A PDF version of the slides for my #JSM2018 talk “Using Data to Drive Curriculum Development”: https://t.co/GkpS6r7oLX. For the first time in 10 years, I created these slides in…gasp…PowerPoint. I’ll be back to using #xaringan #rstats slides, but PowerPoint wasn’t too bad. https://t.co/FVChNZfrTI
@VickySteeves @rstudio Teaching materials are good for this contest, too! The main point of this contest is to recognize bookdown examples that are reusable, e.g. a syllabus template that other teachers can use.
Announcing the 1st Bookdown Contest: https://t.co/oCB20Lhv9k We cordially invite you to submit your bookdown examples, so that future authors may create more beautiful/free/open-access books and future students no longer need to struggle with formatting their dissertations! https://t.co/fIf5eovg4z
Stop using biocLite(). Instead: 1. Install BiocManager from CRAN. https://t.co/Gc94FRJpJt 2. Install Bioconductor or CRAN packages with one command: BiocManager::install(c(“limma”, “knitr”)) More info: https://t.co/IyN0LBSoa1 #Bioconductor #Rstats #bioc2018
We have revamped the bookdown website (https://t.co/grNW8ASMeB). Please come and see the 200 free and open-source books! Learn more about how you can contribute more books to https://t.co/6Db4HLPmlB or help us improve the website at https://t.co/WmP30DGAHW https://t.co/cE5dKMPYkT
Hi #rstats, just to be original, I have posted a first ever blog post about starting a blog. It focuses on pitfalls and how they can be avoided. The wonderful #blogdown package makes the process simple. https://t.co/c0FNR3tQDK
😻 Loving the revamped bookdown site! 📕⇩ “Bookdown” by @xieyihui https://t.co/743eW1RfXG #rstats https://t.co/LirSJrR9TN
@MattCrump_ Yeah, I really like them. It’s a nice compromise when you need more than a single R Markdown document is but don’t want all hassle of dealing with blogdown
@xieyihui @Akbaritabar You’re too kind. Thanks for knitr and the amazing {*down} ecosystem! https://t.co/Vcs4ix75rv
Trying to continue the streak in 2018 from last year (https://t.co/Bc5Lg7xql3)… The R Markdown book just arrived (thanks, everyone: https://t.co/bSXP1sxESf) Wait, it is still July? Okay, I’m going to sleep through the rest of this year. https://t.co/DeZBiqpDEx
Just a quick reminder to anyone doing presentation in #RStats that {xaringan} is an amazing 📦, with beautiful default, and highly customisable via HTML/CSS: https://t.co/HnKCBXDwHD https://t.co/jRDxS573Tt
I did it, I did it! I updated an open-source project (#blogdown) to improve accessibility! I uh, added alternative text to a footer image. Not earth-shattering, but small steps together add up, folks! Thanks to @xieyihui for approving the merge so fast!
I love opinionated documentation. This gem is from @xieyihui re: blogdown themes. #rstats https://t.co/xdPTBoq9sa
I found this typeface that interweaves data curves with a text called datalegreya and just loved it. It’s a really small #rstats package but now you can easily insert it for #xaringan or #rmarkdown html outputs 😊 Hopefully it works! https://t.co/LkQAivs2OQ https://t.co/us6T2Y6RZi
RMarkdown - the definitive guide. Damn, but it is definitive! #rstats https://t.co/oeyypUurNy
#RStats — How to embed data or source files in HTML output : https://t.co/qcNmFYjucl
This book was written by the R Markdown core development team and is available for free online as well as for purchase in paperback & hardcover #rstats https://t.co/lJoHjYYFWr https://t.co/ix8Me293jl
Do you find it annoying to keep fiddling lines in text files to make them fit 80 character width? Working on an #rstats solution for this, in partiular for working with #Rmarkdown and #bookdown. Still beta, but give it a try. Non targeted at code files: https://t.co/C16S6b5jNZ
@FrederikAust @xieyihui The best of part of being behind (I’m way behind), is when you need to do something it already exists! #papaja #bookdown case in point.
I am so excited to learn about these lesser known #knitr tricks from @xieyihui - now I need to go through all my #xaringan slides and use
(cc @old_man_chester) https://t.co/6Nxa4JHg5K
Acá está el repositorio del libro sobre R en Github. Por si quieren echarle un ojo al código fuente, que es la implementación de markdown de R. https://t.co/yAHvfnvQAh
Following #blogdown tutorials from @apreshill and @tangming2005, my blog is running now. After migrating old blog posts, I also wrote a new one with detailed information on using Amazon EC2 spot instances to run large R jobs. Thanks @xieyihui https://t.co/6NuMbEwCLc
Listening to Led Zeppelin and writing. I might have finished a chapter. Woo-hoo! #bookdown
Are you an #rstats programmer and need a website? Check out this awesome blogdown tutorial by @apreshill: https://t.co/WMci9vxoQ0 Thanks for putting this together Alison! Made it very straightforward to get a new site up.
Step⇧ your 📖⇩ “R bookdownplus: Authoring Varied Types of 📚 & Docs Easily w/ R #bookdown” by Peng Zhao https://t.co/jpeMuYP2vT #rstats https://t.co/iqEAL4malP
Second #blogdown post in my #BayesianBabySteps series - intro to using Laplace approximation to model #NFL score differentials, determining the value of passing efficiency relative to rushing with EPA from #nflscrapR and the effect of strong priors #rstats https://t.co/98cTHnKH9z https://t.co/33ZulJdC4o
Going to be posting another #blogdown post soon on Laplace approximation for Bayesian linear regression, using simple examples comparing the relationships between #NFL teams EPA/att differentials and score differential for both passing and rushing #nflscrapR #THROWTHEFOOTBALL https://t.co/oRnHVBhNrK
“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming thing”… But what is cache invalidation? A perfect explanation by @xieyihui https://t.co/QumhDmMmUu
@DenubisX @benmarwick I think I’d prefer working with markdown or R markdown and use #blogdown or #bookdown (which gives you the power of latex if you need it - but I don’t usually need it). Also, I prefer html over PDF. https://t.co/OMcyrAlTdP
Rnw/#knitr support landed in the new #LaTeX editor. https://t.co/AaQCf95F8B