📚 La mayoría de los libros sobre el lenguaje de programación R le dirán cuáles son las formas posibles de hacer una cosa en R. Este libro solo le dirá una forma de hacer eso correctamente 🔗 https://t.co/R7dKSDS1xO #RStats #Programming #DataScience #AI #ML #code #Analytics https://t.co/bSNmnW7P8D



terence fosstodon (@researchremora; 26335): A forest cover map of Germany using data from 2019. > #rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale https://t.co/K0jJE9066C

PYOFLIFE.COM (@Parajulisaroj16; 17047): Heat maps are a graphical representation of data that uses color coding to show the values of a matrix.  https://t.co/SHkuXpG8h5 #DataScience #rstats #heatmap #R #programming #coding #datavisualisation #DataAnalytics #DataScientist https://t.co/wdcwVdGkbc


Dominique Makowski 🧙 (@Dom_Makowski; 10): @micahgallen For my lab https://t.co/oxsONpvBAW we use the wowchemy template with R blogdown and it has been fairly smooth. All free and automated. We have it open access (you can probably duplicate the repo and it should almost work out of the box) here: https://t.co/Vcgs0QZhTN

Sabhrina Aninta 🍥 (@sagitaninta; 10): @BigDrFishBoi Have you heard about a R package called ‘blogdown’? 👀


Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 510125): 📚 La mayoría de los libros sobre el lenguaje de programación R le dirán cuáles son las formas posibles de hacer una cosa en R. Este libro solo le dirá una forma de hacer eso correctamente 🔗 https://t.co/R7dKSDS1xO #RStats #Programming #DataScience #AI #ML #code #Analytics https://t.co/bSNmnW7P8D

tipsder (@tipsder; 11140): [📕Libro] RStudio para Estadística Descriptiva en Ciencias Sociales Libro, en la web y en español, para el abrodaje estadístico en ciencias sociales con el apoyo de #R. https://t.co/6mJ7OQTnSb Gracias a @felipe_ruizb y colega de la @facsouchile en la @uchile por este gran aporte. https://t.co/wLnub1DzYp

R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 5117): Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R https://t.co/8lUxxMzLul #rmarkdown #bookdown #rstats

Dan Quintana (@dsquintana; 140): 3. @riotscienceclub YouTube channel https://t.co/FPXEcb78mt > 4. @lakens’ Improving Your Statistical Inferences book https://t.co/V9SxzPL0Fs > 5. @MathiasHarrer et al’s meta-analysis book https://t.co/irgWIg9nGO > 23 🧵

Andrew Heiss (🐘 @andrew@fediscience.org) (@andrewheiss; 101): @fibrou In this specific project, Quarto’s built-in cross-reference support has been fantastic (https://t.co/5wFOgn78Jd), with no need to resort to bookdown. Plus better table support + multipanel figures without needing to rely on patchwork + nicer default output templates

Crystal Lewis (@Cghlewis; 60): Today’s commit message brought to you by the amazing @ivelasq3 🌟 https://t.co/lIV5es8TZ8 https://t.co/9pHy9QONBe

s3thr1n (@s3thr1n; 20): Discrimen Rei Publicae Romanae https://t.co/hIuYJOZLLa #rmarkdown #bookdown > 으 겨우 다 옮겼네. 트위터가 망해도 이 망글은 살아남는다

Simon HeÃy (Heß, but people mess up charsets) (@simonhhess; 20): @AsjadNaqvi I kept forgetting and always have to consult my old code. > Now I use @rmarkdown / bookdown and save time.

Dorothy Bishop (@deevybee; 14): techie question re bookdown. In references you get ___ for author name if name recurs in list (see attached eg). If you have references at end of each chapter, the ___ can occur without it being clear what it refers to. Anyone know how to revert to full name for all? https://t.co/0QEoqKCut0

Jake Elder (@Jake_Elder52; 10): @seanpmackinnon https://t.co/W5VcpD6cAi

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 10): @rtorkar @frattinij1 You can always to bespoke manual stuff like Figure 10.6 at the end of Section 10.1.3 here: https://t.co/xDS1QvkirT.

Isabella Velásquez (@ivelasq3; 10): @Cghlewis I may have had this same issue before. Do you have a figure label and a figure caption? https://t.co/jkG7ogOe29

Daytime Pub Smell (@DaytimePubSmell; 10): @BrawnSurgeon @pzmyers @TrabalhoMaterno @erciliamanda @zaelefty Ah, I see. Yes I think you’re right. I got that from here ⬇️, and the simulated samples often barely have a trough even when separated. Just going on the bars would erase the dip completely. > I’ll still say height is bimodal in these arguments though 😃 https://t.co/EUuV6hF6MP

A Question A Day (@python_a_day; 10): @BekahHW If the book includes code, then you can try out bookdown, it’s a package in R to facilitate writing books https://t.co/Q9CMp5W2hD

Graham Sutton 🇺🇦 (@grahamjsutton; 10): @shiv5468 @mocent0 Good source this https://t.co/P0kdsbJHEM

Virgilio Gómez-Rubio (@precariobecario; 10): @RosanaFerrero ASDAR no está en formato bookdown de acceso gratuito. Algunas universidades tienen acceso al libro a través de sus bibliotecas.


Achim Zeileis @zeileis@fosstodon.org (@AchimZeileis; 53): Can anyone help me setting figure options in #python when calling it via #knitr in #rstats using #reticulate? > I’m probably overlooking something obvious because I don’t know enough about Python… > Details: > https://t.co/t9PY8GeJ9K

3.9% symmetrical objective proponent (@NewRiverInvest; 40): @QuantPrincess @QuantumHoneybee @cam_o_gram @moreproteinbars @adarsh_trader @therobotjames @worstcontrarian @ALBACapMgmt @QEternity @arb8020 @DMTCapital @drunkengrass @WHITEBOYRIC3 @MinvstrD @Tallow_beach @Sir_VIXaLot @be20684347 @l1quid1ty @phanihare @geeteetwo @NotQuiteMidlife @Banana_Chucker @brrrcapital1 @0xB2_0 @IDrawCharts @EffMktHype @okopnik @baanibaani4 @ihavedumbtakes @686Prism @TCK_JRubano @mike_alpha_vega @darjohn25 @jp_JellyRoll @pat_hennessy @sdav1986 @Gingfacekillah @kate10010 @quantagonist @TruckinTraders @root_sudosu @anondot11 @weaponizedFOMO @EntropyChase @JustPunting @343Spork @0xfbifemboy @AdnanVanDal1 as a boomer-in-spirit i am more of a knitr type. plus i am too fat for LaTeX anyways

Mickaël CANOUIL (@MickaelCanouil@fosstodon.org) (@MickaelCanouil; 11): @dtoher I made a PR with a more automatic solution, using {knitr} thus #RStats. https://t.co/ErjQ6HiGax

R Development News and blog (@R_dev_news; 10): 2023-03-04: CHANGES IN R 4.2.2 patched BUG FIXES > * > Running examples from HTML documentation now restores previous ‘knitr’ settings and options (PR#18420). https://t.co/strSCKg6RQ

Deirdre Toher (@dtoher; 10): @DavidGohel Captions work to word for me (using Quarto 1.2 and knitr).