Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 1752/239): Stop using boxplots…
Use this plot instead.
#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/8mbHzRuFm6 ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 750/203): 🧠Seas científico, analista, consultor o cualquier otra persona que tenga que preparar docs o informes técnicos, necesitas realizar visualizaciones de datos convincentes
🙌 ¡Y este libro (gratuito) en #RStats es tu guía definitiva!
🔗 https://t.co/mbI2tNpldp
#dataviz #ebook #data https://t.co/MGlbHIgv2H ↪
PYOFLIFE.COM (@Parajulisaroj16; 335/85): R is a powerful programming language used for data analysis and statistical computing. Here is a quick reference guide to get you started with R programming. https://t.co/Yj7SwZFd31 #datascience #rstats #r #programming #dataviz #DataAnalytics #codinglife #DataScientist https://t.co/cUnmn9G6xl ↪
Albert Rapp (@rappa753; 263/27): Many people don’t actually need a complex dashboard.
An interactive document with a few toggles and sliders is easier to build and can give the same dynamic experience.
With Quarto and Shiny you can do that in just a few steps. Here’s how. #rstats ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 6/2): How to Embed a Shiny App Into a blogdown Post by Mehmet Dogan https://t.co/WHTRrZo7ep #rstats ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 1466/400): 📚 Una introducción fácil de leer (y comprender) sobre el flujo de trabajo en análisis de datos. Esta debería ser una lectura obligatoria tanto para los estudiantes como para los nuevos practicantes
👉 Descarga GRATIS
🔗 https://t.co/BpMLAt4rXo
👤 @rdpeng @elizabethmatsui
#book https://t.co/3NXJJf8FtH ↪
JP Gannon (@jp_gannon; 33/2): I’m updating some things in my data science for hydrology (hydroinformatics) bookdown as I teach with it for the third time (!)
First up, the sec on Joins, Pivots, and dataRetrieval now uses the readWQPqw() and the associated data format (https://t.co/UcJsSl82HI) ↪
Josh Hermsmeyer (@friscojosh; 16/3): recommend doing the work as he presents it in the book, then translating it into brms with Kurz
https://t.co/94o1zNzxy3 ↪
開発くん (@jp_consultant; 6/0): 色々と書き直したりして、まだ画像の貼り付けも完了していないけど、STAC(AWS)を利用した衛星データの取得・表示までは書き終えたぜぇ。Qiitaでも宣伝として書いた方がええんかな??
https://t.co/xpb3YezvRC https://t.co/2UZSUCLul6 ↪
Miao Yu (@yu_free; 5/2): Annual updates for my online research notes with 46 literature from 2022 https://t.co/o6jpZwraOU ↪
ex-punk (@foraminifeo; 5/0): un par de meses más y publico un bookdown para trabajar con geodatos en R. he escrito demasiados snippets en estos últimos meses 😭 ↪
Stephen Wild (@stephenjwild; 5/0): @dan_p_simpson @realHollanders @ajordannafa @jazzystats Nice short bookdown here: https://t.co/Cbh2ntvOS0
Very nice @jazzystats preprint: https://t.co/kw12wZXPjC ↪
Nathaniel Forde (@forde_nathaniel; 4/0): @stephenjwild Not sure, but came across this yesterday and it seemed neat:https://t.co/ptb2coQqIz ↪
Nils Ratnaweera (@NRatnaweera; 2/3): Making a case for literate programming in research and teaching using #RMarkodwn in #rstats. Will migrate to @quarto_pub soon!
Slides from our meetup @ZHAW available (in German) on https://t.co/U6WS1osX8y https://t.co/j2KWotiOt2 ↪
Josh Erickson (@joshualerickson; 2/0): @jp_gannon Have always loved your bookdown! Has been a gateway to coding in hydro!
Shameless plug but check out {whitewater} for some munging sugar if inclined 😊 soon to be on CRAN. ↪
とびモン(の中の人) (@to_2106; 2/0): 最近jamoviを使うようにもしている。指標チェックが簡単にできるので重宝。前の計算との比較もできて、痒いところに手が届く。
https://t.co/NATBrvD7Pz ↪
D. Water Law☘️ (@AmbassaLaw; 1/0): Analyse de données et apprentissage statistique en R https://t.co/jB5DR6xixr #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
Tiago André Marques (@TiagoALOMarques; 1/0): There is also a related free bookdown book on the topic, that supports the course: https://t.co/nUs3JhhkXv and you can check the rest of the author’s git too (several additional resources!). Kudos for all these free resources for students. ↪
Rex “garbage in” Douglass Ph.D. (@RexDouglass; 0/1): A Guide on Data Analysis
https://t.co/Fojf383B9A https://t.co/6QXO04mLnK ↪
Tanya Shapiro (@tanya_shapiro; 2/0): @thomas_mock agh, if only I didn’t need this in PDF format.
closest i got was this GitHub discussion, but requires some JS code that is above my comprehension:
https://t.co/iX2U3XOhIf ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: https://t.co/FzQKeRwtBz ISRaD MachineShop tinytex visachartR #rstats ↪
Fadel Megahed (@FadelMegahed; 1/0): @RohanAlexander Very interesting outline. This overlaps with what I teach in my business intelligence and data viz class. Please feel free to use anything that makes sense from my repo: https://t.co/DeGH6sZxJM (for quick overview, the tentative schedule provides the knitted xaringan slides ) ↪