Really pumped about my new #rstats #blogdown site that’s coming along slowly but surely 🛠️ Working to finish it before job apps begin! https://t.co/FC2z8EOttB
currently writing an #rstats book based on the notes I used when I thaught at university, my previous job, my previous bookdown (https://t.co/MG4ywQ9sn9 ) and examples and codes from my blog! still being written, feedback welcome! https://t.co/L0Y6MUTxzc
@guzdial I recommend this article from @xieyihui about learning and criticizing both human and computer languages https://t.co/w6I1DzIhDO https://t.co/6mLVGNbh0c
@niszet0 あ,でもjsの前にhtmlとcssやらないと.blogdownのテーマのせいかRmdで作った記事がシンタックスハイライトされないんですよね.mdはOKという…….アドカレ,ネタ考え中です.どうせ枠空いてるかなあとか(おぃ).Japan.Rネタ候補だったR -> Juliaパッケージ移植の話をアドカレるかなあ.
Hey #developers arguing over programming languages aka language wars is not any smarter than debating English vs. Chinese. 谢谢 @xieyihui ! https://t.co/9OEjYtqwpz
A great set of #rstats tips collected by @sharon000 – I’m also a fan of xaringan::inf_mr() and DT::datatable https://t.co/Q6G8oAh0IU
This semester I’m teaching intro data science and making my slides using (don’t make me say it) xaringan. I decided to add an emoji to each title, that is (loosely) relevant to the topic of the day, it’s been fun! #rstats 📄 https://t.co/UdJyGjCRZ2 🔗https://t.co/nqRYlPEYU0 https://t.co/NGPxr7XYCO
More cool R functions you might not know (or have forgotten): janitor::get_dupes() xaringan:::inf_mr() rlist::list.filter() match.arg() readr’s parse_number() and parse_time() match.arg() My #rstats list: https://t.co/f6bZuowMpm https://t.co/lPN1XE0rx1
I’ve had some issues lately with encoding in #rstats and been meaning to get around to learning about it, so I like @xieyihui’s succinct solution: go UTF-8 or go home. “My Biggest Regret in the knitr Package” - https://t.co/2ctDJSKG6m
This weekend I experimented with Hugo https://t.co/OiIsIcq9rD for static website generation. It took me a bit to grok what’s going on, but when I saw the continuous integration with @Netlify and github, I was all: 💻🕸️😍 Blogdown with #rstats is my holiday project…
Was preparing for a lecture with #xaringan and discovered the secret presenter mode. Didn’t even know such a cool feature existed until today (you can sync presentation windows!!! what?) Thank you @xieyihui for making this awesome pkg! https://t.co/pPO5SQuTIN
blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown https://t.co/1wjEuTg88h
Enjoying @rdpeng, @jtleek & @bcaffo’s Reproducible Research course - has lots of #reproducibility and #openscience tips like how to use RMarkdown and knitr https://t.co/RkL9cXHvXI https://t.co/rHxH6FDaRc
Workshop is done & went well! It was great that there was a lot of interest and some interest even in using xaringan to make the slides 😁 I haven’t been to Japan 🇯🇵 for 18 years so I was excited to be delivering this at UTokyo and looks like I’ll come frequently in future! https://t.co/Nu8gkvNDe0
Do you follow @xieyihui’s blog? You should, and this post about learning languages (of various types) is an example of why. https://t.co/vn2G74EwYi
😬 How to get those verbatim, backticked code chunks just right, so @xieyihui doesn’t have to do it for you… “The Two Surprisingly Hard Things about the Otherwise Simple Markdown” https://t.co/furHvAxwno #rstats
I’m with @xieyihui. Team #utf8. https://t.co/IiXUdXRZox
⚠️No se pierdan este meetup en conjunto entre @RLadiesBA y @renbaires. Taller introductorio a #blogdown y #rmarkdown de la mano de @d_olivaw y @PaobCorrales ¡Un lujo terminar el año así! https://t.co/WA2lEdNtc8
I somehow missed the announcement of the winners of the bookdown contest: https://t.co/RfVj3vO1yT — so many amazing adaptations! #rstats
Any #RLadies need to update their social media profiles? A happy problem, but I need to update my bio and #blogdown site 💪🏽 These materials from talented #OHSU #WomenInSTEM @rchampieux, @dr_lrwyatt, and Olivia Hancock are 💯 (+ 🔍 @datapointier!) Link: https://t.co/5eqwhlPhoT https://t.co/Saun6Hlsji
Thinking about doing a {ggplot2} #dataviz workshop for your local #rstats meetup group, co-workers, dodgeball team? GO FOR IT! 🤾🏻♀️⛹🏿♀️ Some inspiration from the awesome #RLady @jent103: https://t.co/q2n8UcRPcN Repo w/ code for #xaringan slides: https://t.co/h9U1RDaNnE https://t.co/10CrGqwBhg
@hadleywickham @StatGarrett @minebocek I like to teach the #rstats pipe operator (%>%) after using it a bit. Slides 🖼 here: https://t.co/XWlvGUJehI #xaringan slide code on github: https://t.co/mCene7MAzb https://t.co/Gj6J65tcu1
I finally have a legit blogdown website! 100000s of thank yous to @statsgen for putting up with my incessant questions today :D https://t.co/boSwJsvCNj 💪💪😅💯
The hugo website @GoHugoIO for Academic Theme by @georgecushen now has a skill set with #rstats logo and statistics as default 😍 I so need to update my #blogdown site when I get the time! https://t.co/k0EstEOwAh
Here’s my #rstats blog 📊📈📉 : https://t.co/nZ0GpDyznh 😃 #blogdown #rladies (with the correct url this time !) https://t.co/KG8cqMPqLC
@ma_salmon @krlmlr Any interest in a bookdown-specific vignette? It feels like this info is too hard to discover, and I spent the better part of Wednesday reading random bookdown authors’ .travis.yml files and corresponding commits https://t.co/4859N8mS3E
Hey #RStats Twitter, Just a friendly reminder that xaringan:::inf_mr() works on any Rmd, and allows you to live preview your RMarkdown in the Viewer. https://t.co/HnKCBXDwHD https://t.co/hAYwRVirx7
Find a typo somewhere in a bookdown book (e.g. https://t.co/qhjweruLuL) or in a package readme/docs on github? You can propose the fix yourself! Follow this step-by-step tutorial w/ lots of screenshots https://t.co/YltfGzez5o. H/t & thank you to @dataandme @jtrnyc @zachbogart.
We hope everyone who came out last week enjoyed the #blogdown tutorial! Can’t wait to see your websites 🕸️🌐👩💻! If you missed it, @justinjmillar has his slides available at https://t.co/o0u6z9QRY7 and recommends this book 📖 https://t.co/5Bxm5pfmHd