you scroll down to the subgroup analysis section, this is the sort of situation we are talking about I think
https://t.co/5VKueiasCE ↪
s3thr1n (@s3thr1n; 1/0): The Crisis of the Roman Republic https://t.co/2fkHEkAXas #rmarkdown #bookdown 정리중… ↪
Noric Couderc (@heynoric; 1/0): CRC Press is the best: https://t.co/i8WExpC0Xu ↪
erre español (@ErreEspanol; 1/0): Este libro ofrece una visión general de los métodos disponibles en la actualidad para tratar los datos faltantes (#missing #data)
https://t.co/b4OQei5FKL https://t.co/N49OlXbJvl ↪
Craig Van Pay (@CKVanPay; 10/0): I’m remembering this one time an elderly woman told me it was neat to see a man into knitting.
I don’t actually knit, and took me a moment, but then I remembered I have a knitr hex on my laptop😆 https://t.co/FBtp0XTWJV ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@MickaelCanouil@fosstodon.org) (@MickaelCanouil; 4/0): @grrrck @jgeller_phd @naseemdh @quarto_pub @xieyihui Quarto recommends and uses YAML style code cells/options.
There are three styles available in knitr: inline R style, multiline R style, yaml style.
You should not mixed the three styles.Note the comma at the end for the multiline R style. https://t.co/1Jvwe0a89o ↪
Jason Doctor (@jasndoc; 1/0): @ryancbriggs Also I have never tried this but working within Knitr to convert from HTML to PDF after you generated HTML.
html_to_pdf(file_path = NULL, dir = NULL, scale = 1, render_exist = FALSE) ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@MickaelCanouil@fosstodon.org) (@MickaelCanouil; 1/0): @naseemdh @grrrck @jgeller_phd @quarto_pub @xieyihui Note that knitr::convert_chunk_header() can do the heavy lifting of converting code chunk options to any of the three styles. 😉 ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: abn collapse knitr spatstat.random TSP #rstats ↪
Exploratory Data Alex (@alexkyllo; 4/0): @GreenWalker92 @kareem_carr Another nice example is something like TinyTeX. You can install a LaTeX distribution and be building PDFs in 3 minutes and 3 lines of R code. I’m not aware of any Python package that does this–one certainly could, but the culture is to do it from your OS shell instead of Python. ↪
Dr. Baba (@babayoshihikoCH; 3/1): RStudio #bookdown で日本語、ようやくできた。tinytex で色々インストールしまくり、rmdja::pdf_book_ja で成功。今までも単一Rmd、bibなしならできたが、bookdown が難しい。 ↪
Matheus Sales (@msales_xaringan; 1/0): @HeleniceAM1 #DamaresNaCadeia ↪
Matheus Sales (@msales_xaringan; 1/0): @wdevuono #DamaresNaCadeia ↪