I finished a silly beginner #rstats tutorial I started during the pandemic. You are a traveler in a fantastical kingdom of NewbR. It's interactive and the project was for me to learn how to use learnR https://t.co/qB1lchNS6j https://t.co/N2c4Wdb8nr



Damie Pak (@pakdamie; 27244): I finished a silly beginner #rstats tutorial I started during the pandemic. You are a traveler in a fantastical kingdom of NewbR. It’s interactive and the project was for me to learn how to use learnR > https://t.co/qB1lchNS6j https://t.co/N2c4Wdb8nr

terence fosstodon (@researchremora; 22238): A map showing the population density within 20km of the River Ganga. > #rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale https://t.co/64FvZdv1G8


R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 83): How to Embed a Shiny App Into a blogdown Post by Mehmet Dogan https://t.co/WHTRrZnzoR #rstats


Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 191): Hey, I made Statistical Thinking News! Sadly, they linked to a very outdated version of one of my ebooks. Use this link instead: https://t.co/U6SjLKPxiM https://t.co/gh5IXLlHBT

Wolfgang Huber 🇺🇦 (@wolfgangkhuber; 181): I was recently reminded of this: “Let users become developers” - a core idea behind S, R, Bioconductor etc. It’s a main reason for their wide adaption — with the flip side that the R code “out there” has variable degrees of professionality 🙂 From: https://t.co/Ht97P1whr4 https://t.co/mwB1hRYAz3

Adam Kuczynski (@AdamKuczynski; 50): For the most part I let #brms choose priors for the interaction term and scale params, although I used some priors from @SolomonKurz’s ch. 14 statistical rethinking w/ brms (https://t.co/BuXYTTOp3b) for the scale effects. [↪](https://twitter.com/AdamKuczynski/status/1626724765330444288)

Dr. Gema Zamarro (she/her/hers) (@gemazamarro; 30): @ViolaAsri @jmwooldridge @andrewcamp and I was just discussing this today. I am just starting to learn this but like the heat map style figures in chapter 2 here: https://t.co/w3nWRyNXMQ

Big Book of R (300+ free R programming books) (@BigBookofR; 22): A Minimal Book Example > https://t.co/BKTMtoI5vt #RStats

さとぅ (@dsat0; 11): Introduction to Econometrics with R https://t.co/sgBegUSwmb #rmarkdown #bookdown

Matthieu Mulot (Lebiostatisticien) #CitoyensDuWeb (@Nibor_Tolum; 10): @AnneLubedyle @Sonic_urticant ici https://t.co/z1EwEYfwkV ou ici pour le kappa https://t.co/uqlYCHVVqq

Dorothy Bishop (@deevybee; 10): Bookdown. Is. Fiddly

Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 10): @Norbertou25 Lo que puedes hacer con los libros de CC como este es clonar el repositorio de github y luego puede crear el libro localmente como un pdf para ti mismo con bookdown. > rmarkdown::render_site(output_format = ‘bookdown::pdf_book’, encoding = ‘UTF-8’)

Adriangtzg96 (@adriangtzg96; 10): There are 5 core activities of data analysis: > Stating and refining the question > Exploring the data > Building formal statistical models > Interpreting the results > Communicating the results > From: https://t.co/5nU4H36zRs

Daphna Harel (daphnaharel at mastodon.social) (@DaphnaHarel; 10): @ingorohlfing The class I teach has no corresponding textbook so I’m typing up my notes with some narrative explanation for my students. Bookdown would have been just fine. It’s just a nice format to create a student resource


R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 1911): Learn to use R in LaTeX to create dynamic documents with Overleaf and Knitr. by @citedrive https://t.co/TKP071qnPE #rstats #quartopub #rmarkdown

Nicholas Erskine (@nerskine95; 20): @nickchk In rstudio it’ll set you up with a working python example document if you create a quarto doc from the new file menu and change the engine from knitr to jupyter in the popup

Owen Lynch (@u_map_prop; 10): I just spent more time than I’m willing to admit getting tikzcd to work in a nice way with @quarto_pub. > The magic knitr options were:


まにまに (@mns_econ; 20): 久々にQuarto/RMarkdownをPDF化しようとして今までTeX入れてなかったMacにtinytex入れてknitしたら”You may need to $ $ around an expression in this file.“というエラーが出たのでLaTeXは嫌い


curso-r (@curso_r; 232): ‘Por favor não faça gráficos de pizza 3D. Nunca. Eles distorcem os dados e só atrapalham a visualização. O uso de pizza 3D só é permitido para trollar!’ > #faxinadedados #rstats #programação #pesquisa #datascience #xaringan https://t.co/ItgnOxjURX https://t.co/gWz0sRMHDH

curso-r (@curso_r; 61): É possível visualizar seu slide enquanto edita usando o xaringan::inf mr()! você sabia disso? Já corre lá para testar e marcar os amig@s que vão adorar essa dica também! #faxinadedados #rstats #programação #pesquisa #datascience #xaringan https://t.co/AReFwNNLjV

Andrew Heiss (🐘 @andrew@fediscience.org) (@andrewheiss; 31): @VincentAB @flynnpolsci or here, where I build a bunch of datasets and xaringan slides too https://t.co/lFluGf8y59