Parallelization just landed in the dev version of purrr:… Really pleased that the mirai framework makes this possible. Huge credit to the tidyverse maintainers and ! #rstats #tidyverse



Vitória Piai (; 2/1/0; 2025-02-10): I went for bookdown, Daniel has his on GitHub (I think). So there are lots of options, really. I guess it’s more about what one really wants to achieve with a book…


Charlie Gao (; 94/7/32; 2025-02-06): Parallelization just landed in the dev version of purrr:…

Really pleased that the mirai framework makes this possible.

Huge credit to the tidyverse maintainers and !

#rstats #tidyverse

Nicola Rennie (; 67/0/17; 2025-02-08): If you’re interested in learning about Git and GitHub for R users, I’ll be doing an online session for on April 23rd! 💜

#RStats #RLadies

Stephen Turner (; 60/0/30; 2025-02-08): ggalign: Bridging the Grammar of Graphics and Biological Multilayered Complexity 🧬🖥️🧪
#Rstats Code:
Book (Quarto):

terence (; 54/7/15; 2025-02-06): Mines of the Americas.

#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale

Noam Ross (; 47/1/31; 2025-02-07): Folks in data rescue and archiving initiatives may find this #RStats package from useful: gitcellar downloads and archives all repos, issues, and PRs from a GitHub organization in one shot: #DataRescue

Nicola Rennie (; 40/4/5; 2025-02-07): I finally got around to finishing off this project which:

🦺 scrapes Shakespeare poems and plays using {rvest}
📂 then cleans them up and exports to CSV
📊 to make 195 datasets ready to analyse!


#RStats #DataScience #DSLC

Andrew Heiss (; 37/1/1; 2025-02-07): An excellent narrative of a heavy #rstats cross to bear

Jan Broder Engler (; 32/0/3; 2025-02-07): This is how you can generate multipage PDFs in #tidyplots 🚀

#rstats #dataviz #phd

Dan Oehm (; 28/1/9; 2025-02-08): 📦 {eyedropper} has a few new updates. It now has better…


🧵 1/n


Marc J. Lajeunesse (; 25/1/8; 2025-02-08): in #regression, noise is assumed independent—but none of that matters when sample sizes are low…

here the #correlation remains approximately the same at -0.065 irrespective of noise 🦖, but will range from -1 to 1 with small samples

#rstats #dataviz #regression #statistics

Stephen Turner (; 21/0/6; 2025-02-07): xOmicsShiny: an R shiny application for cross-omics data analysis and pathway mapping #Rstats 🧬🖥️🧪

We Are R-Ladies (; 21/3/5; 2025-02-08): I suffered a burnout which I hesitated to share bc stigma. During recovery I rediscovered my 💙 for #rstats & joined &’s DS Hangout. The welcoming #rladies and #datascience communities helped lift me from a difficult place. Thank you💜

John Paul Helveston (; 20/1/7; 2025-02-08): Quick showcase of some of the updates we’ve made to {surveydown} in v0.8.0, including:

#Rstats #shiny…

Jan Broder Engler (; 19/2/2; 2025-02-08): This is how you can generate multiple PDFs in #tidyplots 🚀

#rstats #dataviz #phd

easystats (; 16/0/3; 2025-02-06): The model_dashboard() in action… #easystats #rstats

terence (; 15/1/3; 2025-02-07): Mines of India.

#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale

coolbutuseless (; 11/0/2; 2025-02-09): Just Australian #RStats roxygen things:


Rami Krispin (; 10/2/2; 2025-02-08): Hi #shiny #rstats folks, is there a way (JS?) to edit table’s cells in Shiny app with reactable tables? I know this functionality is available on the Python version and with the DT library:…

Basti 🌸 (; 7/0/2; 2025-02-08): Para quienes están iniciándose en el análisis de datos con #Rstats, les comparto un tutorial para aprender a usar Git y GitHub, herramientas básicas de desarrollo que les ayudará a respaldar y compartir su código, entre otros beneficios!…

Tommy Bennett (; 6/0/1; 2025-02-07): I love it when documentation gets philosophical #rstats


Thomas Pollet (; 0/0/0; 2025-02-12): Today I presented some work in progress on judging similarities of non-human animal species to humans in our lab group. Mostly just showing ‘psychonetric’ graphs (and memes). Slides made with amazing xaringan package in R. (use arrows to navigate, O for overview).…

ঞじòぴ ֮ϐׁꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻ݊݊ꪀժׁׅ݊ɑׁׅ ܻ⨍υׁׅժׁׅ݊ꪱׁׁׁׅׅׅժׁׅ݊ɑׁׅଓᦗ࿐ (; 0/0/0; 2025-01-31): Intão🤭 reispeitá u rokagi😈💥 uouououou ie💯 intao respeyta o rocagi😜😜 uouououou yeye🤘🤘 um1⃣ meistri açassino da ambiente😱😱💥 akele qi copya us miu jutisu💥💥😜🤘 manu eu to cheiu di fãh😜✨✨ Elis sabim ki u Seti eh meu timi😴😴 olia pru meu xaringan👁👁👀 i senti u brilho du meu haikiri💥💥💥💥⚡️⚡️😜😜😜😜