👀No te pierdas este curso online y abierto, ¡es brutal 🙌 "Data Visualization in R" 👤 Claus O.Wilke 🔗 https://t.co/9egGHX9lsh Basado en su increíble libro: https://t.co/OfQYbmmqC9 #dataviz #datavisualization #datascience #RStats #programming #analytics #BI #powerBI #Python



Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 358105): 👀No te pierdas este curso online y abierto, ¡es brutal 🙌 “Data Visualization in R” 👤 Claus O.Wilke 🔗 https://t.co/9egGHX9lsh Basado en su increíble libro: https://t.co/OfQYbmmqC9 #dataviz #datavisualization #datascience #RStats #programming #analytics #BI #powerBI #Python

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 18643): 90% of data scientists are overlooking this skill for business analysis. > Yet, it’s a gold mine. > Here’s why… 🧵 > #marketing #datascience #rstats https://t.co/iN6tm7KpFW


Rebecca Barter (@rlbarter; 436): My new #quarto website is now live! > Check out my new post about my 3-year blogging hiatus and my switch from blogdown to quarto: https://t.co/u7r4ymXlel > Looking forward to producing a lot more educational content in the near future

Ben Silver (@bnjmnslvr; 190): My personal website is officially live!!! I made it using Hugo and blogdown. It was surprisingly easy and quite fun to make. Enjoy. https://t.co/Vj7MZR4UEC

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 103): Switching to Quarto from Blogdown {https://t.co/udCY03xC5U} #rstats #DataScience

Rebecca Barter (@rlbarter; 100): Tomorrow morning I’m going to delete my old hugo/blogdown blog and replace it with my new quarto one. Here’s hoping that I don’t mess it up somehow🤞 > Advance apologies to anyone whose blog reading gets disrupted during the shift. > Side note: holy cow #quarto is so amazing!

Rebecca Barter (@rlbarter; 31): The day I’ve been dreading has finally arrived 😱. I have a new laptop and can’t figure out how to compile my blogdown website on it! > Time to do the transition to quarto! Any tips from folks who have already done the quarto traverse? > #rstats #quarto #posit

Tiago Mendonça (@tim_mendonca; 21): Considering switching my website from blogdown/Hugo Academic to Quarto. Has anyone gone through this before? How was your experience? Any advice? Can old posts be kept or is it necessary to redo everything? #rstats #blogdown #quarto #posit

cody markelz -@codymarkelz@sunny.garden - mastodon (@codymarkelz; 10): @ibddoctor @rlbarter I am working on one with all the notes I have taken (blogdown/hugo to quarto). I will ping you when I post it. In the mean time, I found this post by @djnavarro : https://t.co/gQI5sEPdmX

Datenschatz (@datenschatz; 10): @rlbarter I haven’t done it myself yet, but I will have to transition soon. I hope that these links and ChatGPT will help me through the worst of it. > https://t.co/b2fil6DQiS https://t.co/Szf9xpjlrJ


Dalson Figueiredo (@DalsonFigueired; 12620): O básico de Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) > 1. Artigo mais citado em português⬇️ https://t.co/xfIb4PqlCz > 2. Relato de experiência pedagógica⬇️ https://t.co/u0G2X76VsT > 3. Livro tutorial no #RStats ⬇️ https://t.co/TQ7H7Cldbx > 4. Oficina: https://t.co/wgoZ4u8hFE Boa tarde! https://t.co/GgQWTPYs0S

Matt Peeples (@PattMeeples; 130): You can also run a browser-based instance of R, R-studio, or Python linked to all the data to replicate all of the results from the book without downloading anything. This uses the supercool Binder application (see Bookdown or GitHub project for a link). Give it a try! 49 https://t.co/sRkXR9TgWk

Matt Peeples (@PattMeeples; 130): We are committed to open data and reproducibility and thus, the entire Bookdown project and all the data used in the book are available on GitHub. You can install the entire project and all of the code/data as a repository to use in your own projects 39 https://t.co/pbAHPeXbjG

Matt Peeples (@PattMeeples; 130): The centerpiece is a comprehensive Bookdown project which provides code for all the analyses in the book in R, Python, and other formats. We plan on continuing to grow this resource (in fact, we added 5 new topics while the book was in press). 29 https://t.co/rlJTPU5ltZ

Paul C. Bauer (@p_c_bauer; 50): You can find the material for past workshops here (that will be updated!): https://t.co/LHvXRKic0b

Greg Schmidt (@palustris314; 30): Still rough draft… Essentials of Vegetation Data https://t.co/Z7FCzWDrzQ #rmarkdown #bookdown

Daniël Lakens @lakens@mastodon.social (@lakens; 30): @grimbough @deevybee It worked!!! Thanks so much! I had been using the bookdown command from the dropdown menu before - but that consistently failed. Only chapter headings are off - I might explore what I do wrong there (it is all chapter 0). https://t.co/Ys2FqapYSN

Mike Smith (@grimbough; 20): @lakens @deevybee Looking closer, I think you already have the relevant settings in _output.yml You can just do: > bookdown::render_book(output_format = ‘bookdown::pdf_book’) > I had to remove \urlstyle{tt} from preamble.tex - will make a pull request for you.

Patrick Ward (@OSPpatrick; 10): @datadrivenAT @TenanATC There is a GitHub repo that has it coded in Python. Also a bookdown that has it recoded with {tidymodels}. Lots of options!

lipe de lipe (@Felipe322905601; 10): @renannmv quanto a material de estudo, da uma olhada: https://t.co/GsYXTua2JJ

Romil Bijarnia (@BijarniaRo38736; 10): RGuide https://t.co/TE8zc6Ps0D #rmarkdown #bookdown

Mike Smith (@grimbough; 10): @lakens @deevybee Happy to help, I’ve battled Bookdown enough to have appreciated a lot of help from others in the past. > Re the figure, do you use Windows? If so, maybe it’s case insensitive and was working just fine for you.

Mike Smith (@grimbough; 10): @deevybee FWIW the following gets me a PDF version of your book after I’ve made a few changes to file name capitalisation. > bookdown::render_book( output_format = bookdown::pdf_book( latex_engine = “xelatex” ) )

Marika Lomax (@LomaxMarika; 10): Wowowowowowowowoww is this a dream?? #OPENACCESS https://t.co/m8MBZASdl9 https://t.co/QRL2h8tIet

Alistair Bailey (@alistair604; 10): @deevybee Maybe try bookdown::clean_book(TRUE) before rendering. Looking at your latex output it suggests something is wrong with an aux file and removing them and rebuilding might fix it. https://t.co/n1SMK7XfXy


Tiago Mendonça (@tim_mendonca; 10): @jtrecenti @BeaMilz Ela já me ajudou com os materiais do xaringan e agora está me ajudando com quarto. Estou vendo os exemplos na galeria do site (que tem o site dela como exemplo 😃) e configurando uma coisa ou outra. Valeu!