TIL If you use xaringan to make your slides and add an emoji to your title slide, that shows up in the browser tab too! it’s pretty cute 🙌 #rstats https://t.co/mT0JQooe9i
How to self-publish a book: Customizing Bookdown https://t.co/DHG5XP20Vg #rstats #DataScience
You can have presenter notes inside Xarignan!! 😱🤩. Is this one of those things everyone but me knows about? #rstats https://t.co/1MWbLDEFa2 https://t.co/Nl9hBl2wN4
I finally boarded the Xaringan train, and including my own CSS… 🎉. Super resources and inspiration: https://t.co/SqDB6cviyN, https://t.co/3gJ0asiMbs, https://t.co/c4dP6QwPWZ https://t.co/ExRS5Hze9G
🔮 how to, with just a bit of {magick}… “Add RStudio Community to your blog’s social links” 👨💻 @tycbrad https://t.co/uLZshqzRgY #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/JX3TjWYEs2
@hadleywickham I learned from @rdpeng, @bcaffo, @jtleek, @StrictlyStat: use #bookdown to write, @leanpub to publish online (can set the minimum to $0), https://t.co/XBt2UR9A91 for hard copies, and twitter for advertising. Pretty liberating
“How to self-publish a book” #Rstats #bookdown https://t.co/IjLmVBlCGZ
Great to see @lukejharmon’s PCM book out! Be sure to also check out @omearabrian’s complementary book that has a more applied/implementation approach. https://t.co/fLOfhiKVZB #evol2018
Yon Soo, @kinggary and I are excited to welcome new grad students to the math prefresher and Harvard today! Our updated text covers and programming with new polisci examples: https://t.co/iBgu4z2J8D https://t.co/bvU0ZQDcwG
@nj_tierney @grrrck And you could also try knitr::fig_chunk() https://t.co/NTJJhfg8IX (hide the plot in a chunk, but display it in a different place, e.g., the right column).
⁉️ How does @grrrck make those cool #ggplot2-build slides? 📽 “Decouple Code and Output in xaringan slides” https://t.co/MqC2lXCSuu #rstats #rmarkdown 😊 check out his {xariganthemer} for more cool tricks: https://t.co/qj6HpOg8FS https://t.co/thRlEpjSjC
xaringan protip! Use the
knitr chunk option to decouple your code and outputs. Show #rstats code and ggplot side by side or add custom CSS for picture-in-picture. Also great for showing code and results on separate slides. https://t.co/oL27L8ViYN https://t.co/y2Woj50Ugo
estoy aprendiendo markdown y bookdown y pues no hay vuelta atrás… hasta Latex aparece ahora como un monstruo lleno de código innecesario… aquellos dos le apuestan a un futuro de ciencia abierta y reproducible y pues por eso vale la pena el esfuerzo de aprender maroma nueva.
When you hear “cherry jam” as “xaringan”, you know you’ve been making slides for too long
@njogukennly @xieyihui My favourite resources (including the fabulous blogdown book) https://t.co/p42VZJ4DG2
You can now use
tidy = "styler"
as an #rmarkdown chunk option to let styler prettify the printed #rstats code without having it touching the source. Needs #knitr devel version (https://t.co/cP7acEwOnm). Thanks @xieyihui. https://t.co/nuGXxsHZuR
@MilesMcBain The last tweet addressed source code formatting. You can also leave the source as is and format the rendered output with the knitr chunk option
. As of https://t.co/cP7acEwOnm, which is not yet CRAN released, you can use styler to format code in addition to formatR.
@MilesMcBain Interesting. For working with #bookdown books, I started https://t.co/C16S6b5jNZ, which seems to have similar functionality, but features special R markdown handling. Feedback appreciated. Its even integrated in styler for alpha testing https://t.co/S6T0pryYbm
I just made a new personal website using #blogdown. Check it out! https://t.co/1F1Rzss9sQ Big thank you to @dsquintana who created this amazing tutorial to build your own academic website. https://t.co/AeL27qltEV #rstats
#RStats “makeActiveBinding(): The Most Magical Hidden Gem in Base R” https://t.co/OlOZNPVPTG, by @xieyihui See also: - “R and Active Binding” https://t.co/ufiiwFhkJ6 - “Can (a==1 & a==2 & a==3) ever evaluate to TRUE?” https://t.co/nmOgnG3gUV
First blog post on my new #blogdown 🎉: So You’re Getting a Masters in Analytics 👩🏽🎓👨🏽🎓‼️ Reflections from an R-Centric Program https://t.co/mvOPKbcSeG #datascience https://t.co/uaq721m2ZL
Why “Bit-sized” pull requests are important : https://t.co/ZOoCVnJNYZ See also: “the invisible baby methaphor” https://t.co/jkI0BOp70x (Comics via @ismonkeyuser) https://t.co/ai7IUoOpNI
If you are in Melbourne on Tue 28/8, do come say hi 😊 I’ll be sharing how to #rmarkdown, lots of #blogdown, and some tips on more exposure for your website ✨ Looking forward to meeting you Melborune #rladies 😊😊😊 https://t.co/EWjLEavYvW
If you are CSS-deficient like me but still want to customize your xaringan slides, check out @grrrck’s xaringanthemer package (https://t.co/k7aX2lgqoR) among other things, you can give it a single color and it will return a color palette for your slides!! 😲😲😲
“Using R for Introduction to Econometrics” free & nice ebook for learn #econometrics in R #rstats -> https://t.co/LZJ6JZpIa1
R.rsp - The RSP markup language makes any text-based document come alive. RSP provides a powerful markup for controlling the content and output of LaTeX, HTML, Markdown, AsciiDoc, Sweave and knitr documents (and more), e.g. ‘Today’s date is <%=S… #rstats https://t.co/58G5XMSeKu
@_ColinFay .. as documented in Section 3.1.3 of the R Markdown book: https://t.co/aiZwDffbjR And dropdown tabs are coming in the next version or rmarkdown: https://t.co/qU3LYOWsiC
“Now when I’m writing a book I just make a lot of stupid mistakes in public. But it’s fine b/c ppl are nice and they help me fix them.” -@hadleywickham #bookdown #rstats #tidyverse #jsm2018 https://t.co/uYlTR4igRs
This Annie Dillard quote from @juliasilge is so spot on for working on creative work. Spend it now if you are doing creative work. We are learning how from Julia using blogging and bookdown for books. https://t.co/MPuap8mmvG