I wrote my thesis using bookdown in #rstats. Would a blogpost detailing some tips and tricks to supplement the bookdown book be useful?



Emil OW Kirkegaard (@KirkegaardEmil; 0/0): Blogging with #rstats markdown: now made easier. Maybe convert your site @gwern? https://t.co/ortdQumHET

RPubs recent entry (@RPubsRecent; 0/0): blogdown feature request: meme https://t.co/ppzoYG7lzc


Ed Berry (@ed_berry; 103): I wrote my thesis using bookdown in #rstats. Would a blogpost detailing some tips and tricks to supplement the bookdown book be useful?

Ed Berry (@ed_berry; 10): @xmjandrews @FrederikAust Bookdown really shines when outputting to html as seen with all the online R books you get now

Mareviv (@maureviv; 0/0): I’d go back in time and write my thesis in #bookdown https://t.co/fsq7AyQohh

Everet Rummel 🌐📊 (@TheRealEveret; 0/0): A completely free intro econometrics textbook written w/ #rstats bookdown package https://t.co/cfxsCH3JkX #economics #statistics

Ed Berry (@ed_berry; 0/0): @xmjandrews @shravanvasishth Maybe a better way of putting it is that bookdown is easier to use when you’re going i… https://t.co/Cl9o0J4zug

Chris Chapman (@cnchapman; 0/0): @eleafeit @randyzwitch @generativist If format is not an issue, use reproducible results tool like R bookdown. Othe… https://t.co/H9gQKPo81n

Mark Andrews (@xmjandrews; 0/0): @ed_berry to learn more about the lower level details of RMarkdown/bookdown. Another option is Knitr with LaTeX, e… https://t.co/y07yHknvw6

Mark Andrews (@xmjandrews; 0/0): @ed_berry Sorry. src is the RMarkdown source. My issue with markdown/bookdown is getting fine grained control like… https://t.co/G48HNcF6mN


Richard Telford (@richardjtelford; 20): @robinson_es @statsforbios I use knitr::read_chunk and have code in separate file. Also helps make ms and presentat… https://t.co/PkzwWvxSxR

Frederik Aust (@FrederikAust; 10): @xmjandrews @ed_berry As for figures, you can customize the environment with the chunk option fig.env: https://t.co/HfAa5HhQSG

Cassie Brandes (@cmbrandes; 0/0): Anybody else having issues knitting PDFs in RStudio 1.1 beta? Specifically with pandoc: setting a diff wd/filepath for data & knitr output.

முஹம்மத் ஷிம்ரான் (@ThamizhPaiyan; 0/0): rmarkdown knitr child intermediate_dir https://t.co/kk0pN3RtOC https://t.co/wvb1vfNCqs

Mark Andrews (@xmjandrews; 0/0): @ed_berry to learn more about the lower level details of RMarkdown/bookdown. Another option is Knitr with LaTeX, e… https://t.co/y07yHknvw6


Andreas Bender (@adiBender; 20): Our slides from yesterdays appliedR #meetup #Munich: https://t.co/86PQvyWnl5 The #xaringan .Rmd source here: https://t.co/Z0x1Z47kga


Frederik Aust (@FrederikAust; 10): @xmjandrews @ed_berry As for figures, you can customize the environment with the chunk option fig.env: https://t.co/HfAa5HhQSG

Colin Fay (@_ColinFay; 0/1): The Minimal Reproducible Example Paradox https://t.co/lwruyGrMxL