“YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R” https://t.co/9gHPE4JSWC ht @microeconomania https://t.co/87fSjrPmRb
在试用 Bookdown 生成 PDF 时,发现该作者推荐了一个 LaTeX 发行:TinyTeX。简单来说,TinyTeX 是基于 TeX Live 的瘦身版本,覆盖了大多数常用包,安装下来占用大概 150 MB 空间,比起原 TeX Live 动辄上 GB 的身躯实在要小不少。TinyTeX 支持 Linux、macOS 及 Windows。(https://t.co/dsxdZ9bnF4)
A new simple R 📦 and RStudio Addin to facilitate inserting tables in Rmarkdown documents: new blog post at: https://t.co/kCWQZwZmGO , and 📦 at https://t.co/Dbr2Q6n6nG ! #rstats #blogdown @rstudio https://t.co/wb8ElJJlWO
@nic_crane The blogdown book is 🔥! It has an inordinate amount of great advice for when things are going awry. 👏 to @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker & @apreshill. The demo site is great, too! https://t.co/TNkvpydY0B
Una manera apropiada de hacer notas es incrustando código R en LaTeX, la librería knitr() como resultado un documento con nivel #rstats https://t.co/0kqpPmajDs
This year I used Github, bookdown and Github Pages to teach my R for Social Science module in Exeter. This module teaches 2nd and 3rd year soc and polisci undergrads how to use R to analyse the Understanding Society data. Here is the result: https://t.co/L5p1sglLuY
Did a bunch of minor URL updates and started building out some automated checking today - submit your blogdown blog! https://t.co/WTR0tpxEHM #rstats #blogdown
@nicoleradziwill For hackers, the knitr one; for average book authors, the bookdown one; for general R Markdown users, wait for my next book :)
Also, shout out to @ProQuesAsker for having my favorite brand of any Blogdown website I have seen: https://t.co/gm9dX2nY1c
Version 5.1.0 of #rstats package drake is on CRAN. Reproducible workflow management for R: https://t.co/37Q3pMY4kP Commands with file targets are easier: file_out(), file_in(), knitr_in(). Improved job scheduling with make(parallelism = “future”) https://t.co/NmLyNlKjTS
@robinson_es Awww thank you! I’ve been too lazy to blog about my slides and now that you tweeted so nicely about them… no need to! See also other slide decks/posts from the same @RLadiesCapeTown meetup - @londonaesthetik’s https://t.co/unuszuJgcG - @StatsOnTheT’s https://t.co/LVlnriNdyY
Ready for your next Blogdown website? Nice list of 15 @GoHugoIO themes #rstats https://t.co/S6v6ph0NSI
@Dale_Masch @mdsumner When markdown is appropriate to use and when is not (I had a lot of headaches with analyses that take a while for run). Also caching chunks in knitr.
💫 how-to for making your #blogdown social-friendly: “Socialize your blogdown” by @xvrdm https://t.co/36l9ANI7aH #rstats #opengraph https://t.co/15DfqjgZuI
2 wks & 6 deleted repos later, finally made my #blogdown/hugo/@Netlify site w @RLadiesNYC & #rstats community help. TY @apreshill @JonTheGeek @zabormetrics @RobertMylesMc @ProQuesAsker @maureviv & of course @xieyihui https://t.co/nXzPrLSyMK
A few months overdue, but happy to say that I’m joining the Athletic. Wait that’s wrong. Happy to say that I made a Blogdown website! Thanks to @apreshill @xieyihui and @ProQuesAsker! https://t.co/MvWOgLAfcB
and @thomas_mock has joined the blogdown crowd, built a website, and started blogging, crediting tutorials and guides from @JonTheGeek, @apreshill, and @londonaesthetik for his success! ✍️💯🎉 https://t.co/WwBGVHy2nl
👯 pkgdown ⇨ blogdown, @zabormetrics has you covered! 🕸 “Creating websites in R” https://t.co/rmXHRSGFIs #rstats #scicomm https://t.co/jbdaZoE4kF
「knitrでMarkdownやHTMLにRスクリプトを埋め込んで文芸的プログラミング、Rstudioに統合されてるrmarkdownパッケージもある」 #msfd26
For people in the future who want to create a Netlify/blogdown website w/ new themes You will likely need an environmental variable for your hugo version, or else spend time in the pit of misery (aka why won’t my site go live!) https://t.co/OC0S7MauYy THANK YOU @dataandme !!! https://t.co/SW1vGBtzs3
Yay! @londonaesthetik kicking off the @RLadiesCapeTown meetup about R BLOGS! 💜 She’s sharing her tips as a brand-new & successful blogdown user 🌟👏 #rladies https://t.co/0tX7vod8Ui
Really digging into @xieyihui xaringan package for the first time (https://t.co/m85XkohFWn) and holy moly is it amazing! The Hygge “theme”(https://t.co/rQFMB1HiCa ) is such a cool add on too! This could definitely be a rabbit hole… But UO theme coming soon!
#100DaysOfCode Day 8: (day off yesterday with food poisoning 🤙🤙🤮) #RaspberryPi #SenseHat crappy bird game - almost know enough to start my own physical computing projects now! Also a few steps closer to having an #rstats #blogdown blog up and running self high five
to my #rstats #blogdown friends - I’m having a heck of a time getting a Netlify deployment to work now that I’ve added some talk files, and I’m not sure how to fix this - advice? ERROR: Failed to render “theme/section/talk.html”: runtime error: index out of range
blogdown Insert Image addin https://t.co/1c5gzWeq3p #rstats #DataScience
New website is live! https://t.co/quG03NI6uL Thank you @apreshill and @xieyihui and everyone who’s contributed to blogdown (https://t.co/b5EPgLdzJS) - this process was way too enjoyable for it to be legal https://t.co/HdkkgtsKlJ
Thanks to the assistance of @davidjbarney, the Stata guide for my course on survey data analysis is now easily accessible online. Hope some folks find it useful. https://t.co/pZkD85N7Hv
oh my GOODNESS, look at all these different statistical analyses worked out and explained with code 😂😱🤓 #rstats ! bookdown! SEM! Hierarchical models! https://t.co/w33yCtEVAs https://t.co/b9GoR9nTR6
Days like today make me love my python -> R -> knitr -> LaTeX workflow. I had a data problem early on in the pipeline. Once fixed, the results flowed all the way through analysis and plotting. #reproducibilityFTW
👩🏫Did you know you can use the #rstats #rmarkdown to blend #python, #rstats, & #sql in #revealjs 🎞️, #blogdown 📜, and #bookdown 📕? You don’t have to write R to make use of rmarkdown! Get your Windows python env configured with this post: https://t.co/tTWmuGdzVB