Hi folks! I know it is the weekend, but I’d like to quickly announance an update to {legendry} version 0.2.0: teunbrand.github.io/teunbrand_bl… #rstats #ggplot2



Ben Harrap (@bharrap.bsky.social; 34/2/3; 2024-12-16): Hugo/blogdown got too janky to maintain so I migrated my website to a Quarto blog.

I wrote a blog post in case anyone else finds themselves doing the same. It covers:


#rstats #dataBS

Ming Tommy Tang (@tommytang.bsky.social; 0/1/0; 2024-12-16): 5️⃣ Use Tools like ‘blogdown’

For R users, the blogdown package is a game-changer for creating sleek websites.
Bonus: It renders your R/Python code beautifully into HTML!


Chris Adams (@chrisadamsecon.bsky.social; 27/0/3; 2024-12-20): I have created a bookdown version of the first edition of Learning Microeconometrics with R (CRC Press). I have converted Sweave to Quarto to create the bookdown and then published it on bookdown.org. Any suggestions for the Second Edition, DM me. #econsky #rstats sites.google.com/view/microec…


Andrew Goldstone (@agoldst.mastodon.social.ap.brid.gy; 0/0/1; 2024-12-18): love to see congressional committees using #rstats and LaTeX (and presumably knitr or rmarkdown): longtable printed in Computer Modern is a dead giveaway. Speaking of dead giveaways, looks like insurance companies believe in climate change […]

[Original post on mastodon.social]


Teun van den Brand (@teunbrand.bsky.social; 91/4/18; 2024-12-14): Hi folks! I know it is the weekend, but I’d like to quickly announance an update to {legendry} version 0.2.0:


#rstats #ggplot2

Olivier Simard-Casanova (@o.simardcasanova.net; 34/7/0; 2024-12-14): I won’t lie, I’m a bit tempted to jump into the current #Rstats vs. Stata discourse

Chris Adams (@chrisadamsecon.bsky.social; 30/2/3; 2024-12-14): Excited to announce that I have signed a contract with @tandfonline.bsky.social CRC Press David Grubbs for a second edition of my book, Learning Microeconometrics with R. sites.google.com/site/christo… #rstats #econsky

Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall.bsky.social; 29/1/2; 2024-12-14): 😭 Nooo! You have to track sample probabilities and use multiple importance sampling to balance BRDFs, lights, and environment maps for unbiased convergence, or your rendering will be biased AND noisy!

🤪 haha denoising makes renderer go brrr

#RStats #rayrender

Sharon Machlis (@smachlis.bsky.social; 28/2/4; 2024-12-14): Daily number of Bluesky posts with the #RStats hashtag (case insensitive) Sept. 1 - Dec 13, excluding the CRAN Package Updates bot.
Coded with the {bskyr} and {ggplot2} R packages.

[Posted via a bskyr R script. Tx for your patience if something went awry]

Kenny Vaden (@kennyvaden.bsky.social; 26/0/0; 2024-12-14): GM code art friends

Asleep Awake (R code)

Minimalist wire-frame caves that I emerged from through trials and errors, and sleep-wake cycles at my desk

#genart #genartclub #rstats

Noah Greifer (@noahgreifer.bsky.social; 20/2/2; 2024-12-14): If you have an issue where Dropbox is constantly syncing while @posit.co #RStudio is open, one solution is to run the following code in Terminal:

find “Dropbox” -type d -name “.Rproj.user” -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $’\0’ folder; do xattr -w com.dropbox.ignored 1 “$folder”; done


David Hood (@thoughtfulnz.bsky.social; 20/1/3; 2024-12-14): By request, here is the how of gathering the data using #rstats


Kara Woo (@karawoo.com; 19/2/0; 2024-12-14): So many people with off-by-one errors in #adventofcode d14p2…but not the #rstats users! 😎

Christopher Barrie (@cbarrie.bsky.social; 19/0/2; 2024-12-13): My #RStats coauthor when I recruit a Stata user to the project

Teal (@tealemery.bsky.social; 16/2/4; 2024-12-14): Teaching real-world economic & financial data analysis in #Rstats has helped my SAIS students get jobs at the IMF/WB, The White House, and lots of other kick ass places.

Why are we still burdening students with $925/year software when open source is the future?

@kearney (@kearney.bsky.social; 14/4/0; 2024-12-15): This LinkedIn #rstats post is making me sick to my stomach. The code and example are so bad, yet people like and reshare and compliment it in the comments. 🤮

Mario Angst (@marioangst.bsky.social; 12/2/1; 2024-12-14): 📦 New #rstats package 📦: {rayab}
This is a simple and very, very esoteric thing 😅. Produce images ready to be knitted on a hacked 70s knitting machine.

Stephen Turner (@stephenturner.us; 12/7/3; 2024-12-14): This one bit me recently. I know I saw something similar here before. Do you get why this happens? #Rstats

R-Ladies Rome (@rladiesrome.bsky.social; 12/0/4; 2024-12-14): 🚀 Missed our event on “Using GitHub Copilot (and Others LLM) with R”? Don’t worry! Watch the recording now! 🎥 🔗 https://buff.ly/4iELACa

Learn how GitHub Copilot & LLMs can enhance your RStudio workflow for data wrangling & package development!

#AI #Copilot #LLM #rstats

Yorgos (@gd047.bsky.social; 11/0/1; 2024-12-14): Javascript for #rstats Shiny cheatsheet.

Jeremy Allen (@jeremy-data.bsky.social; 6/2/1; 2024-12-14): No comments about data governance yet? Anyone using #Databricks #UnityCatalog for governance?
#RStats #Datasky

Sean Kross (@seankross.com; 6/0/1; 2024-12-14): This is the third event in the #rstats squid games.

Kristopher Robison (@kristopherrobison.bsky.social; 6/0/2; 2024-12-13): Learning #Rstats #RStudio. Total fertility rates by region. 1960 to 2022.

**** (@abeith.bsky.social; 5/1/0; 2024-12-14): Day 14 #AdventOfCode #rstats

My favourite day so far!


Grant McDermott (@gmcd.bsky.social; 2/1/0; 2024-12-17): Ironically, I originally called it plot2 but then a bunch of people pointed out (correctly I think) that this would create confusion and probably annoy the ggplot2 devs.🙃

I don’t think it needs to be a loaded term, though. Vincent had just released tinytable and I was inspired by tinytex too.

Євген Єбобленко (@eboblya.bsky.social; 2/1/0; 2024-12-06): We rely a lot on Rmarkdown/Quarto + pandoc + tinytex setup.
Quite easy to configure on Linux/macOS, can be used on Windows through WSL (probably also doable on Windows without WSL, but Windows sucks so much).

retigi.bsky.social (@retigi.bsky.social; 0/0/0; 2024-12-22): I would recommend considering #tinytex instead of those insanely bulky #texlive or #miktex. You can simply copy #tinytex to a folder, set the system path and then you can start using #lyx with it.