a few good examples from where I sit in #rstats: the tidyverse, Rcpp, knitr/rmarkdown, devtools, and @rstudio
ICYMI, check out @kwbroman’s great list of resources for modernizing your R workflow; covers knitr, tidyverse 📦s, %>%, and more https://t.co/23NddHEHQM https://t.co/YXgCzTtghK
- publish at least 1 helpful resource (maybe with bookdown) 📚 2) collaborate more (github, hackathons, etc.) 👩💻 3) graduate with Bachelor’s degree 🎓 4) get a data analyst/data scientist job 💼 https://t.co/472eyjzMB6
Loving fiancé learning #rstats and #knitr (pronounced “K-niter”) this morning! Meaning it’s only fair I learn more 🐍🐼 too🕺
@vansimke @pluralsight What about making a course about Hugo the static site generator? The R package “blogdown” has chosen Hugo as the framework that it supports best. Workflow: Write R analysis/paper/blogpost in R-markdown, publish to the web with Hugo.
The blogdown book package just arrived at my door (this sounds similar to last year https://t.co/LTtcP80lYZ). Not sure why they sent the expensive hardback copies this time, but it feels good to have something solid in my hands at the end of a year. https://t.co/9f5poTQgFc
If ever you’re still not using blogdown for your #RStats blog (you should use blogdown), here’s a little 📦 to help you create your Jekyll Github posts — a Rmd template, and a markdown format to render your Rmd as Jekyll for Github md : https://t.co/smQc2sOEvY
Starting my #rstats blog was the closest thing to a resolution for me this year! 😇 https://t.co/ssQdsPLJ2W Too bad it happened before blogdown, but what a fun year! 🤸♀️ Will YOU blog in 2018? https://t.co/gVsacXZZZd
It seems I made it, and it’s easy to summarize my 2017: Another year, another #rstats package (blogdown), another book, and still endless joy. The book has just been published by @CRCPress: https://t.co/LHTWHYqp2l (thanks @ProQuesAsker @apreshill) Let’s see what happens in 2018. https://t.co/HuhSnrHxTq
ICYMI, step⇧ your 📖⇩ “R bookdownplus: Authoring Varied Types of 📚 & Docs Easily w/ R #bookdown” by Peng Zhao https://t.co/wzcwWZUcHI #rstats https://t.co/pjxFCA8i6r
@CMastication My group is often in the same situation. I suspect soon @sharelatex will have a workable solution w speed and track changes on par w word that MAY be possible for biz leaders to use. See https://t.co/Jb8LY7jFc9.
Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr Second Edition PDF https://t.co/KJGq3ELVBw https://t.co/hqCgCYXWwL
For writing HTML slides with R markdown the new xaringan package is amazing! It’s so good, I’m converting my R workshops from reveal.js/slidify to xaringan | https://t.co/iw5NNIVXv2, #rstats - @xieyihui
I was thinking about renaming (i.e shortening) {trycatchthis} after reading @xieyihui blogpost about naming : https://t.co/XaKxya0E84. As a non-native english speaker, I have to say that the {available} package is really an incredibly useful tool. https://t.co/pOrvsRMOnu
Here is our second chapter of Geocomputation with #rstats: https://t.co/UsHZN7oBTs. It focuses on non-geographic operations on vector and raster data and have got a lot of exercises. Greetings from #AGU17 #geocompr https://t.co/MceKozEF2H
R-ing in Bogotá: New material by Pierre Nouvellet and @ZulmaCucunuba on #RECONlearn https://t.co/dbcJLJMnpj #rstats #RECONepi #blogdown #rmarkdown
@ma_salmon @lumbininep @hadleywickham Also Writing R Extensions from CRAN: https://t.co/MbrO2EUcp6 @_ColinFay bookdown-ified it, too: https://t.co/UxtCDhVAm2
Step⇧ your 📖⇩ “R bookdownplus: Authoring Varied Types of 📚 & Docs Easily w/ R #bookdown” by Peng Zhao https://t.co/jpeMuYP2vT #rstats https://t.co/gEqBdVAD0K
@pa_chevalier @humeursdevictor @rforjournalists @joelgombin @PatrickStotz @rusershamburg @useR_Brussels Et du coup, pourquoi pas plutôt un bookdown hébergé sur GitHub ?
Awesome non-academic site using the Hugo academic theme with #rstats #blogdown! ✨💫👍🏽 https://t.co/EJZjQ8GkkP
Get this, #rstats peeps: the #rmarkdown manual you’re looking for is actually the PANDOC DOCUMENTATION (https://t.co/jHZTuUCjnL) Read it, you’ll make @xieyihui happy https://t.co/WgfpydiIV5 and the whole R community will benefit.
@kwbroman It happens that I just used with() yesterday. Anyway, you must be a qualified contributor to knitr now, because in a nutshell, knitr == grep() + eval(parse()).
A little bit on importance sampling and Bayesian sensitivity analysis. https://t.co/D9IQjMuHKj
Just drafted a section on rejection sampling for my Advanced Statistical Computing book. Includes description of a groundbreaking paper by @bcaffo! https://t.co/OomPRZraWI
xtableなんかでテーブルをHTML出力してるのなら生のままにしなければならないのでasisを選択するってかんじで使う。hideは結果を表示しない R markdown(knitr)パッケージのchunk optionまとめ - https://t.co/5SoddcN7oR
@yutannihilation evaluate,結構気になっているんですよね。knitr難しすぎる…
@lsamuels222 A big 🙌 for janitor::tabyl() , being able to directly stick the output in knitr::kable()! (thank you @samfirke 🙏) #rstats
えるしってるか xaringanに themeが追加されたことを https://t.co/Hrn8HPxlmU
I’m back to the book! I put a put a few pictures into my section on Laplace approximation. https://t.co/WL0YdvPnv5
Writing a l`il Hugo theme was a nice way for me to become a bit more familiar with @rstudio blogdown’s backend: https://t.co/SfYZZ1SK09 #rstats https://t.co/Iiwo03HksE