Finally create my own website using blogdown after attending @statsgen blogdown workshop a month ago 😆 Thanks Emi! https://t.co/d1R2f0Zt2w
Just finished recording the latest episode for @crediblycurious with @trashystats covering sweave, knitr, rmarkdown, and notebooks! This is going to be a good one. #rstats https://t.co/FSmSgEqxX4
The Bookdown Contest ends in less than one month. Show off your work, and help make R Markdown more useful in print, by sharing your elegant and reusable bookdown applications. Learn more about the Bookdown Contest and submit at https://t.co/ozMKnRf0Xl 📓👇! https://t.co/ImXV37DFnO
Unser @thlorusso zeigt am #RMeetUp der @ZurichRUsers wie man mit #Blogdown einfach Websites erstellt. Die Präsentation findet ihr hier: https://t.co/f7QSoq278f https://t.co/rgCuBIguiF
@sharlagelfand Second edition of R Cookbook… porting it to bookdown & going to CC license it like R4DS.
@TexanDhillon @BecomingDataSci @dataandme @chrisalbon @hadleywickham Yes, R Markdown (knitr) does support Python: https://t.co/r7rJQ25gte
🎞 Interested in making slides using #rstats? 💜 Planning on giving an #RLadies presentation? @apreshill has created a xaringan template for you! Check out her blog post: 🔗 https://t.co/jzKcGzq2ui 🎞 Want to learn more about @xieyihui’s xaringan? 🔗 https://t.co/FKD7GVtsq8
Here is the link to my slides @iscbasc2018 about #dataviz 😊 The slides was made using #xaringan #rstats package! https://t.co/vadI0yECS1 I’ll clean up my css file and submit the theme if you want to use it! https://t.co/SohdupvXfs
TIL If you use xaringan to make your slides and add an emoji to your title slide, that shows up in the browser tab too! it’s pretty cute 🙌 #rstats https://t.co/mT0JQooe9i
How to self-publish a book: Customizing Bookdown https://t.co/DHG5XP20Vg #rstats #DataScience
You can have presenter notes inside Xarignan!! 😱🤩. Is this one of those things everyone but me knows about? #rstats https://t.co/1MWbLDEFa2 https://t.co/Nl9hBl2wN4
I finally boarded the Xaringan train, and including my own CSS… 🎉. Super resources and inspiration: https://t.co/SqDB6cviyN, https://t.co/3gJ0asiMbs, https://t.co/c4dP6QwPWZ https://t.co/ExRS5Hze9G
🔮 how to, with just a bit of {magick}… “Add RStudio Community to your blog’s social links” 👨💻 @tycbrad https://t.co/uLZshqzRgY #rstats #blogdown https://t.co/JX3TjWYEs2
@hadleywickham I learned from @rdpeng, @bcaffo, @jtleek, @StrictlyStat: use #bookdown to write, @leanpub to publish online (can set the minimum to $0), https://t.co/XBt2UR9A91 for hard copies, and twitter for advertising. Pretty liberating
“How to self-publish a book” #Rstats #bookdown https://t.co/IjLmVBlCGZ
Great to see @lukejharmon’s PCM book out! Be sure to also check out @omearabrian’s complementary book that has a more applied/implementation approach. https://t.co/fLOfhiKVZB #evol2018
Yon Soo, @kinggary and I are excited to welcome new grad students to the math prefresher and Harvard today! Our updated text covers and programming with new polisci examples: https://t.co/iBgu4z2J8D https://t.co/bvU0ZQDcwG
@nj_tierney @grrrck And you could also try knitr::fig_chunk() https://t.co/NTJJhfg8IX (hide the plot in a chunk, but display it in a different place, e.g., the right column).
⁉️ How does @grrrck make those cool #ggplot2-build slides? 📽 “Decouple Code and Output in xaringan slides” https://t.co/MqC2lXCSuu #rstats #rmarkdown 😊 check out his {xariganthemer} for more cool tricks: https://t.co/qj6HpOg8FS https://t.co/thRlEpjSjC
xaringan protip! Use the
knitr chunk option to decouple your code and outputs. Show #rstats code and ggplot side by side or add custom CSS for picture-in-picture. Also great for showing code and results on separate slides. https://t.co/oL27L8ViYN https://t.co/y2Woj50Ugo
estoy aprendiendo markdown y bookdown y pues no hay vuelta atrás… hasta Latex aparece ahora como un monstruo lleno de código innecesario… aquellos dos le apuestan a un futuro de ciencia abierta y reproducible y pues por eso vale la pena el esfuerzo de aprender maroma nueva.
When you hear “cherry jam” as “xaringan”, you know you’ve been making slides for too long
@njogukennly @xieyihui My favourite resources (including the fabulous blogdown book) https://t.co/p42VZJ4DG2
You can now use
tidy = "styler"
as an #rmarkdown chunk option to let styler prettify the printed #rstats code without having it touching the source. Needs #knitr devel version (https://t.co/cP7acEwOnm). Thanks @xieyihui. https://t.co/nuGXxsHZuR
@MilesMcBain The last tweet addressed source code formatting. You can also leave the source as is and format the rendered output with the knitr chunk option
. As of https://t.co/cP7acEwOnm, which is not yet CRAN released, you can use styler to format code in addition to formatR.
@MilesMcBain Interesting. For working with #bookdown books, I started https://t.co/C16S6b5jNZ, which seems to have similar functionality, but features special R markdown handling. Feedback appreciated. Its even integrated in styler for alpha testing https://t.co/S6T0pryYbm
I just made a new personal website using #blogdown. Check it out! https://t.co/1F1Rzss9sQ Big thank you to @dsquintana who created this amazing tutorial to build your own academic website. https://t.co/AeL27qltEV #rstats
#RStats “makeActiveBinding(): The Most Magical Hidden Gem in Base R” https://t.co/OlOZNPVPTG, by @xieyihui See also: - “R and Active Binding” https://t.co/ufiiwFhkJ6 - “Can (a==1 & a==2 & a==3) ever evaluate to TRUE?” https://t.co/nmOgnG3gUV
First blog post on my new #blogdown 🎉: So You’re Getting a Masters in Analytics 👩🏽🎓👨🏽🎓‼️ Reflections from an R-Centric Program https://t.co/mvOPKbcSeG #datascience https://t.co/uaq721m2ZL
Why “Bit-sized” pull requests are important : https://t.co/ZOoCVnJNYZ See also: “the invisible baby methaphor” https://t.co/jkI0BOp70x (Comics via @ismonkeyuser) https://t.co/ai7IUoOpNI