Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 135/39): 📚 El #datascience ha conquistado el mundo. Pero para extraer valor de esos datos, uno debe estar capacitado en las habilidades adecuadas de ciencia de datos.
👉Este libro trata sobre los fundamentos de #programming en #RStats
#stats #analytics ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 135/27): ‘Geocomputation with R, a book on geographic data analysis, visualization and modeling.’ by @robinlovelace #rstast #bookdown #rmarkdown #geocomputation ↪
tipsder (@tipsder; 32/8): [📝 Curso]
Curso R base.
Documento web, en castellano, con una primera e importante aproximación al aprendizaje de #R desde la base.
¡ideal para principiantes!
Gracias a Iosu Paradinas por este valioso aporte para la comunidad hispana.
#dataviz ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 16/1): @ExPhysStudent Then I’d recommend starting with Ismay & Kim (, and moving up to Roback & Legler ( if and when ready. ↪
Yoshihiko Kunisato/国里愛彦 (@KunisatoY; 15/0): ゼミ論集は発行しなくても良いものだけど,せっかく大学が予算を出してくれているし,学生の思い出になるし,研究室のログにもなるのでマメに毎年出しています。学生のRMarkdown原稿を並べてチョット手直しして,bookdownに送れば簡単です。バリバリの研究者からすると無駄に思われそうだけど・・・ ↪
Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 11/0): @Bugiukas This is quite pragmatic.
My approach was a bit more broad.
I will have to update to quarto at some point.
I hope you will (virtually) attend R/Medicine 2023 ↪
♟♟ (@Donald38Daniel; 5/4): If there is one chapter you should master, it is without doubt this one.
Some examples in this chapter are coming from the excellent book of Peter Leoni: ‘The Greeks and Hedging Explained’. A must-read if you are interested by options. ↪
Bijesh Mishra, Ph.D. (@bijubjs; 3/1): Modern Data Science with R #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
Riccardo Fusaroli (@fusaroli; 3/0): @stephenjwild @IsabellaGhement spot on. I’m rendering a bookdown of course notes ( and at each rendering (aka update of the online notes) I only want to load the output. ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 1/2): CRAN updates: admiraldev bookdown Correlplot pvLRT #rstats ↪
Bijesh Mishra, Ph.D. (@bijubjs; 1/0): Survey Design and Analysis #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
James Borders (@jamescborders; 1/0): Update: the term I was looking for is called “child documents” in quarto/Rmarkdown. Looks like an easy way to load in scripts to a larger doc. ↪
Richard Telford (@richardjtelford; 1/0): @deevybee @cbokhove In an bookdown document I have, I’ve got something like
bibliography: references.bib
csl: elsevier-harvard.cslwhere both the bib and csl files are in the same directory as the Rmd file ↪
Dorothy Bishop (@deevybee; 1/0): @cbokhove @richardjtelford Thanks. Looks useful.
Unfortunately, with bookdown you don’t specify the .csl file; in the yaml you put:
biblio-style: apalike
and I assume that finds a .csl.
I will poke around and see what I can find. Most books in bookdown have this ref format, which I find nonoptimal. ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 13/5): Learn to use R in LaTeX to create dynamic documents with Overleaf and Knitr. by @citedrive #rstats #knitr #texlatex #overleaf ↪
Homeomorfisme (@homeomorfisme; 2/0): @blownover_ En Rmarkdown en Rstudio:
df <- read_csv2(“excel”)
knitr::kable(df)Profit ↪
Jose Luis Cañadas (@joscani; 1/0): @Vdot_Spain @r_vaquerizo Yo todo en ioslides , o xaringan, tu ya sabes ↪