My first major PR as an @rstudio summer intern has been merged! #ggplot2 now has a new vignette on best practices for using it within an #rstats 📦. If you have an #rstats 📦 that uses ggplot give it a read and let me know what you think! https://t.co/mdGGAtPgEq
[Free Textbook] #Probability Course, Harvard University (Based on R): https://t.co/5zBhmBNwEs ——— #DataScience #MachineLearning #Rstats #Statistics #StatisticalLiteracy #DataLiteracy #Mathematics #abdsc https://t.co/S6jEJHj06N
Happy to announce that the #rstats/#rspatial package {biscale} for bivariate thematic mapping is now on CRAN! Thanks to @grssnbchr and @angelozehr for developing the workflow and @jscarto for the excellent palettes. All the details are here - https://t.co/INTbQD1kGE https://t.co/qdVK7tA1tb
Big thanks to @sastoudt for awesome new stringr vignette: https://t.co/Jwe1DP6pgj. It compares base string functions to their stringr equivalents so that you more easily see the differences #rstats https://t.co/whoYgWw1ci
Wow, this is it! It’s exactly as I imagined. #rstats https://t.co/yIBBscg2hw
We are proud to officially announce RStudio v1.2 The IDE includes dozens of new productivity enhancements and capabilities Read the update at https://t.co/VwaUBFl5ap #rstats #DataScience https://t.co/8wEyafNMsf
The update to “Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse” is live https://t.co/alBJXHKIrf! Some of the major changes include: Refitting all models with #brms 2.8.0 Adopting the seed argument in all brm() models Updated workflow for the WAIC and LOO 1/n
说说我在 Linux 下写书所用的工具,希望对感兴趣的朋友有所参考: * 源文档:R Markdown,原生的 Markdown 就行,但它有一些不错的扩展特性。 * 目标文档:可产生 LaTeX 再最终生成 PDF、类似 GitBook 的 HTML、ePub,Mobi 再由 ePub 转制。 * 底层:Pandoc * 上层:Bookdown * 优点:一种源,多种输出
#rstats protip: lots of #leaflet maps will slow down #bookdown website builds (due to #pandoc), but you can avoid this by saving each map in a separate html file (htmlwidgets::saveWidget) and embedding them with iframes. You can also share lib dirs to reduce size.
I just taught a conference workshop for R newbies, and I wanted to send them home with an online booklet (https://t.co/kadYTvrazx) to try out. @xieyihui’s wonderful bookdown to the rescue! The sugar on top? @eddelbuettel ’s
package for the slides (https://t.co/RPldiCwbo5).
Excited to travel to Canberra, Australia as a keynote speaker for the @2019Young- thanks to @statsgen for wrangling the invitation! 💌 #ysc2019 https://t.co/Hx8kGm9RHs ➕ #xaringan title slide code below 👇🏾 (fave trick: use #rmarkdown::metadata$<KEY> to pull values from YAML) https://t.co/pBYq3S8db4
ICYMI, ⚔️ Instant preview, no rebuild required! “The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides” 👨🏻💻 @xieyihui https://t.co/S96Gb0aifE #rstats #rmarkdown https://t.co/3Sb4xgH008
私が初めて知っただけですが、Jupyterもブック形式での出力に注力している様子。早期の開発版という状態。Bookdownにも敬意を払っていて素晴らしい。R,Python, Julia、言語を問わない利点は大きい。すでにいくつかあるけど、今後これを使った教材が増えていくのだろうな。 https://t.co/2BmqCO6s4K https://t.co/KSUdznrNqI
👉 #rstats and knitr tip! You can apply custom CSS to source and output code using the
and class.output
chunk opts. 🎉 And with knitr 1.22 (on GitHub now), you can apply custom styles to messages, warnings and errors! 🙏 @xieyihui! https://t.co/p1EzVBOCOE
THIS IS SO COOL!!! Instantaneous #xaringan #rstats slide previews! 🤩 @xieyihui, you rock! https://t.co/MEGhQCuq7e https://t.co/yYG5zIRM0C
Happy to share new tutorial on
package! https://t.co/QwgL1w5bvi Attempts to explain (~ < 10 min.) - why this package exists - current functionality - benefits - limitations Big thanks to @xieyihui for #xaringan & @grrrck for CSS template! #rstats #dataviz #ggplot https://t.co/2cqJIkIie5
my #ggplot2 flipbook project is online! 😎🤓🤓 Incrementally walks through plotting code (#MakeoverMonday, soon #TidyTuesday plots). Using #xaringan with reveal function; thanks, @statsgen @grrrck. #rstats. https://t.co/bBBzv0iZLw https://t.co/tFtD78IOHZ
Setting up your blog with RStudio and blogdown II: Workflow https://t.co/1dVurih63C #rstats #DataScience
#Rstats I like @hadleywickham ’s r-pkgs book, and I would love it even more if it’s in @xieyihui’s bookdown format. So I took a couple hours tonight to covert it to bookdown version https://t.co/9ANYP8hqoR
I’m not a ninja, but sharing my favorite #xaringan tricks we talked about in the Advanced R Markdown workshop at #rstudioconf. Slides are here: https://t.co/z4FZ1cgRuJ First up: name your slides! Makes it easier to link out and cross reference within deck https://t.co/zVswMzkivf https://t.co/HrOF4t5juG
🤯bookdown w/ runable exercises, & interactive JS extensions… 📕 “Introduction to Econometrics w/ R” by Christoph Hanck, Martin Arnold, Alexander Gerber & Martin Schmelzer https://t.co/SgP9CYDKkZ https://t.co/WQkb3FWJp9 #rstats #repeatTweet https://t.co/vj017el7u4
The tidyeval bookdown is 🔥🔥🔥. If one of your 2019 #rstats goals was to learn tidyeval, check it out! https://t.co/nxzAivN1IK #Tidyverse
2019 #rstats goals: 1. Create more packages about time series tools 2. Explore more about #ts #forecast hybrid and forecast combinations 3. Create my own #ggplot theme 4. Refine my presentation using #xaringan 5. Create my blog and book using #blogdown and #bookdown
My 2019 #rstats goals: 1️⃣ Convince/help at least two grad students to write their own R packages 2️⃣ Learn better way to automate feature engineering (neural nets) for text 3️⃣ Make cheat sheet, bookdown manual, or some crap like that 4️⃣ Tend to GHissues
It’s FINISHED @djnavarro see it all 18 chapters here: https://t.co/bag21zlzDP https://t.co/wGTvX2OM1R
@djnavarro @lingtax @kylehamilton Bookdown is being annoying with my URL - so if you’re looking for this and can’t find it try https://t.co/bag21zlzDP for the most recent version on git
TIL that @emilyandthelime has converted a large part of Learning Statistics with R into bookdown and it is amazing 🤩. Given that some parts of LSR are older than R Markdown and the original LaTeX source is a mess, I’m just in awe! 🥳🎈🎂💃 https://t.co/WxaBjNhOd9
🤯bookdown w/ runable exercises, & interactive JS extensions… 📕 “Introduction to Econometrics w/ R” by Christoph Hanck, Martin Arnold, Alexander Gerber & Martin Schmelzer https://t.co/M1cx9761QH https://t.co/WQkb3FWJp9 #rstats https://t.co/okp7Xh8LSN
Closing off the year making R logos from perler beads and cleaning up the ninja xaringan theme 🤗 Some new features to come for the ninja themes in the new year 🥳 #rstats https://t.co/5T4WqhlxpY