I wrote a little thing about blinging up your website made with the blogdown R package #rstats #datavishowcase https://t.co/a1QccYzBYM https://t.co/5y2kpu5Iwc
@CMastication I’m working on a package that’s pretty much ready to go to make this kind of thing easier for xaringan slides. https://t.co/18e6m6KX0U
Love this finish from @xieyihui. R Markdown can’t do everything but it makes doing the right thing easier than doing the wrong thing. #rstats https://t.co/HNpm7c47CG https://t.co/lZH190PmgV
Another feature that’s frequently requested now available on Overleaf v2: Knitr! https://t.co/dJMTnRHZ41
Watch @minebocek talk about just some of the ways you can use #RMarkdown to share data science. list(notebook, html, xaringan, blogdown, gh-doc, pdf, shiny, bookdown) https://t.co/VoecqMGxzh https://t.co/r4kI4FJRmx #rstudioconf https://t.co/lpAhOdkdSg
Search engines stupidly 👎 you if you don’t have SSL🔒. If you run a custom domain off gh pages (cc: #rstats blogdown folks) set this up. You may have already had ur integrity stolen by GH&LE tho (i.e. it may have been enabled already w/o ur permission) https://t.co/V9Yj3PwpP6
New website! I made this in #Rstats using the blogdown package, because I’m a nerd like that. Let me know what you think… https://t.co/MUOvryRzwW https://t.co/iQKpDRKbx2
I made a graphical showcase of my selected work and collaborations using #blogdown by @xieyihui. I want to see yours #rstats https://t.co/k6ClP7QjJm https://t.co/Dl5SJYK3y5
Weekend project mostly done! Migrated from Bitbucket to GitHub for blogdown hosting and #rstats packages. Github: https://t.co/j9DFVE4UcV blog: https://t.co/Z2LKHYvg2d Also, a new avatar 🐦 https://t.co/q3jydRcAwv
Teach geography and use #rstats? @googlemaps Street View can be embedded in xaringan presentations as iframes, e.g. Mumbai’s Bandra Kurla Complex https://t.co/09a6fJwWkN
Build a blog using blogdown, hugo, and netlify in under 15 minutes with #rstats – slides and video walkthrough by @NathanielRaley! https://t.co/Ur1taLY09S https://t.co/uNOdTFpQFp
Six steps to build a blog with @xieyihui’s blogdown package (in under 15 minutes!) via Nathaniel Woodward. #rstats https://t.co/73SBQlAwlV
Great work @jdblischak ! The workflowr R package is on now on CRAN. This package helps scientists organize and share their reproducible research. Builds on rmarkdown, knitr, and git2r to make this all simpler! Try it out install.packages(“workflowr”)
Hey #rstats - ever want to make >2 columns layout in your xaringan presentation? I hacked together a (⚠️very WIP ⚠️) macro for something I needed. (https://t.co/6cIackqGWe) Would love to know if/how others have approached the problem!
I am loving this Makefile by @xieyihui. If you want to learn how the sauce is made, e.g., building your #rstats package from the console, this is where you start. https://t.co/uA97RBlx8W
Finally switched to bookdown-flavored markdown. Writing theorems and proofs as chunks integrates beautifully with @rstudio (chunk folding, navigation, etc). @xieyihui #rstats https://t.co/wCeMySeF8L
XARINGAN ATIVADO https://t.co/vaK5x5i4hR
Quando riscopri i libri grazie a #TwitterDown Non ci sarà mai un #BookDown https://t.co/28vn92znrl
If you haven’t discovered {xaringan}, the #rstats remark.js wrapper for HTML5 slides, by @xieyihui yet, then check it out: https://t.co/poj2I5yywk. If you have then I’m happy to say there’s a new “robot” CSS theme (commit: https://t.co/CqfNQlm6c1; demo: https://t.co/JN4DScUjXq) https://t.co/szYcUodBZi
“R is very much like a relationship. Like relationships, there are two major truths to R programming” (https://t.co/4AXae3LbOw) https://t.co/V6NU8PGjx0
As promised with the blogdown conversion of my web site, a start on regular blogging again. This first one is joint with @_StuartLee based on plots provided in assignment submissions, for a first year business analytics course.
unfortunately, as you probably already know: numbering of figures in knitr HTML rendering
I’ve finally earnt the right to 2 of my stickers now - rmarkdown and knitr! #datasciencing https://t.co/J6l9Qsqodp
Excited to launch the #WiscWeeds blog (still under construction): https://t.co/UfqGXWKE45 & introduce the new members of the WiscWeeds program: https://t.co/u28H7MM9hs … Thanks @maxwelco for the challenge/assistance & @rstudio @GoHugoIO @github #blogdown @georgecushen @xieyihui https://t.co/Ib9inrIB6n
It shocks and depresses me that many of my students use Word for writing research papers, and not knitr + LaTeX. And that I continue to get code and data as email attachments, and not via github/bitbucket.
Thanks so much to @zabormetrics for speaking to my class about #bookdown Check out her fantastic tutorial: https://t.co/ELywT5XkpK and this will be you ⬇️ #rstats https://t.co/fr4kIhpaf2
New R blog online =D @drob advice to write a blog post inspired us… Thank you @apreshil and @rladies for wonderful tutorials and materials. Thank y’all! Reach us at https://t.co/xH1Rjmtpy7! #blogdown #rstats https://t.co/0xImxWMIRF
@EmilyRiederer @plotlygraphs is great because easy to use with ggplot, and gives really engaging interactive plots. Some in my recent xaringan slides here: https://t.co/Uq3mup0I8c
@apreshill I grinned. I cheered. I LOLed at Face Paulm. Can’t wait to dig into the xaringan code! https://t.co/60mjxffroY
I’m absolutely blown away by the quality and quantity of submissions for week 1 of #TidyTuesday ! Thanks to all who participated or spread the word. I have compiled the plots into a blog post, take a look! https://t.co/hyO9Ruuepp #rstats #R4DS #blogdown #DataViz @kierisi https://t.co/MzIAYijRps