Genuary 2025 Day 1: Vertical or horizontal lines only 🎨 #Genuary #Genuary2025 #RStats #GenerativeArt #Genuary1



CRAN Updates (; 0/0/0; 2025-01-07): Updates on CRAN: actxps (1.6.0), blackmarbler (0.2.4), blogdown (1.20), bnlearn (5.0.2), bookdown (0.42), broom.helpers (1.18.0), CDatanet (2.2.1), EFAfactors (1.2.0), extractox (1.0.0), fitdistrplus (1.2-2)

CRAN Package Updates Bot (; 0/0/0; 2025-01-07): CRAN updates: blackmarbler blogdown bookdown CDatanet EFAfactors fitdistrplus pagedown pkgGraphR plotscaper Qval xfun xportr #rstats


Chad Scherrer (; 9/2/1; 2025-01-08): jlyfish looks very cool. Kind of along the lines of #bookdown or but using with embedded #julialang…

Dr Christine Cuskley (; 7/1/0; 2025-01-08): me: I’m so glad I made these meticulous lab exercises for my R class and I have less to do for prep this year. also me: maybe I should re-do the whole thing in bookdown

Big Book of R (; 2/0/1; 2025-01-11): Bookdown archive

John Stewart (; 0/0/0; 2025-01-11): The other common choices were Omeka and Drupal. Both are fine, but they’re not easy to use or pretty. Jekyll, Ghost, and Bookdown are great but they require a good bit of knowledge to set up and maintain. The most common alternative to WordPress was ditching our system and going to Wix or Weebly.


Andrew Heiss ❄️☃️🎄 (; 3/1/0; 2025-01-11): Yeah, fortunately I can avoid Word for most of my stuff. When I do have to do use it, I make HTML/LaTeX with {tinytable} and Word with {flextable} or {officer} with the same chunk (checking the output format with knitr::pandoc_to())

**** (; 1/0/0; 2025-01-08): knitr::opts_knit gurus, is there a way to set your options so that logs when you connect to a database with {DBI} don’t print in your or rmarkdown?


tj mahr 🍍🍕 (; 0/0/0; 2025-01-08): lil demo of how to avoid this stuff by running knit in a different R session

r_knit <- function(…) {
callr::r(function(…) knitr::knit(…), args = list(…))

text = “```{r}\nggplot2::theme_set(ggplot2::theme_minimal())\nggplot2::ggplot(mtcars)\n```”,
output = “”

tj mahr 🍍🍕 (; 0/1/0; 2025-01-08): okay, it’s probably just a knitr thing


knitr::knit(text = “r library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_minimal())”, output = NULL)

i usually call knitr::knit() in a different session so i forgot about this leak


CRAN Updates (; 0/0/0; 2025-01-07): Updates on CRAN: formods (0.2.0), FSA (0.9.6), GHCNr (1.4.5), ipd (0.1.4), litedown (0.5), maestro (0.5.0), memoiR (1.3-0), microeco (1.12.0), minty (0.0.5), mixedBayes (0.1.4), overlapping (2.2)

CRAN Package Updates Bot (; 0/0/0; 2025-01-07): CRAN updates: bnlearn broom.helpers litedown memoiR minty overlapping ubiquity #rstats


Nicola Rennie (; 118/4/6; 2025-01-02): Genuary 2025 Day 1: Vertical or horizontal lines only 🎨

#Genuary #Genuary2025 #RStats #GenerativeArt #Genuary1

Stephen Turner (; 109/6/22; 2025-01-04): Possibly useful little #Rstats trick:


will create a popup with the R code for the character vector containing the column names of your data frame that you can copy and paste, e.g.

c(“Sepal.Length”, “Sepal.Width”, “Petal.Length”, “Petal.Width”, “Species”)

Crystal Lewis (; 98/3/5; 2025-01-04): Looking at my old #rstats code.

Mattan S. Ben-Shachar 🎗️🇮🇱🇺🇦 (; 96/11/6; 2025-01-03): When awesome packages come together 💥


Kyle Walker (; 45/6/9; 2025-01-04): Hacked together a prototype for scrollytelling-style story maps in #rstats and Shiny, using or via the {mapgl} package.

Is this something you’d use?

Let me know if so!

Aleksandra Lazić (; 31/4/5; 2025-01-04): Wrote an R script to automatically* download multiple components on the Open Science Framework.

I manage an OSF project with 100+ components that I regularly back up, so it’s a life-saver. 😌

Would anyone be interested in this? It’s a bit of a niche way to use OSF (see below). #OpenScience #RStats

Andrea (; 29/2/0; 2025-01-05): Hi everyone! Jumping on this social network for more code and community 🚀


Sharon Machlis (; 27/2/4; 2025-01-04): Daily number of Bluesky posts with the #RStats hashtag (case insensitive) Sept. 1 - Jan 3, excluding the CRAN Package Updates bot.
Coded with the {bskyr} and {ggplot2} R packages.

[Posted via R script and weekly cron job. Tx for your patience if something went awry]

Konsta Happonen (; 27/1/6; 2025-01-04): Visualizing uncertainty in stacked bar charts is a constant problem I face in my work. I absolutely love these fuzzy plots, so I made a gist to try them out using simulated data. #rstats…

easystats (; 26/1/5; 2025-01-03): There’s possibly no better statistical programming language than #rstats

(note the “possibly”, this is not going to be the first language1 versus language2 posts in 2025 😎)

Isabella Velásquez (; 22/1/2; 2025-01-04): Cascadia R Conference is such a great experience. A single day of amazing, inspiring #RStats talks and probably the best conference food I’ve ever had 🗻

Tyler Morgan-Wall (; 22/4/0; 2025-01-04): Who says writing documentation isn’t fun?😀🐝

#RStats #rayverse #rayvertex

Andres Gonzalez (; 21/0/0; 2025-01-04): First Post!

#TidyTuesday 2024 Week 53 – James Beard Awards 📊

Showing wins & nominations for top media from 2019-2024.


#DataViz #Rstats #ggplot2

Nicola Rennie (; 20/2/1; 2025-01-04): Genuary 2025 Day 4: Black on black 🎨

#Genuary #Genuary2025 #RStats #GenerativeArt #Genuary4

Stephen Turner (; 20/1/2; 2025-01-04): A long human life is about 90 years. You can visualize that as weeks. I wrote an R/shiny app and a Python CLI (click) that’ll make this plot for you when you input your birthday, and give you a printable 8.5x11 PDF. #Rstats 🧵 1/5

Stephen Turner (; 20/1/4; 2025-01-03): Weekly recap, Jan 2025 part 1: Directed evolution by a protein language model, AI learning to run transcript assemblers, a review/introduction to pangenomics, Alphafold2 refinement for protein design, metagenomic binning, new Python & #RStats pkgs…… 🧬🖥️🧪

Nicola Rennie (; 18/1/2; 2025-01-03): Genuary 2025 Day 3: Exactly 42 lines of code 🎨

#Genuary #Genuary2025 #RStats #GenerativeArt #Genuary3

DaTata Cactus (; 16/0/3; 2025-01-04): I have new hex #rstats magnets thanks to !😎⭐️

Dirk Eddelbuettel (; 8/2/2; 2025-01-04): There were two posts recently (with the second in response to the first) ‘bsky-ification’ of your personal #quarto #rstats blog:

Kai Arzheimer (; 7/0/3; 2025-01-04): #rstats + #Bluesky + #LLMs, and the results look genuinely useful 👇