#rstats bookdown + nginx access logs + Rscript + ggplot2 == kindle-like stats for authors https://t.co/EbdiAqVP4S
Use the animation package to create videos and animated GIFs from R graphics https://t.co/e4XKTGzlY5 #rstats
New year, new blog! Find out how to build this animation that brings a tSNE plot into focus: https://t.co/PiwR45dAqk … #blogdown #rmarkdown #ggplot2 #gganimate #tweenr #rstats https://t.co/zNXZWyq67q
@cantabile Check out https://t.co/82OUqvFPst for inspiration! Full disclosure: I maintain it! 😂 Happy new year!
reach one of my goal for 2017: start a #rstats blog powered with #blogdown and @Netlify. Add a first post on how to follow and engage with R community, https://t.co/icXv3RLWDG Thanks you all and @ma_salmon @xieyihui @drob @hadleywickham @juliasilge #rstats
@xmjandrews @Heinonmatti @rstudio The future is already here! Just update.packages() to get knitr 1.18. We haven’t officially announced it yet (waiting till the holiday season is over), but you will absolutely love the Python support in knitr/R Markdown now.
Showing the literal content of plain-text R code chunks—including the code chunk delimiters—using only plain-text markup is a pain, but pandoc and knitr are up to the task. https://t.co/HCeyVNWopy
Start a data science blog, create it in #rstats using blogdown, and post analyses on openly available data that take me out of my comfort zone and force me to learn new data science skills and tools! https://t.co/D5Jxf7K2s9
a few good examples from where I sit in #rstats: the tidyverse, Rcpp, knitr/rmarkdown, devtools, and @rstudio
ICYMI, check out @kwbroman’s great list of resources for modernizing your R workflow; covers knitr, tidyverse 📦s, %>%, and more https://t.co/23NddHEHQM https://t.co/YXgCzTtghK
- publish at least 1 helpful resource (maybe with bookdown) 📚 2) collaborate more (github, hackathons, etc.) 👩💻 3) graduate with Bachelor’s degree 🎓 4) get a data analyst/data scientist job 💼 https://t.co/472eyjzMB6
Loving fiancé learning #rstats and #knitr (pronounced “K-niter”) this morning! Meaning it’s only fair I learn more 🐍🐼 too🕺
@vansimke @pluralsight What about making a course about Hugo the static site generator? The R package “blogdown” has chosen Hugo as the framework that it supports best. Workflow: Write R analysis/paper/blogpost in R-markdown, publish to the web with Hugo.
The blogdown book package just arrived at my door (this sounds similar to last year https://t.co/LTtcP80lYZ). Not sure why they sent the expensive hardback copies this time, but it feels good to have something solid in my hands at the end of a year. https://t.co/9f5poTQgFc
If ever you’re still not using blogdown for your #RStats blog (you should use blogdown), here’s a little 📦 to help you create your Jekyll Github posts — a Rmd template, and a markdown format to render your Rmd as Jekyll for Github md : https://t.co/smQc2sOEvY
Starting my #rstats blog was the closest thing to a resolution for me this year! 😇 https://t.co/ssQdsPLJ2W Too bad it happened before blogdown, but what a fun year! 🤸♀️ Will YOU blog in 2018? https://t.co/gVsacXZZZd
It seems I made it, and it’s easy to summarize my 2017: Another year, another #rstats package (blogdown), another book, and still endless joy. The book has just been published by @CRCPress: https://t.co/LHTWHYqp2l (thanks @ProQuesAsker @apreshill) Let’s see what happens in 2018. https://t.co/HuhSnrHxTq
ICYMI, step⇧ your 📖⇩ “R bookdownplus: Authoring Varied Types of 📚 & Docs Easily w/ R #bookdown” by Peng Zhao https://t.co/wzcwWZUcHI #rstats https://t.co/pjxFCA8i6r
@CMastication My group is often in the same situation. I suspect soon @sharelatex will have a workable solution w speed and track changes on par w word that MAY be possible for biz leaders to use. See https://t.co/Jb8LY7jFc9.
Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr Second Edition PDF https://t.co/KJGq3ELVBw https://t.co/hqCgCYXWwL
For writing HTML slides with R markdown the new xaringan package is amazing! It’s so good, I’m converting my R workshops from reveal.js/slidify to xaringan | https://t.co/iw5NNIVXv2, #rstats - @xieyihui
I was thinking about renaming (i.e shortening) {trycatchthis} after reading @xieyihui blogpost about naming : https://t.co/XaKxya0E84. As a non-native english speaker, I have to say that the {available} package is really an incredibly useful tool. https://t.co/pOrvsRMOnu
Here is our second chapter of Geocomputation with #rstats: https://t.co/UsHZN7oBTs. It focuses on non-geographic operations on vector and raster data and have got a lot of exercises. Greetings from #AGU17 #geocompr https://t.co/MceKozEF2H
R-ing in Bogotá: New material by Pierre Nouvellet and @ZulmaCucunuba on #RECONlearn https://t.co/dbcJLJMnpj #rstats #RECONepi #blogdown #rmarkdown
@ma_salmon @lumbininep @hadleywickham Also Writing R Extensions from CRAN: https://t.co/MbrO2EUcp6 @_ColinFay bookdown-ified it, too: https://t.co/UxtCDhVAm2
Step⇧ your 📖⇩ “R bookdownplus: Authoring Varied Types of 📚 & Docs Easily w/ R #bookdown” by Peng Zhao https://t.co/jpeMuYP2vT #rstats https://t.co/gEqBdVAD0K
@pa_chevalier @humeursdevictor @rforjournalists @joelgombin @PatrickStotz @rusershamburg @useR_Brussels Et du coup, pourquoi pas plutôt un bookdown hébergé sur GitHub ?
Awesome non-academic site using the Hugo academic theme with #rstats #blogdown! ✨💫👍🏽 https://t.co/EJZjQ8GkkP
Get this, #rstats peeps: the #rmarkdown manual you’re looking for is actually the PANDOC DOCUMENTATION (https://t.co/jHZTuUCjnL) Read it, you’ll make @xieyihui happy https://t.co/WgfpydiIV5 and the whole R community will benefit.
@kwbroman It happens that I just used with() yesterday. Anyway, you must be a qualified contributor to knitr now, because in a nutshell, knitr == grep() + eval(parse()).