🎉 all the @lenkiefer viz 🙌, now w/ #blogdown "Visualizing uncertainty in housing data" https://t.co/hrR7Kvzx1t… https://t.co/bF6sT4Wir7



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 3612): 🎉 all the @lenkiefer viz 🙌, now w/ #blogdown “Visualizing uncertainty in housing data” https://t.co/hrR7Kvzx1t… https://t.co/bF6sT4Wir7

にっこ・りー損 (@proxymoon; 0/0): このblogdownってやつは面倒くさくないんですかね、、

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 0/0): #RStats — R Weekly 2017-38 Community, Blogdown, Explanation https://t.co/1nPkOHYvTb

Thomas Bayes (@Indies4Trump; 0/0): example blogdown post without meme shared on Facebook https://t.co/n0yY5fgoIj


Dave Harris (@davidjayharris; 20): @thePeerJ After a half-dozen false starts and useless threads (e.g. https://t.co/K62OnpUGwi), the best I could do w… https://t.co/nJg5rCbrT4


Javascript flux (@JavascriptBot; 0/2): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Serie here https://t.co/N8OjbxSa6S #javascript @javascriptbot

WordPress Flux (@wordpressbot; 0/0): Dynamic Documents With R And Knitr, Second Edition (chapman & Hall/crc The R Series) here https://t.co/cxZOdr1Epx #css @wordpressbot


koshi (@ksmzn; 10): xaringan 、RStudioをPreview版にしたらクラッシュしなくなりました。

koshi (@ksmzn; 0/0): xaringan 使ってみようと思ったら、僕の環境だとクラッシュするのはなぜだろう


Raniere Silva (@rgaiacs; 57): .@xieyihui latest blog post “The Minimal Reproducible Example Paradox”, https://t.co/RGNvrVIF8T, is a must read for all software users.

Nicholas Horton (@askdrstats; 31): Wisdom on helping users construct minimally reproducible examples https://t.co/L213chk0Aj #reprex #rstats @rstudio @xieyihui @ThisisStats